Texas Tussle RYC/RJC & Non-Regional D1A

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Xu, Rambert Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 8 2024-12-14
Xu, Rambert Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 9 2024-12-14

December SJCC + Para NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Drewes, James Cadet Men’s Saber (CDTMS) 168 2024-12-06
Drewes, James Junior Men’s Saber (JNRMS) 204 2024-12-07


Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Xu, Rambert Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 46 2024-11-23
Xu, Rambert Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 42 2024-11-24
Xu, Rambert Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 27 2024-11-24

November NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Shi, Boris Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 101 2024-11-08
Webster, Liam Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 120 2024-11-08
gullapalli, sruthi Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 197 2024-11-09
Webster, Liam Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 228 2024-11-09
Shi, Boris Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 268 2024-11-09
gullapalli, sruthi Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 123 2024-11-10

WFencing Cleveland Rocks RYC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Yates, Annabelle Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 20 2024-11-02
Yates, Annabelle Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 40 2024-11-03

Remenyik ROC and RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Drewes, James Cadet Men’s Saber (CDTMS) 21 2024-10-12
Zhou, Justin Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 21 2024-10-12
Webster, Liam Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 41 2024-10-12
Xu, Rambert Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 51 2024-10-12
Drewes, James Division IA Men’s Saber (D1AMS) 44 2024-10-12
Drewes, James Junior Men’s Saber (JNRMS) 33 2024-10-13
Zhou, Justin Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 33 2024-10-13
Xu, Rambert Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 74 2024-10-13

Air Force ROC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhao, Bowen Division II Men’s Saber (DV2MS) 10 2024-09-29
Zhao, Bowen Division IA Men’s Saber (D1AMS) 34 2024-09-28
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 22 2024-09-28
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Saber (JNRMS) 29 2024-09-29

Windy City Fencing SYC #10 / RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Huang, Lucas Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 15 2024-09-20
Zhang, Devon Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 22 2024-09-20
Zhang, Norah Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 18 2024-09-20
Yates, Annabelle Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 20 2024-09-20
Webster, Liam Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 24 2024-09-22
Xu, Rambert Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 32 2024-09-22
Webster, Liam Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 35 2024-09-21
Xu, Rambert Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 69 2024-09-21
Hildebrandt, Gerhard Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 64 2024-09-22

Midwest ROC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Huang, Qixi Division II Women’s Saber (DV2WS) 6 2024-09-07
Fu, Jason Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 18 2024-09-07
Zhao, Bowen Division IA Men’s Saber (D1AMS) 20 2024-09-07
Xu, Teresa Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 28 2024-09-07
Huang, Qixi Junior Women’s Saber (JNRWS) 5 2024-09-08
Huang, Qixi Division IA Women’s Saber (D1AWS) 10 2024-09-08
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Saber (JNRMS) 15 2024-09-08
Drewes, James Junior Men’s Saber (JNRMS) 19 2024-09-08
Xu, Teresa Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 30 2024-09-08
Fu, Jason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 12 2024-09-08
Zhou, Justin Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 10 2024-09-08
Shi, Boris Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 28 2024-09-08
Drewes, James Division II Men’s Saber (DV2MS) 14 2024-09-08
Ferko, Philip Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 2 C24 2024-09-08
Fu, Andrew Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 22 2024-09-08

North Texas Roundup SYC/RJCC/Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Webster, Liam Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 57 2024-09-01
Webster, Liam Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 49 2024-09-02

National Championships and July Challenge (Summer Nationals)

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Fu, Jason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 188 2024-06-29
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 394 2024-06-30
Ferko, Philip Veteran 40-49 Men’s Epee (V40ME) 14 2024-07-02
Fu, Jason Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 97 2024-07-03
gullapalli, sruthi Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 204 2024-07-03
Fu, Jason Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 65 2024-07-05
Black, John Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 247 2024-07-05
Zhou, Justin Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 283 2024-07-05
Xu, Rambert Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 339 2024-07-05
Zhou, Justin Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 53 2024-07-06
Xu, Rambert Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 100 2024-07-06
Drewes, James Division II Men’s Saber (DV2MS) 159 2024-07-06
Black, John Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 257 2024-07-07
Black, John Division III Men’s Foil (DV3MF) 229 2024-07-08

