Jake Max


Win/Loss Statistics

2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Victories - - - 8 9 17
Losses - - 6 13 17 36
Win Ratio - - 0.0% 38.1% 34.6% 32.1%
Pool Victories - - - 6 7 13
Pool Losses - - 5 10 13 28
Pool Win Ratio - - 0.0% 37.5% 35.0% 31.7%
DE Victories - - - 2 2 4
DE Losses - - 1 3 4 8
DE Win Ratio - - 0.0% 40.0% 33.3% 33.3%

Note: Seasons start on August 1st and end on July 31st.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Easy wins - - - 3 3 6
Easy wins as % of wins - - - 37.5% 33.3% 35.3%
Close wins - - - 1 2 3
Close wins as % of all wins - - - 12.5% 22.2% 17.6%
Close losses - - - 2 1 3
Close losses as % of all losses - - 0.0% 15.4% 5.9% 8.3%
Big losses - - 4 8 9 21
Big losses as % of all losses - - 66.7% 61.5% 52.9% 58.3%

Easy victories or big losses are those with the score difference of 4 or more touches in a pool, 7 or more touches in direct elimination, and 5 or more in veteran and youth direct elimination.
Close bouts are those with the score difference of 1 or fewer touches in a pool, 3 or fewer touches in direct elimination, or 2 or fewer touches in veteran or youth direct elimination.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Events - - 1 3 4 8
Tournaments - - 1 2 4 7

Competition History

South Coast RJCC/ROC

Junior Men's Saber (A2, JNR), September 23, 2022
Place 56 of 59, Seed 45, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 0:5 WONG James T. 30 D22 46 Phoenix Fencing Academy 2230 1696 13.8 19%
Pool D 0:5 BEITEL Noah 24 C21 12 Fencing Academy Of Denver 2505 1682 7.1 9%
Pool D 3:5 TAO Jeffrey 11 110 D22 35 Spartak 2537 1675 6.4 8%
Pool D 1:5 YAN Kevin 46 U 22 Southern California Fencing Academy (SOCALFA) 2031 1669 17.9 28%
Pool D 2:5 HOLZ Daniel 8 77 C22 3 Premier Fencing Academy LLC 2870 1651 2.1 2%
T64 D 2:15 XU William 4 23 B22 2 Cardinal Fencing Club / Premier Fencing Academy LLC 3031 1842 9.6 4%

South Coast RJCC

Junior Men's Saber (B2, JNR), November 21, 2021
Place 40 of 46, Seed 46, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 4:5 LO Konnor 21 E19 28 Spartak 2416 1758 11.7 14%
Pool D 2:5 CASTRO-SOLIS HUGO ABEL 8 B19 1 Southern California Fencing Academy (SOCALFA) 3219 1746 1.2 1%
Pool D 4:5 TSAI Michael T. 39 U 37 Phoenix Fencing Academy 1734 1745 34.8 51%
Pool D 1:5 HO Aiden 23 U 25 West Coast Fencing Academy 2290 1710 13.0 18%
Pool D 1:5 WU MENGKE 7 B21 3 Laguna Fencing Center 3075 1697 1.4 1%
T64 D 7:15 CASTANEDA jr CARLOS A. 22 E18 7 Unattached 2500 1877 35.6 28%

South Coast RJCC

Cadet Men's Saber (C2, CDT), November 20, 2021
Place 34 of 38, Seed 14, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 1:5 CAISSE Simon B. 23 U 10 Hangtown Saber Club 2147 1838 26.7 31%
Pool D 2:5 JAIN Aniket 27 U 26 Cardinal Fencing Club 1696 1812 46.0 57%
Pool D 1:5 TAO Jeffrey 38 U 14 Team Touche Fencing Center 2541 1765 9.8 11%
Pool D 3:5 LO Konnor 11 E19 15 Spartak 2396 1756 12.9 15%
Pool V 5:0 WRIGHT Spencer 36 U 38 Village Fencing Club 1356 1743 18.8 70%
Pool D 0:5 WANG Eric Y. 2 26 B21 7 Laguna Fencing Center 2898 1762 3.4 3%
T64 D 4:15 LINDSEY Aiden 17 U 31 Laguna Fencing Center 890 2128 250.5 95%

