Victoria Zamlynny


Win/Loss Statistics

2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Victories 5 17 26 - - 48
Losses 2 16 26 - - 44
Win Ratio 71.4% 51.5% 50.0% - - 52.2%
Pool Victories 4 13 17 - - 34
Pool Losses 2 12 19 - - 33
Pool Win Ratio 66.7% 52.0% 47.2% - - 50.7%
DE Victories 1 4 9 - - 14
DE Losses - 4 7 - - 11
DE Win Ratio 100.0% 50.0% 56.2% - - 56.0%

Note: Seasons start on August 1st and end on July 31st.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Easy wins 4 7 12 - - 23
Easy wins as % of wins 80.0% 41.2% 46.2% - - 47.9%
Close wins - 4 5 - - 9
Close wins as % of all wins 0.0% 23.5% 19.2% - - 18.8%
Close losses - 1 2 - - 3
Close losses as % of all losses 0.0% 6.2% 7.7% - - 6.8%
Big losses 1 9 16 - - 26
Big losses as % of all losses 50.0% 56.2% 61.5% - - 59.1%

Easy victories or big losses are those with the score difference of 4 or more touches in a pool, 7 or more touches in direct elimination, and 5 or more in veteran and youth direct elimination.
Close bouts are those with the score difference of 1 or fewer touches in a pool, 3 or fewer touches in direct elimination, or 2 or fewer touches in veteran or youth direct elimination.

Bouts with Time Expired

2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Victories - 2 2 - - 4
Victories as % of all victories 0.0% 11.8% 7.7% - - 8.3%
Losses - - 1 - - 1
Losses as % of all losses 0.0% 0.0% 3.8% - - 2.3%
Total - 2 3 - - 5
Total as % of all bouts 0.0% 6.1% 5.8% - - 5.4%


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Events 1 5 7 - - 13
Tournaments 1 5 7 - - 13

Competition History

Boston Fencing Club RYC

Y-12 Women's Foil (U, Y12), March 2, 2025
Place 11 of 31, Seed 15, Not ranked, Rating U, Medeo Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:0 LAI Piper 12 U 31 Marx Fencing Academy 1033 1055 18.1 51%
Pool V 5:1 YAN Elena 22 U 26 Star Fencing Academy 602 1073 8.7 78%
Pool V 5:2 SUN Erin 28 U 13 Star Fencing Academy 926 1082 14.6 60%
Pool D 1:5 XING Melly 1 66 U 2 5T Fencers Club 1594 1096 8.0 21%
Pool V 5:1 BENNETT Emi 17 U 22 Vivo Fencing Club 1031 1088 16.4 54%
Pool D 2:5 MILLER Anna 11 U 12 Star Fencing Academy 926 1104 21.6 62%
T32 V 15:7 MCCLELLAN Florence 21 U 24 Vivo Fencing Club 732 1756 7.7 92%

Capitol Clash SYC/RCC & Y8

Y-12 Women's Foil (B2, Y12), January 15, 2024
Place 81 of 117, Seed 81, Not ranked, Rating U, Medeo Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 3:5 MAGALLANES GABRIELA 14 23 E23 13 Masters Fencing Club 1989 1084 3.8 7%
Pool V 5:4 YOUM Amelia 54 U 90 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (Port Chester) 881 1080 15.3 63%
Pool V 5:4 OWEN Alexandra 89 U 96 OnTarget Fencing Club 862 1096 14.3 65%
Pool D 1:5 LEE Jeemin 21 39 E23 27 Auburn Fencing Club 1655 1110 8.1 19%
Pool D 1:5 RAFFAELE Nancy 48 U 56 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club 993 1102 22.4 57%
Pool D 2:5 CHEN Aimee 88 U 46 864 1080 24.7 64%
T128 D 2:15 SHIN Elizabeth 42 102 U 32 Top Fencing Club 1517 1822 66.4 68%

Boston Fencing Club RYC

Y-12 Women's Foil (U, Y12), December 31, 2023
Place 13 of 31, Seed 14, Not ranked, Rating U, Medeo Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:4 ZHENG Annalyn 27 U 24 5T Fencers Club 875 1060 17.6 62%
Pool D 4:5 ZHANG Zoey 4 89 U 10 Gold Fencing Club 1276 1077 16.9 37%
Pool V 5:2 GE Deanna 22 U 11 Star Fencing Academy 1284 1060 28.5 36%
Pool V 5:3 BENTLEY Amelia 17 U 30 Rhode Island Fencing Academy And Club 596 1089 9.7 79%
Pool D 0:5 YIN Chloe 7 103 U 7 Star Fencing Academy 1358 1099 14.4 34%
T32 V 15:6 BENNETT Emi 24 U 20 Vivo Fencing Club 1525 1852 33.2 69%
T16 D 8:15 LLOYD Bianca 13 U 3 Manhattan Fencing Center 1676 1885 62.8 63%