Midwest ROC (DV1A, DV2, VET) & RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
gullapalli, sruthi Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 11 2024-05-18
Fu, Jason Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 28 2024-05-18
Fu, Jason Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 6 2024-05-19
gullapalli, sruthi Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 17 2024-05-19
gullapalli, sruthi Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 18 2024-05-18
Fu, Jason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 2 2024-05-19

Central Texas Pirate Clash RJCC/RYC - Region 5

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Webster, Liam Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 3 2024-05-19

Windy City ROC /RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 14 2024-05-04
Zhao, Bowen Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 29 2024-05-05

Battle in Space City RYC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Webster, Liam Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 18 2024-04-20
Webster, Liam Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 7 2024-04-21

Fencing Center of Chicago RYC & RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhou, Justin Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 6 2024-04-20
Hildebrandt, Gerhard Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 38 2024-04-20
Zhou, Justin Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 8 E24 2024-04-21

Bill Starr 4th memorial RYC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Wang, Emily Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 3 2024-04-14
Brown, Juliette Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 2 2024-04-13
Shebl, Laila Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 3 2024-04-13
Choe, Jayden Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 8 2024-04-13
Fu, Jason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 2 2024-04-13
Huang, Lucas Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 1 2024-04-13
Gullapalli, Shrihaan Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 2 2024-04-13
Drewry, Benjamin Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 5 2024-04-13
Szilagyi, László Junior Men’s Saber (JNRMS) 3 2024-04-13
Drewes, James Junior Men’s Saber (JNRMS) 6 2024-04-13
Blankenship, Magnus Junior Men’s Saber (JNRMS) 7 2024-04-13
Huang, Qixi Junior Women’s Saber (JNRWS) 3 2024-04-13
Lum, James Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 14 2024-04-13
Black, John Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 20 2024-04-13
Ma, Gangjin Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 23 2024-04-13
Piant, Isaac Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 30 2024-04-13
Wang, Emily Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 5 2024-04-13
Reynolds, Sana Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 6 2024-04-13
Szilagyi, László Cadet Men’s Saber (CDTMS) 3 2024-04-14
Drewes, James Cadet Men’s Saber (CDTMS) 5 2024-04-14
Reynolds, Inara Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2024-04-13
Wang, Emily Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 2 2024-04-14
gullapalli, sruthi Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 3 2024-04-14
Reynolds, Inara Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 7 2024-04-14
Reynolds, Sana Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 8 2024-04-14
Zhou, Justin Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 3 2024-04-14
Xu, Rambert Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 9 2024-04-14
Hildebrandt, Gerhard Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 21 2024-04-14
Xu, Teresa Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 12 2024-04-13
Wang, Sophia Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 13 2024-04-13
Yates, Annabelle Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 17 2024-04-13
Zhou, Justin Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 10 2024-04-14
Lum, James Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 15 2024-04-14
Ma, Gangjin Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 18 2024-04-14
Xu, Rambert Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 26 2024-04-14
Black, John Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 31 2024-04-14
Josehart, Phinn Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 35 2024-04-14
kosgi, krivik Youth 12 Men’s Saber (Y12MS) 6 2024-04-14
Huang, Lucas Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 3 2024-04-13
Yates, Annabelle Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 6 2024-04-13
Wang, Sophia Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 7 2024-04-13
Shebl, Laila Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 9 2024-04-13

Wang Memorial Div1A/2 ROC and RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Webster, Liam Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 3 2024-03-23
Webster, Liam Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 9 2024-03-24

March SJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 90 2024-03-15

Little Pharaoh - RYC / RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Szilagyi, László Cadet Men’s Saber (CDTMS) 8 2024-02-25
Drewes, James Cadet Men’s Saber (CDTMS) 12 2024-02-25
Shebl, Nadia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 11 2024-02-25
Shebl, Laila Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 7 2024-02-24
Zhou, Justin Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 5 2024-02-25
Xu, Rambert Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 20 2024-02-25
Black, John Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 32 2024-02-25
Shebl, Laila Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 21 2024-02-24
Huang, Lucas Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 6 2024-02-25
kosgi, krivik Youth 12 Men’s Saber (Y12MS) 7 2024-02-25
Reynolds, Inara Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 14 2024-02-24
Zhou, Justin Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 7 2024-02-24
Xu, Rambert Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 15 2024-02-24
gullapalli, sruthi Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 15 2024-02-25
Reynolds, Sana Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 19 2024-02-25
Shebl, Nadia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 22 2024-02-24

