Win/Loss Statistics

2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Victories 9 - 22 - 11 42
Losses - - 14 - 5 19
Win Ratio 100.0% - 61.1% - 68.8% 68.9%
Pool Victories 4 - 17 - 8 29
Pool Losses - - 9 - 3 12
Pool Win Ratio 100.0% - 65.4% - 72.7% 70.7%
DE Victories 5 - 5 - 3 13
DE Losses - - 5 - 2 7
DE Win Ratio 100.0% - 50.0% - 60.0% 65.0%

Note: Seasons start on August 1st and end on July 31st.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Easy wins 7 - 9 - 4 20
Easy wins as % of wins 77.8% - 40.9% - 36.4% 47.6%
Close wins - - 5 - 2 7
Close wins as % of all wins 0.0% - 22.7% - 18.2% 16.7%
Close losses - - 3 - 1 4
Close losses as % of all losses - - 21.4% - 20.0% 21.1%
Big losses - - 3 - 2 5
Big losses as % of all losses - - 21.4% - 40.0% 26.3%

Easy victories or big losses are those with the score difference of 4 or more touches in a pool, 7 or more touches in direct elimination, and 5 or more in veteran and youth direct elimination.
Close bouts are those with the score difference of 1 or fewer touches in a pool, 3 or fewer touches in direct elimination, or 2 or fewer touches in veteran or youth direct elimination.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Events 1 - 5 - 2 8
Tournaments 1 - 1 - 1 3

Competition History

International Summer Cup 2024

Senior Women's Saber (A2, SNR), August 6, 2024
Place 1 of 32, Seed 4, Not ranked, Rating A24, Apollon Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:1 NIU Jessica 16 E24 13 Advance fitness fencing academy 1711 2835 5.3 96%
Pool V 5:2 MEDVINSKY Alexandra 8 C24 9 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 2150 2840 15.8 86%
Pool V 5:0 FIGELMAN Maya 27 U 25 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 1115 2856 0.5 > 99%
Pool V 5:0 LEIGH Adalene 28 U 32 Olymlian Fencing Studio 1322 2856 1.2 99%
T32 V 15:4 LEIGH Adalene 28 U 32 Olymlian Fencing Studio 1541 2628 11.4 95%
T16 V 15:8 PENNER Tabitha 13 D23 14 Elite Escrime Montreal 2135 2640 38.7 76%
T8 V 15:7 VINOKUR Anita 26 C23 8 Stamford Fencing Club 2227 2678 40.9 76%
T4 V 15:5 GUGALA Hanna 3 A24 3 Bergen Fencing Club 2540 2719 58.3 61%
T2 V 15:11 MELNYCHUK Yelyzaveta 1 A24 2 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 3249 2777 109.6 23%

International Camp 2022 (Session 2)

Div II Women's Saber (C2, DV2), August 6, 2022
Place 2 of 25, Seed 9, Not ranked, Rating E21, Apollon Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 2:5 MARYASH Samantha 3 D22 1 Stamford Fencing Club 2347 2915 105.8 82%
Pool V 5:3 LIM Alexa 18 U 18 Allegro Fencing Center 1537 2809 3.6 98%
Pool V 5:3 PROZUMENT Elizabeth 22 U 22 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 1367 2813 1.9 99%
Pool V 5:1 MEDVINSKY Alexandra 25 U 12 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 2207 2815 19.8 83%
T32 V 15:6 HORVITZ Jacqueline 20 U 22 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 1192 2547 11.9 96%
T16 V 15:5 SADOVA Olga 5 D22 10 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 2402 2559 98.7 59%
T4 V 15:13 MUND Ruth 4 D22 3 Stamford Fencing Club 2401 2658 76.2 65%
T2 D 13:15 MARYASH Samantha 3 D22 1 Stamford Fencing Club 2654 2734 105.7 55%

International Camp 2022 (Session 2)

Senior Mixed Épée (None, SNR), August 5, 2022
Place 7 of 7, Seed 6, Not ranked, Rating U, Apollon Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 0:5 NOBLE Colin 7 U 3 Lilov Fencing Academy
Pool D 1:5 BULBA Daria 5 U 3 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 2500 2500 420.5 50%
Pool D 3:5 MAKLIN Edward 3 U 2 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc.
Pool D 4:5 FOTIYEV Alan R. 1 U 1 Olympian Fencing Studio / Stamford Fencing Center, LLC
Pool D 2:5 BABAYEV Gabriel A. 2 U 6 Stamford Fencing Club
Pool D 2:5 RASTEGAEV Andrei 4 U 5 Elite Montreal Fencing
T8 D 4:15 MAKLIN Edward 3 U 2 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc.