Cobra Challenge SYC/RCC/Y8

Y-12 Women's Foil (B2, Y12), November 26, 2023
Place 88 of 106, Seed 58, Not ranked, Rating U, Medeo Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 0:5 YACOBUCCI Nadia 9 15 E23 33 Fencing Sports Academy, Inc. 1767 1139 9.2 15%
Pool D 1:5 MCSHERRY Kayla 24 50 U 22 Fencers Club Inc. 1602 1130 12.3 22%
Pool D 3:5 BALIN Sophia 73 U 77 Fencing Academy Of Philadelphia 878 1118 33.6 65%
Pool V 5:1 JIANG Ziqing 40 U 79 949 1084 20.3 59%
Pool D 0:5 BO Iris 88 U 38 Gold Fencing Club 1266 1105 19.2 40%
Pool D 3:5 DOUGLAS Addison 101 U 62 PISTE Fencing Academy 972 1085 25.8 57%
T128 D 8:15 WANG Dina C. 22 41 E23 31 Bluegrass Fencers' Club 1828 1917 64.7 56%

Freehold Fencing - 14th Annual Tony Kestler Youth Foil

Y-12 Women's Foil (U, Y12), October 22, 2023
Place 1 of 9, Seed 4, Not ranked, Rating U, Medeo Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:0 NASSER Layan 7 U 7 Freehold Fencing Academy 2500 1054 38.8 8%
Pool V 5:1 PETROV Michelle 2 U 5 Freehold Fencing Academy 1267 1092 30.0 40%
Pool V 5:1 XU-FERGUSON Genevieve 6 U 6 East Coast Fencing Club 835 1122 17.0 67%
T8 V 13:7 LIN Claire 3 U 8 Freehold Fencing Academy 1745 1717 71.9 48%
T4 V 15:11 ENRIQUEZ Bianca Perla 9 U 3 Morris Fencing Club 1859 1789 70.0 46%
T2 V 15:10 XU-FERGUSON Victoria 1 U 2 East Coast Fencing Club 1944 1859 57.4 45%

Jersey Clash RYC/RJCC& Y8

Y-12 Women's Foil (U, Y12), October 14, 2023
Place 17 of 43, Seed 34, Not ranked, Rating U, Medeo Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:0 SUN Erin 36 U 43 Invicta Sports 1301 930 40.3 30%
Pool D 2:5 MCSHERRY Kayla 7 44 U 10 Fencers Club Inc. 1604 971 11.0 15%
Pool V 5:3 LI Savannah 8 46 E23 3 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (Port Chester) 1484 960 54.6 20%
Pool V 5:0 KOESTERS Florentine 22 U 38 Star Fencing Academy 502 1014 13.1 79%
Pool V 4:3 OTTAVIANO Maris 21 U 26 Vivo Fencing Club 962 1027 26.3 54%
T32 D 11:15 GOODMAN Carden 27 U 16 Marx Fencing Academy 2164 1758 40.3 29%

Freehold Fencing - May Youth Foil

Y-10 Mixed Foil (U, Y10), May 21, 2023
Place 2 of 10, Seed 3, Not ranked, Rating U, Medeo Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:1 SOMA Neeraj 10 U 9 Freehold Fencing Academy
Pool V 5:3 AMR HOSSNY Adam 2 93 U 3 South Brooklyn Fencing
Pool V 5:1 SAWANT Sarthak 8 U 6 Freehold Fencing Academy
Pool V 5:1 CHEUNG Brandon 7 U 8 5T Fencers Club
T8 V 10:4 CHEUNG Brandon 7 U 8 5T Fencers Club
T4 V 9:6 ZHU Alivia 9 U 3 5T Fencers Club 1805 1666 91.4 42%
T2 D 9:10 SHAW Eric 1 27 U 1 V Fencing Club

Buckie Leach RYC & Non-Regional Y8

Y-10 Women's Foil (U, Y10), April 30, 2023
Place 11 of 27, Seed 24, Not ranked, Rating U, Medeo Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:4 PAEK Mila 15 U 24 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (Port Chester) 989 910 43.8 45%
Pool D 3:5 LLOYD Bianca 22 U 9 Manhattan Fencing Center 887 954 41.0 54%
Pool D 1:5 YACOBUCCI Nadia 2 12 U 2 Fencing Sports Academy, Inc. 1710 913 9.0 10%
Pool V 5:2 CHAN Jaclyn 7 U 27 Future Stars Fencing & Sports Center 250 904 12.4 84%
Pool V 5:2 MA'AT Isi 18 U 22 PISTE Fencing Academy 1211 916 48.2 32%
Pool D 2:5 BO Iris 11 U 3 Gold Fencing Club 955 965 34.3 51%
T32 V 7:5 MA'AT Isi 18 U 22 PISTE Fencing Academy 1942 1625 135.0 33%
T16 D 3:10 DE CASTRO Kai 20 U 6 Way Of The Sword.Org 1732 1761 94.2 52%