Junior Olympics

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Fu, Jason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 224 2024-02-16
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 165 2024-02-17
Fu, Jason Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 105 2024-02-18
Choe, Jayden Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 262 2024-02-19


Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Webster, Liam Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 10 2024-02-04

The Battle of the Bay Div1A ROC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhao, Bowen Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 48 2024-02-04

Capitol Clash SYC/RCC & Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Shebl, Nadia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 90 2024-01-13
Shebl, Laila Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 17 2024-01-14
Shebl, Laila Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 71 2024-01-13
Shebl, Nadia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 130 2024-01-14

January NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 172 2024-01-05
Zhao, Bowen Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 183 2024-01-06

2023 Austin Challenge SYC and RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Webster, Liam Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 82 2023-12-17

Daugherty Challenge ROC/RJCC/RYC Foil and Epee only

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Shebl, Nadia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 16 2023-11-05
Fu, Jason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 3 2023-11-04
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 5 2023-11-05
Choe, Jayden Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 8 2023-11-05
Ma, Gangjin Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 29 2023-11-05
gullapalli, sruthi Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 8 2023-11-05
Shebl, Nadia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 15 2023-11-04
Fu, Jason Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 1 2023-11-05
Herzon, Calvin Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 15 2023-11-05
Ma, Gangjin Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 22 2023-11-04
Choe, Jayden Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 10 2023-11-04
Zhao, Bowen Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 13 2023-11-04
Ferko, Philip Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 1 2023-11-04
Fu, Jason Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 6 2023-11-05
Zhou, Justin Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 6 2023-11-04
Ma, Nolan Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 15 2023-11-04
Black, John Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 24 2023-11-04
Xu, Rambert Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 27 2023-11-04
Ma, Gangjin Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 28 2023-11-04
Huang, Lucas Youth 8 Mixed Foil (Y8XF) 1 2023-11-05
Drewry, Benjamin Youth 8 Mixed Foil (Y8XF) 3 2023-11-05
Brown, Juliette Youth 8 Mixed Foil (Y8XF) 5 2023-11-05
Shebl, Laila Youth 8 Mixed Foil (Y8XF) 7 2023-11-05
Yates, Annabelle Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 6 2023-11-05
Huang, Lucas Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 2 2023-11-05
Zhou, Justin Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 1 2023-11-05
Xu, Rambert Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 11 2023-11-05
Wang, Emily Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 6 2023-11-04
gullapalli, sruthi Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 13 2023-11-04
Shebl, Nadia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 3 2023-11-05

Remenyik ROC and RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Choe, Jayden Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 41 2023-10-14
Fu, Jason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 21 2023-10-14
Shebl, Nadia Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 44 2023-10-14
Choe, Jayden Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 13 2023-10-14
Sharp, Asher Division IA Men’s Saber (D1AMS) 38 2023-10-14
Shebl, Nadia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 22 2023-10-14
Shebl, Nadia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 37 2023-10-15
Sharp, Asher Junior Men’s Saber (JNRMS) 40 2023-10-15
Choe, Jayden Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 21 2023-10-15
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 27 2023-10-15
Morrison, Eddie Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 66 2023-10-15
Fu, Jason Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 11 2023-10-15

Air Force ROC (DV1A, DV2, VET) & RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 19 2023-09-30
Zhao, Bowen Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 17 2023-10-01

Windy City SYC # 9/RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Huang, Lucas Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 20 2023-09-29
Shebl, Nadia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 25 2023-09-29
Shebl, Nadia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 32 2023-09-30
Zhou, Justin Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 55 2023-09-30
Ma, Nolan Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 58 2023-09-30
Eltoft, Caden Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 61 2023-09-30
Xu, Rambert Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 75 2023-09-30
Zhou, Justin Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 34 2023-10-01
Xu, Rambert Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 54 2023-10-01

Alliance Fencing RYC / RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Webster, Liam Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 17 2023-09-23

North Texas Roundup SYC / RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Webster, Liam Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 52 2023-09-04

National Championships & July Challenge (Summer Nationals)