SoCal Scholastic League Individual Epee/Saber #1

Men's High School Saber (E1), October 24, 2021
Place 3 of 18, Seed 16, Not ranked, Rating U, International School / Swordplay LA
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:3 SUNG Jeremy 7 U 10 La Salle High School / West Coast Fencing Academy 2500 1584 52.8 19%
Pool V 5:3 MARKS Ryan 12 U 5 Chaminade / Avant Garde Fencers Club 2378 1637 69.6 17%
Pool V 5:0 KARZ Eitan 14 U 12 YULA 3068 1706 76.5 7%
Pool V 5:4 LIN Wilson 6 U 14 Southwestern Academy / West Coast Fencing Academy 2008 1783 40.7 39%
Pool V 5:2 ZENDEHDEL Eliav 1 U 18 YULA 1154 1824 14.6 80%
T16 V 15:3 OBIDA Martin Elios 11 U 16 Mountain View High School 2921 1863 202.3 14%
T8 V 15:10 MARKS Ryan 12 U 5 Chaminade / Avant Garde Fencers Club 2386 2065 133.8 36%
T4 D 5:15 HO Aiden 8 U 2 Temple City High School / West Coast Fencing Academy 2543 2199 71.5 33%

SoCal Division 2019-2020 SN Qualifier

Div II Men's Saber (E1, DV2), March 8, 2020
Place 7 of 11, Seed 8, Not ranked, Rating U, Swordplay LA
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 2:5 LIKER Maxim J. 5 U 5 Avant Garde Fencers Club / Beverly Hills High School 2107 1615 30.2 22%
Pool D 0:5 BAUER Hank E. 1 D20 2 La International Fencing / Esla 2304 1585 18.3 13%
Pool V 5:0 SIVAKUMAR Ashwin 6 U 10 West Coast Fencing Academy 1450 1566 48.3 57%
Pool V 5:1 KORINTH Steve 11 U 9 South Bay Fencing Academy 1581 1614 48.0 52%
Pool D 1:5 GARDNER David 9 U 8 University of California Santa Barbara fencing 1169 1662 78.7 76%
T16 V 15:14 SIVAKUMAR Ashwin 6 U 10 West Coast Fencing Academy 1942 1808 204.5 44%
T8 D 6:15 KORINTH Alexander J. 3 E19 1 South Bay Fencing Academy / LA International Fencing 2121 2013 149.7 44%

West Coast Saber Cup

Y-14 Men's Saber (U, Y14), January 12, 2020
Place 12 of 15, Seed 10, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 1:5 MIYASAKI-CASTRO Masanobu 15 U 3 South Bay Fencing Academy 1880 1703 79.4 40%
Pool D 1:5 GILSHTEYN Jacob 14 U 9 LA International Fencing 1670 1624 83.9 47%
Pool D 2:5 SONG Matthew 2 U 5 West Coast Fencing Academy 2134 1540 32.6 23%
Pool V 5:0 FINN John 8 U 15 West Coast Fencing Academy 1345 1507 53.3 58%
Pool V 5:4 MANOHARA Rajath 11 U 3 West Coast Fencing Academy 1867 1561 98.7 32%
Pool D 2:5 ZHAO Aaron 3 U 7 West Coast Fencing Academy 1949 1659 44.5 33%
T16 D 3:15 ZHAO Aaron 3 U 7 West Coast Fencing Academy 1471 2168 359.7 78%

West Coast Saber Cup

Y-14 Men's Saber (U, Y14), May 5, 2019
Place 16 of 16, Seed 11, Not ranked, Rating U, (none)
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 0:5 DAVIS Oliver 7 U 9 Avant Garde Fencers Club, Inc (CA) (AGFC) / Buckley School 1725 2532 383.2 86%
Pool D 3:5 COOK Cole 6 U 13 Laguna Fencing Center 1827 2149 204.8 67%
Pool D 0:5 GEORGE Noah 12 U 8 West Coast Fencing Academy 1338 1944 186.5 78%
Pool D 3:5 LO Konnor 9 U 5 Golden Sabre Academy 2619 1758 27.5 10%
Pool D 2:5 CHEN Lucas B. 1 89 E19 1 West Coast Fencing Academy 2564 1730 27.0 11%
T16 D 8:15 CHEN Lucas B. 1 89 E19 1 West Coast Fencing Academy 2570 2459 291.4 45%

West Coast Saber Cup

Y-12 Men's Saber (U, Y12), February 3, 2019
Place 7 of 15, Seed 4, Not ranked, Rating U, (none)
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:2 LIN Oliver 12 U 12 West Coast Fencing Academy 2127 2500 378.4 63%
Pool D 2:5 KIM Maxwell J. 3 U 9 Avant Garde Fencers Club, Inc (CA) (AGFC) 2132 2878 687.9 79%
Pool V 5:3 HUANG Dylan 9 U 13 West Coast Fencing Academy 1539 2191 119.9 75%
Pool V 5:2 ARROYO Santiago 10 U 5 Avant Garde Fencers Club, Inc (CA) (AGFC) 2242 2310 221.7 53%
T16 V 15:10 LIN Oliver 12 U 12 West Coast Fencing Academy 2079 2500 331.8 63%
T8 D 14:15 ANDRES Michael 11 U 3 Salle D'Asaro 3012 2832 372.6 43%