Boston Fencing Club RYC

Y-10 Women's Foil (U, Y10), April 8, 2023
Place 17 of 24, Seed 13, Not ranked, Rating U, Medeo Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 1:5 CASCONE Sophie 5 44 U 3 South Brooklyn Fencing 1608 909 15.7 13%
Pool V 5:0 KIRBY Emelie 12 U 21 Vivo Fencing Club 1639 893 79.8 16%
Pool D 1:5 BO Iris 19 U 5 Gold Fencing Club 862 973 53.1 57%
Pool V 5:4 HUDSON Sophie 21 U 22 Candlewood Fencing Center / Star Fencing Academy 371 920 18.4 80%
Pool D 1:5 YIN Chloe 4 24 U 6 Star Fencing Academy 1231 938 27.9 32%
T32 D 2:10 JOO Sara 8 U 16 South Brooklyn Fencing 2065 1695 69.1 29%

Morris Cup Spring RYC/RJCC

Y-10 Women's Foil (U, Y10), March 19, 2023
Place 14 of 23, Seed 20, Not ranked, Rating U, Medeo Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:2 DONG Katelyn 8 U 17 East Coast Fencing Club 2500 869 95.7 6%
Pool V 5:2 KUO Stella 16 U 23 South Brooklyn Fencing 717 965 41.0 64%
Pool D 0:5 WANG Amabel 1 6 D23 1 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (Port Chester) 2021 1006 8.4 5%
Pool D 0:5 BALIN Sophia 17 U 6 Fencing Academy Of Philadelphia 985 997 55.8 51%
Pool D 1:5 GOMEZ Amelia 9 U 8 Way Of The Sword.Org 1252 942 32.8 32%
T32 V 10:1 HUDSON Sophie 11 U 19 Candlewood Fencing Center / Star Fencing Academy 843 1790 33.4 89%
T16 D 4:10 MCSHERRY Kayla 3 15 U 5 Fencers Club Inc. 1834 1823 128.3 49%

Freehold Fencing - February Youth Foil

Y-10 Mixed Foil (U, Y10), February 19, 2023
Place 2 of 20, Seed 9, Not ranked, Rating U, Medeo Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:0 MILLER Jackson 17 U 20 Princeton Interscholastic Fencing
Pool V 5:2 KUO Stella 8 U 14 South Brooklyn Fencing 812 825 70.0 51%
Pool V 5:4 DOMINIK Eliana 14 U 17 Top Fencing Club 856 895 66.4 52%
Pool D 1:5 LIN Claire 1 U 5 Freehold Fencing Academy 678 962 92.5 67%
T16 V 10:3 SAWANT Sarthak 16 U 13 Sabastiani Fencing Academy
T8 V 10:6 PETROV Michelle 15 U 8 Freehold Fencing Academy 1990 1737 191.7 39%
T4 V 10:5 CHONG Trevor 13 U 3 Freehold Fencing Academy
T2 D 8:9 JOO Sara 10 U 1 South Brooklyn Fencing 2054 1929 139.2 43%

2023 Winter Thrust RYC/RJCC

Y-10 Women's Foil (U, Y10), February 5, 2023
Place 12 of 21, Seed 18, Not ranked, Rating U, Medeo Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 3:5 GOMEZ Amelia 14 U 10 Way Of The Sword.Org 1854 760 25.0 10%
Pool D 3:5 KRAHE Annika 5 54 U 6 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club 1457 735 41.7 15%
Pool V 5:3 ZHANG Caroline 19 U 15 Rochester Fencing Club 664 693 111.5 52%
Pool V 5:0 LIANG Jasmine 10 U 16 V Fencing Club / Renaissance Fencing Club 890 805 112.1 45%
Pool D 3:5 LI Doreen 6 56 U 8 East Coast Fencing Club 979 917 83.4 46%
Pool D 1:5 WANG Amabel 2 4 E23 3 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (Port Chester) 2001 834 8.4 4%
T32 V 10:2 PAEK Ellie 16 U 21 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (Port Chester) 1591 1936 186.9 64%
T16 D 5:10 DE CASTRO Kai 13 U 5 Way Of The Sword.Org 1615 2123 386.2 74%

American Challenge RYC/RJC

Y-10 Women's Foil (U, Y10), November 19, 2022
Place 16 of 20, Seed 14, Not ranked, Rating U, Medeo Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 2:5 KRAHE Annika 8 U 6 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club 1516 2500 987.8 83%
Pool D 2:5 HOLLIS Priscillia 17 U 19 Fencing Academy Of Philadelphia 1882 1512 204.8 35%
Pool D 1:5 WANG Joanna 2 5 U 1 Mid-Island Fencing Academy 1682 1307 178.7 32%
Pool V 5:1 BENNETT Alyssa 20 U 17 Manchen Academy Of Fencing 549 1129 105.7 77%
Pool D 0:5 XU Charlene 5 U 11 Pittsburgh Fencers Club 696 1234 306.3 76%
Pool D 2:5 SHI Micah 11 U 10 Rochester Fencing Club 813 928 167.9 56%
T32 V 10:9 BENNETT Alyssa 20 U 17 Manchen Academy Of Fencing 1303 2500 160.1 87%
T16 D 0:10 WANG Joanna 2 5 U 1 Mid-Island Fencing Academy 2046 2660 723.8 74%