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 265 2023-07-01
Hoang, Mai Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 156 2023-07-02
Fu, Jason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 386 2023-07-02
Nagel, August Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 393 2023-07-02
Fu, Jason Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 128 2023-07-03
Nagel, August Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 260 2023-07-03
Fu, Jason Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 33 2023-07-05
Zhou, Justin Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 199 2023-07-07
Fu, Jason Division III Men’s Epee (DV3ME) 67 2023-07-07
Zhou, Justin Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 90 2023-07-08

Raleigh SJCC & Division II North American Cup

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 148 2023-06-04

Bill Starr 3rd memorial RYC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Nagel, August Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 7 2023-05-07
Shebl, Nadia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 5 2023-05-07
Ma, Nolan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 6 2023-05-06
Huang, Qixi Junior Women’s Saber (JNRWS) 2 2023-05-06
Sharp, Asher Junior Men’s Saber (JNRMS) 6 2023-05-06
Blankenship, Magnus Junior Men’s Saber (JNRMS) 13 2023-05-06
Nagel, August Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 3 2023-05-06
Herzon, Calvin Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 5 2023-05-06
Shebl, Nadia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 3 2023-05-06
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 1 2023-05-06
Zhou, Justin Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 3 2023-05-07
Eltoft, Caden Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 9 2023-05-07
Ma, Nolan Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 11 2023-05-07
Xu, Rambert Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 12 2023-05-07
Shan, Jialin Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 6 2023-05-06
Hildebrandt, Gerhard Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 6 2023-05-06
Huang, Lucas Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 10 2023-05-06
Kipnis, Ari Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 13 2023-05-06
Shan, Jialin Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 16 2023-05-06
Zhou, Justin Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 2 2023-05-07
Eltoft, Caden Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 18 2023-05-07
Xu, Rambert Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 21 2023-05-07
Drewes, James Youth 14 Men’s Saber (Y14MS) 3 2023-05-06
Reynolds, Inara Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 3 2023-05-07
Reynolds, Sana Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 3 2023-05-07
Herzon, Calvin Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 8 2023-05-07
Shebl, Nadia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 6 2023-05-07

Windy City ROC /RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Shebl, Nadia Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 14 2023-04-30
Choe, Jayden Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 13 2023-04-30
Zhao, Bowen Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 20 2023-04-30
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 13 2023-04-29
Choe, Jayden Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 25 2023-04-29
Shebl, Nadia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 12 2023-04-29
Shebl, Nadia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 16 2023-04-29

Division 1 Championships/April NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Hoang, Mai Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 68 2023-04-23
Choe, Jayden Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 162 2023-04-24
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 165 2023-04-24
Morrison, Eddie Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 170 2023-04-24
Fu, Jason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 203 2023-04-23
Hoang, Mai Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 92 2023-04-22
Hoang, Anh Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 119 2023-04-22
Shelton, Devyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 128 2023-04-21

GRAFA Third Coast Cup ROC(D1A, DV2, VET) & RJCC/RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Choe, Jayden Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 11 2023-03-12
Choe, Jayden Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 21 2023-03-11
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 26 2023-03-11
Hildebrandt, Gerhard Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 13 2023-03-11
Hildebrandt, Gerhard Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 50 2023-03-11
Choe, Jayden Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 23 2023-03-11
Zhao, Bowen Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 28 2023-03-11
Choe, Jayden Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 8 2023-03-12

March NAC and Parafencing National Championships

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Hoang, Mai Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 24 2023-03-03
Hoang, Anh Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 136 2023-03-03
Hoang, Anh Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 146 2023-03-04

Little Pharaoh RYC/RCC - Winter

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhou, Justin Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 14 2023-02-26
Ma, Nolan Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 20 2023-02-26
Shan, Jialin Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 7 2023-02-26
Zhou, Justin Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 6 2023-02-25
Eltoft, Caden Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 13 2023-02-25
Hildebrandt, Gerhard Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 21 2023-02-25
Hildebrandt, Gerhard Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 9 2023-02-26
Blankenship, Magnus Cadet Men’s Saber (CDTMS) 5 2023-02-26

Junior Olympics

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 138 2023-02-17
Fu, Jason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 285 2023-02-18
Nagel, August Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 330 2023-02-18
Hoang, Mai Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 138 2023-02-18
Hoang, Anh Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 206 2023-02-18
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 221 2023-02-19
Shelton, Devyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 217 2023-02-19
Fu, Jason Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 140 2023-02-20
Nagel, August Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 247 2023-02-20
Hoang, Mai Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 61 2023-02-20
Hoang, Anh Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 102 2023-02-20