International Camp 2022 (Session 2)

Senior Mixed Saber (A2, SNR), August 5, 2022
Place 15 of 61, Seed 27, Not ranked, Rating E21, Apollon Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:2 LAGOON Miriam 48 U 51 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 1869 2888 9.1 95%
Pool D 3:5 KWALWASSER Eric 17 D22 17 Stamford Fencing Club
Pool D 2:5 GONZALEZ Emilio 5 B22 10 Scarsdale Fencing Center / Fencers Club Inc.
Pool V 5:3 GIBEK Victoria 36 U 53 Stamford Fencing Club 1698 2897 5.3 97%
Pool V 5:0 PENNER Tabitha 59 U 50 Elite Montreal Fencing 2011 2902 13.2 90%
T64 V 15:3 HORVITZ Jacqueline 61 U 46 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 1210 2534 13.5 96%
T32 V 15:11 MEHAN Nicholas 21 E22 18 Stamford Fencing Club
T16 D 9:15 KIM-COGAN Ryan 10 C22 7 Stamford Fencing Club

International Camp 2022 (Session 2)

Senior Women's Saber (B2, SNR), August 4, 2022
Place 9 of 27, Seed 1, Not ranked, Rating E21, Apollon Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:0 NAYAK Esha 23 E22 7 Stamford Fencing Club 2054 2732 24.4 85%
Pool V 5:4 BULBA Daria 10 B22 6 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 3579 2756 116.0 14%
Pool V 5:0 FIGELMAN Maya 22 U 23 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 1747 2872 9.9 93%
Pool V 5:1 HORVITZ Jacqueline 21 U 17 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 1352 2882 1.9 99%
Pool V 5:1 FREEMAN Armine 20 U 26 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 1528 2884 3.6 98%
T16 D 12:15 KHAN Alissa 7 C21 8 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 2508 2727 193.0 62%

International Camp 2022 (Session 2)

Junior Mixed Saber (A2, JNR), August 3, 2022
Place 19 of 67, Seed 59, Not ranked, Rating U, Apollon Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:2 LIN Phillip 46 U 47 Stamford Fencing Club
Pool V 5:4 BODEAN Igor 36 U 60 Elite Montreal Fencing 1979 2573 34.8 74%
Pool V 5:4 XIKES Katherine 5 B22 29 Integrity Fencing Studio 2553 2608 80.0 53%
Pool V 5:4 HUANG Connor 26 E22 7 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc.
Pool V 5:3 SADOVA Olga 15 D22 37 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 2286 2688 43.7 73%
Pool V 5:2 LEUNG Ian 57 U 42 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc.
T32 D 10:15 RASTEGAEV Andrei 28 U 14 Elite Montreal Fencing

Mission SYC

Y-10 Women's Saber (U, Y10), May 5, 2019
Place 3 of 20, Seed 20, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:3 AHMED Lily 10 U 14 Hills Fencing Institute (H3) 2500 2389 102.0 46%
Pool D 1:5 HUANG Rachael 3 13 U 11 Lilov Fencing Academy 2502 2491 132.5 49%
Pool V 5:1 CHIARELLI Valentina 9 38 U 16 Manhattan Fencing Center 2059 2358 79.6 67%
Pool V 5:4 MCKEE Brynnley 14 U 3 Stamford Fencing Center, LLC 2029 2438 60.0 72%
Pool V 5:1 BERMAN greta 4 14 U 12 Manhattan Fencing Center 2312 2498 75.5 61%
T16 V 10:6 BERMAN greta 4 14 U 12 Manhattan Fencing Center 2528 2405 304.9 44%
T8 V 10:8 MAKLIN Sofia 6 19 U 6 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 2778 2710 233.7 47%
T4 D 8:10 TSUI Natalie 1 9 U 2 Manhattan Fencing Center 2763 2944 217.0 60%

Mission SYC

Y-12 Women's Saber (U, Y12), May 4, 2019
Place 25 of 58, Seed 57, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:2 MONTORIO Lily M. 39 U 41 Sheridan Fencing Academy 1676 2500 247.9 79%
Pool D 2:5 SINHA Anika 4 15 E19 9 Advance Fencing And Fitness Academy 2763 2748 425.0 49%
Pool V 5:2 SHAH Aanika A. 34 U 56 Island Fencing Center 1431 2323 103.4 82%
Pool V 5:1 MCKEE Brynnley 50 U 39 Stamford Fencing Center, LLC 1774 2426 123.1 79%
Pool D 2:5 JAVERI Amaya 15 34 U 22 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club 2089 2549 360.2 73%
Pool V 5:3 HUANG Caroline 22 50 U 29 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 2309 2189 199.5 43%
T64 V 15:4 MONTORIO Lily M. 39 U 41 Sheridan Fencing Academy 2028 2500 351.7 67%
T32 D 5:15 YUAN Greta 21 43 E18 12 Premier Fencing Club 2742 2852 446.6 55%