Fencing Center of Chicago RYC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Hoang, Anh Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 3 2023-01-21
Shebl, Nadia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 23 2023-01-21
Sharp, Asher Junior Men’s Saber (JNRMS) 18 2023-01-21
Wei, Thomas Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 44 2023-01-21
Hoang, Mai Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 8 2023-01-21
Hoang, Anh Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 15 2023-01-21
Kaiser, Katherine Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 20 2023-01-21
Shebl, Nadia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 31 2023-01-21
Zhou, Justin Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 10 2023-01-21
Eltoft, Caden Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 37 2023-01-21
Hildebrandt, Gerhard Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 61 2023-01-21
Zhou, Justin Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 17 2023-01-22
Hoang, Mai Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 3 C23 2023-01-22
Hoang, Anh Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 13 2023-01-22
Shebl, Nadia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 34 2023-01-22
Kaiser, Katherine Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 36 2023-01-22
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 14 2023-01-22
Park, Stephen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 39 2023-01-22
Wei, Thomas Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 42 2023-01-22
Shelton, Devyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 29 2023-01-22
Blankenship, Magnus Cadet Men’s Saber (CDTMS) 17 2023-01-22
Sharp, Asher Cadet Men’s Saber (CDTMS) 18 2023-01-22
Hildebrandt, Gerhard Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 17 2023-01-22

Capitol Clash SYC/RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Shebl, Nadia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 86 2023-01-14
Shebl, Nadia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 97 2023-01-15

January NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Hoang, Mai Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 149 2023-01-07
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 185 2023-01-07
Hoang, Mai Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 147 2023-01-06
Hoang, Anh Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 152 2023-01-06
Zhao, Bowen Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 233 2023-01-06

December NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Choe, Jayden Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 137 2022-12-09
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 167 2022-12-09
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 211 2022-12-10
Choe, Jayden Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 220 2022-12-10
Zhao, Bowen Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 216 2022-12-11

Daugherty Challenge ROC/RJCC/RYC Foil and Epee only

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Choe, Jayden Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 8 2022-11-05
Zhao, Bowen Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 16 2022-11-05
Shelton, Devyn Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 6 2022-11-05
Fu, Jason Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 6 2022-11-05
Hoang, Anh Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 1 E22 2022-11-05
Kaiser, Katherine Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 6 2022-11-05
Choe, Jayden Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 2 2022-11-05
Park, Stephen Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 14 2022-11-05
Wei, Thomas Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 19 2022-11-05
Morrison, Eddie Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 21 2022-11-05
Shelton, Devyn Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 8 2022-11-05
Allen, Ariel Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 9 2022-11-05
Fu, Jason Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 6 D22 2022-11-05
Hoang, Mai Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 1 2022-11-05
Hoang, Anh Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 2 2022-11-05
Kaiser, Katherine Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 8 2022-11-05
Zhou, Justin Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 10 2022-11-06
Eltoft, Caden Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 11 2022-11-06
Ma, Nolan Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 18 2022-11-06
Black, John Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 19 2022-11-06
Kipnis, Ari Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 3 2022-11-06
Zhou, Justin Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 9 2022-11-06
Eltoft, Caden Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 12 2022-11-06
Kipnis, Ari Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 22 2022-11-06
Black, John Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 23 2022-11-06
Hoang, Anh Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 1 2022-11-06
Fu, Jason Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 2 2022-11-06
Hoang, Mai Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 1 2022-11-06
Hoang, Anh Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 3 2022-11-06
Choe, Jayden Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 2 2022-11-06
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 5 2022-11-06
Park, Stephen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 14 2022-11-06
Wei, Thomas Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 19 2022-11-06
Shelton, Devyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 2 2022-11-05
Fu, Jason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 2 2022-11-05
Nagel, August Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 9 2022-11-05
Hoang, Mai Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 1 2022-11-05
Hoang, Anh Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 3 2022-11-05
Choe, Jayden Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 9 2022-11-05
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 13 2022-11-05
Park, Stephen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 22 2022-11-05
Wei, Thomas Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 25 2022-11-05
Morrison, Eddie Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 26 2022-11-05

Nashville Challenge RYC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Kaiser, Katherine Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 22 2022-10-22
Morrison, Eddie Junior Men’s Saber (JNRMS) 7 2022-10-23
Kaiser, Katherine Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 17 2022-10-23
Morrison, Eddie Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 33 2022-10-22

Escrime d'Halloween RYC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Sharp, Asher Junior Men’s Saber (JNRMS) 13 2022-10-15
Sharp, Asher Cadet Men’s Saber (CDTMS) 9 2022-10-16

October NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 94 2022-10-09

Remenyik ROC and RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Sharp, Asher Division IA Men’s Saber (D1AMS) 17 2022-10-01
Szilagyi, László Division IA Men’s Saber (D1AMS) 23 2022-10-01
Fu, Jason Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 46 2022-10-02
Hoang, Mai Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 26 2022-10-01
Hoang, Anh Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 30 2022-10-01
Kaiser, Katherine Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 32 2022-10-01
Shebl, Nadia Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 34 2022-10-01
Choe, Jayden Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 14 2022-10-01
Zhao, Bowen Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 45 2022-10-01
Sharp, Asher Cadet Men’s Saber (CDTMS) 10 2022-10-01
Szilagyi, László Cadet Men’s Saber (CDTMS) 13 2022-10-01
He, Tyler Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 32 2022-10-02
Choe, Jayden Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 35 2022-10-02
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 36 2022-10-02
Wei, Thomas Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 44 2022-10-02
Fu, Jason Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 22 2022-10-02
Hoang, Mai Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 2 2022-10-01
Hoang, Anh Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 17 2022-10-01
Kaiser, Katherine Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 21 2022-10-01
Shebl, Nadia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 22 2022-10-01
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 3 C22 2022-10-01
Choe, Jayden Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 11 2022-10-01
Wei, Thomas Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 27 2022-10-01
He, Tyler Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 34 2022-10-01
Sharp, Asher Junior Men’s Saber (JNRMS) 19 2022-10-02
Szilagyi, László Junior Men’s Saber (JNRMS) 21 2022-10-02
Fu, Jason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 46 2022-10-01
Hoang, Mai Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 7 C22 2022-10-02
Hoang, Anh Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 19 2022-10-02
Kaiser, Katherine Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 28 2022-10-02
Shebl, Nadia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 33 2022-10-02

Windy City SYC#8 /RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Nagel, August Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 50 2022-09-24
Choe, Jayden Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 13 2022-09-25
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 38 2022-09-25

American Challenge South ROC/RJCC/RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 32 2022-09-03
Zhao, Bowen Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 3 2022-09-05
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 32 2022-09-05
Zhao, Bowen Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 25 2022-09-04

Fortune Fencing Summer RYC/RJCC & Y8 (Non-Regional)

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 73 2022-08-27
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 64 2022-08-28

USA Fencing National Championships & July Challenge

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bae, Junnie Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 88 2022-07-03
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 262 2022-07-03
Choe, Jayden Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 271 2022-07-03
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 199 2022-07-06
Choe, Jayden Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 201 2022-07-06
Nagel, August Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 216 2022-07-08
Choe, Jayden Division III Men’s Foil (DV3MF) 23 2022-07-08
Zhao, Bowen Division III Men’s Foil (DV3MF) 83 2022-07-08
Choe, Jayden Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 147 2022-07-09
Choe, Jayden Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 43 2022-07-10
Zhao, Bowen Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 184 2022-07-10

Bill Starr RYC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Kaiser, Katherine Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 3 2022-05-08
Shebl, Nadia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 3 2022-05-08
Atkins, Gabriela Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 6 2022-05-08
Allen, Ariel Junior Women’s Saber (JNRWS) 2 2022-05-07
Allen, Ariel Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 2 2022-05-07
Sharp, Asher Junior Men’s Saber (JNRMS) 5 2022-05-07
Choe, Jayden Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 3 E22 2022-05-07
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 5 2022-05-07
Park, Stephen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 11 2022-05-07
He, Tyler Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 15 2022-05-07
Sharp, Asher Cadet Men’s Saber (CDTMS) 2 2022-05-07
Nagel, August Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 5 2022-05-08
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 1 2022-05-07
Choe, Jayden Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 3 E22 2022-05-07
Park, Stephen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 9 2022-05-07
Wei, Thomas Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 15 2022-05-07
He, Tyler Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 16 2022-05-07
Xu, Rambert Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 2 2022-05-07
Kipnis, Ari Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 8 2022-05-07
Blankenship, Magnus Youth 14 Mixed Saber (Y14XS) 1 2022-05-08
Lu, Kenneth Youth 14 Mixed Saber (Y14XS) 3 2022-05-08
Szilagyi, László Youth 14 Mixed Saber (Y14XS) 3 2022-05-08
Nagel, August Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 7 2022-05-08
He, Tyler Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) DNF 2022-05-07
Choe, Jayden Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 1 2022-05-07
Eltoft, Caden Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 12 2022-05-07
Wei, Thomas Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 14 2022-05-07
Shebl, Nadia Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 3 2022-05-08
Zhou, Justin Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 5 2022-05-07
Eltoft, Caden Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 11 2022-05-07
Xu, Rambert Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 12 2022-05-07
Kipnis, Ari Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 13 2022-05-07
Dumey, Caroline Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 8 2022-05-08
gong, angela Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 9 2022-05-08

Peachtree Battle RYC ROC/RJCC/Veteran/Chairfencing

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhao, Bowen Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 9 2022-05-01
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 28 2022-05-01
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 17 2022-04-30

Windy City SYC /RCC #7

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhou, Justin Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 40 2022-04-03
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 8 D22 2022-04-03

GRAFA RJCC/RYC - Third Coast Fencing Cup

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 15 2022-03-19
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 16 2022-03-20

Arnold Fencing Classic ROC (Div1A, Div 2, Vet), RJCC, and RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Kaiser, Katherine Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 17 2022-03-11
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 51 2022-03-12
Zhao, Bowen Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 55 2022-03-13
Shebl, Nadia Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 23 2022-03-11
Kaiser, Katherine Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 27 2022-03-12
Shebl, Nadia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 33 2022-03-12

Junior Olympic Championships

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bae, Junnie Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 118 2022-02-21

Fencing Center of Chicago RYC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Kaiser, Katherine Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 22 2022-01-16
Choe, Jayden Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 9 2022-01-15
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 15 2022-01-15
Kaiser, Katherine Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 8 2022-01-15
Choe, Jayden Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 9 2022-01-16
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 13 2022-01-16
Wei, Thomas Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 28 2022-01-16
Choe, Jayden Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 2 2022-01-15
Wei, Thomas Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 31 2022-01-15

January NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bae, Junnie Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 202 2022-01-07
Bae, Junnie Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 160 2022-01-08

December NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bae, Junnie Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 181 2021-12-09
Choe, Jayden Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 169 2021-12-10
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 172 2021-12-10
Bae, Junnie Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 168 2021-12-11
Choe, Jayden Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 223 2021-12-11
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 267 2021-12-11

Winter Warlock RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Kaiser, Katherine Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 15 2021-12-05

Windy City RJCC RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 12 2021-11-20
Shelton, Devyn Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 18 2021-11-20
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 15 2021-11-21
Shelton, Devyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 12 2021-11-21

Daugherty Challenge ROC, Vet, RJCC, RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Choe, Jayden Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 3 2021-11-06
Zhao, Bowen Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 8 2021-11-06
Liu, Oliver Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 11 2021-11-06
Bae, Junnie Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 1 2021-11-06
Jacobs, Tyler Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 3 2021-11-06
Zhao, Bowen Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 5 2021-11-06
Abdellatif, Rasha Veteran Women’s Epee (VETWE) 2 2021-11-06
Hoang, Mai Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 1 2021-11-07
Hoang, Anh Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 2 2021-11-07
Kaiser, Katherine Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 7 2021-11-07
Shebl, Nadia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 8 2021-11-07
Zhou, Justin Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 11 2021-11-07
Lum, James Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 13 2021-11-07
ilahi, Hashim Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 14 2021-11-07
Zhou, Jay Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 16 2021-11-07
Kipnis, Ari Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 17 2021-11-07
Hoang, Anh Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 1 2021-11-07
Shebl, Nadia Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 3 2021-11-07
Choe, Jayden Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 2 2021-11-07
He, Tyler Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 8 2021-11-07
Lum, James Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 11 2021-11-07
Liu, Oliver Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 12 2021-11-07
Wei, Thomas Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 13 2021-11-07
Zhou, Justin Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 3 2021-11-07
zheng, Matthew Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 5 2021-11-07
Noble, Einstein Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 6 2021-11-07
Zhou, Jay Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 7 2021-11-07
Kipnis, Ari Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 8 2021-11-07
Zheng, Ryan Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 9 2021-11-07
Givens, Jace Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 10 2021-11-07
gong, angela Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 3 2021-11-07
Hoang, Mai Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 1 2021-11-07
Kaiser, Katherine Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 6 2021-11-07
Shelton, Devyn Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 3 2021-11-07
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 2 2021-11-07
Choe, Jayden Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 3 2021-11-07
He, Tyler Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 6 2021-11-07
Wei, Thomas Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 7 2021-11-07
Bae, Junnie Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 2 2021-11-06
Choe, Jayden Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 6 2021-11-06
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 7 2021-11-06
Liu, Oliver Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 8 2021-11-06
He, Tyler Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 9 2021-11-06
Wei, Thomas Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 10 2021-11-06
Riley, Brad Division IA Mixed Foil (D1AXF) 2 E21 2021-11-05
Kaiser, Katherine Division IA Mixed Foil (D1AXF) 26 2021-11-05
Kaiser, Katherine Senior Open Women’s Foil (SNRWF) 2 2021-11-05

October NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Choe, Jayden Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 136 2021-10-29
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 190 2021-10-29
He, Tyler Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 201 2021-10-29
Choe, Jayden Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 114 2021-10-30
He, Tyler Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 129 2021-10-30
Bae, Junnie Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 132 2021-10-31
Jacobs, Tyler Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 205 2021-10-31
Hoang, Mai Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 105 2021-10-31
Hoang, Mai Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 48 2021-11-01
Hoang, Anh Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 58 2021-11-01

Little Pharaoh RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhou, Justin Youth 12 Mixed Foil (Y12XF) 8 2021-10-24

Remenyik ROC and RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhao, Bowen Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 54 2021-10-09
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 20 2021-10-09
Kim, April Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 20 2021-10-09
Kim, April Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 33 2021-10-10
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 37 2021-10-10


Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 27 2021-09-26
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 26 2021-09-25

Fencing Center of Chicago ROC & RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhao, Bowen Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 13 2021-09-19
Zhao, Bowen Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 22 2021-09-18
Zhao, Bowen Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 22 2021-09-18
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 12 2021-09-19

July Challenge & Parafencing Nat'l Championships

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bae, Junnie Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 97 2021-07-25

National Championships, Junior Olympic Championships & July NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bae, Junnie Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 147 2021-07-04
Bae, Junnie Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 71 2021-07-06

American Challenge ROC (DIV1A, DIV2, VET) & RJC Reg Open 1/15

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Kim, April Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 32 2021-06-11
Bae, Junnie Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 46 2021-06-13
Kim, April Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 29 2021-06-11
Bae, Junnie Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 18 2021-06-12

Daugherty Youth Cup SYC, RJCC, ROC & VET - Reg Opens 1/4

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Shelton, Devyn Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 15 2021-04-09
Bae, Junnie Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 14 2021-04-11
Shelton, Devyn Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 11 2021-04-09
Choe, Jayden Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 39 2021-04-09
Zhao, Bowen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 46 2021-04-09
Park, Stephen Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 48 2021-04-09
Hoang, Mai Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 8 D21 2021-04-10
Kim, April Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 35 2021-04-10
Shelton, Devyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 18 2021-04-11
Bae, Junnie Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 20 2021-04-09
Zhou, Justin Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 16 2021-04-09
Hoang, Anh Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 16 2021-04-09
Shebl, Nadia Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 21 2021-04-09
Hoang, Mai Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 13 2021-04-11
Hoang, Anh Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 20 2021-04-11
Kim, April Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 28 2021-04-11
Choe, Jayden Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 37 2021-04-10
Zhao, Bowen Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 52 2021-04-10
Park, Stephen Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 55 2021-04-10

Chicago RYC & RJCC Reg Opens 2/1

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bae, Junnie Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 13 2021-03-27
Kim, April Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 7 2021-03-27

Bill Starr RYC Epee & Foil ONLY - Reg Opens 9/18

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Hoang, Anh Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 2 2020-11-21
Zhou, Justin Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 5 2020-11-21
Hoang, Mai Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 2 2020-11-22
Kim, April Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 3 2020-11-22
Hoang, Anh Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 5 2020-11-22
Choe, Jayden Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 5 2020-11-22
Zhao, Bowen Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 6 2020-11-22
Park, Stephen Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 8 2020-11-22