Junior Olympics & Div 1 NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Yang, Andy Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 75 2025-02-14
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 25 2025-02-14
Choi, Zachary Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 110 2025-02-14
Hsu, Joshua Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 241 2025-02-14
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 134 2025-02-14
Fischbein, Quinley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 139 2025-02-14
Schor, Elisabeth Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 147 2025-02-14
Zhuang, Lauren Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 151 2025-02-14
Zhuang, Lauren Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 109 2025-02-15
Schor, Elisabeth Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 161 2025-02-15
Enrile, Erica Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 207 2025-02-15
Petrov, Mikhail Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 282 2025-02-15
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 123 2025-02-15
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 128 2025-02-15
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 85 2025-02-16
Levental, Mark Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 177 2025-02-16
Hsu, Joshua Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 189 2025-02-16
Leung, Dylan Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 218 2025-02-16
Doddapaneni, Aarav Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 230 2025-02-16
Bakken, Archer Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 295 2025-02-16
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 216 2025-02-16
Oh, Ceana Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 69 2025-02-16
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 113 2025-02-17
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 201 2025-02-17
Lee, Emily Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 15 B25 2025-02-17
Yung, Bethany Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 71 2025-02-17
Zhuang, Lauren Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 117 2025-02-17
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 134 2025-02-17
Fischbein, Quinley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 180 2025-02-17
Choi, Zachary Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 134 2025-02-17
Levental, Mark Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 143 2025-02-17
Hsu, Joshua Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 186 2025-02-17
Liu, Andrew Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 314 2025-02-17
Zhuang, William Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 337 2025-02-17

RYC/RCC of the Rockies

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Mixed Foil (Y10XF) 8 2025-02-08
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 1 2025-02-08
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 13 2025-02-08
Jin, Jada Y Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 10 2025-02-08
Leung, Joon Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 9 2025-02-08
Nguyen, Norris Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 10 2025-02-08
Ren, Mark Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 12 2025-02-08
Lee, Rebecca Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 9 2025-02-08
Lucas, Cynthia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 12 2025-02-08
Lee, Caleb Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 7 2025-02-08
Jin, Jada Y Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 8 2025-02-09
Leung, Dylan Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 12 2025-02-09
Leung, Joon Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 1 2025-02-09
Ren, Mark Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 3 2025-02-09
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 5 2025-02-09
Wang, Franklin Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 7 2025-02-09
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 1 2025-02-09
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 25 2025-02-09

The Fencing Center Winter RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 1 2025-01-24
Levental, Mark Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 5 2025-01-24
McLaren, Mason Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 16 2025-01-24
Kim, Ian Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 18 2025-01-24
Hsu, Joshua Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 20 2025-01-24
Leung, Dylan Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 22 2025-01-24
Hu, Jingsen Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 35 2025-01-24
Chu, Theodore Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 45 2025-01-24
Zhuang, Lauren Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 3 2025-01-24
Schor, Elisabeth Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 10 2025-01-24
Xu, Jessica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 11 2025-01-24
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 17 2025-01-24
Lin, Ariel Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 19 2025-01-24
Fischbein, Quinley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 24 2025-01-24
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 49 2025-01-25
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 50 2025-01-25
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 16 2025-01-25
Choi, Zachary Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 3 2025-01-25
Hsu, Joshua Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 5 C25 2025-01-25
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 9 2025-01-25
Doddapaneni, Aarav Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 15 2025-01-25
Chu, Theodore Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 16 2025-01-25
Levental, Mark Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 19 2025-01-25
McLaren, Mason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 29 2025-01-25
Leung, Dylan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 37 2025-01-25
Kuruganti, Vivaan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 47 2025-01-25
Wang, Kyle Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 49 2025-01-25
Petrov, Mikhail Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 35 2025-01-26
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 42 2025-01-26
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 2 2025-01-26
Fischbein, Quinley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 9 2025-01-26
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 11 2025-01-26
Lee, Emily Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 13 2025-01-26
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 18 2025-01-26
Yung, Bethany Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 31 2025-01-26
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 18 2025-01-26
Jin, Jada Y Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 37 2025-01-26

South Coast Mary Rafanelli RYC/RJC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Cheung, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 27 2025-01-18
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 37 2025-01-18
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 21 2025-01-18
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 7 2025-01-18
Fischbein, Quinley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 30 2025-01-18
Wang, Kyle Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 28 2025-01-18
Klinkner, Richard Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 49 2025-01-18
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 16 2025-01-18
Wu, Angela Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 15 2025-01-18
Cheung, Henry Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 42 2025-01-19
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 47 2025-01-19
Wang, Kyle Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 22 2025-01-19
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 11 2025-01-19
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 33 2025-01-19
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 18 2025-01-19
Bodo, John Youth 12 Men’s Saber (Y12MS) 51 2025-01-20
Wu, Angela Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 38 2025-01-20

Capitol Clash SYC/RCC & Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 36 2025-01-18
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 48 2025-01-18
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 37 2025-01-18
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 20 2025-01-18
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 26 2025-01-18
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 92 2025-01-19
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 109 2025-01-19
Hsu, Joshua Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 65 2025-01-19
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 10 2025-01-19
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 23 2025-01-19
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 22 2025-01-20
Kim, Rylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 95 2025-01-20

Treasure Chest RYC/Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 1 C25 2025-01-10
Hu, Jingsen Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 23 2025-01-10
Leung, Dylan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 26 2025-01-10
Narayanun, Advay Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 34 2025-01-10
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 8 2025-01-10
Wong, Sebastian Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 14 2025-01-10
Raj, Yojith Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 21 2025-01-10
Leung, Joon Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 24 2025-01-10
Wang, Theodore Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 25 2025-01-10
Lee, Reiden Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 26 2025-01-10
Yang, Leo Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 44 2025-01-10
Zhang, Bryant Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 45 2025-01-10
Tian, Claire Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 3 2025-01-10
Zhang, Annabelle Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 13 2025-01-10
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 18 2025-01-10
Gao, Nicole Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 22 2025-01-10
Schor, Katherine Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 35 2025-01-10
Chang, Audrey Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 40 2025-01-10
Bodo, John Youth 12 Men’s Saber (Y12MS) 25 2025-01-10
Liu, Franklin Youth 12 Men’s Saber (Y12MS) 31 2025-01-10
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 30 2025-01-11
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 34 2025-01-11
Cheung, Henry Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 47 2025-01-11
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 48 2025-01-11
Nguyen, Norris Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 16 2025-01-11
Ren, Mark Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 29 2025-01-11
Leung, Joon Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 37 2025-01-11
Hagenbuch, Isabella Youth 10 Women’s Saber (Y10WS) 2 2025-01-11
Shkalikova, Anastasiia Youth 10 Women’s Saber (Y10WS) 3 2025-01-11
Chen, Chelsea Youth 10 Women’s Saber (Y10WS) 5 2025-01-11
Lee, Caleb Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 14 2025-01-11
Lee, Ryan Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 19 2025-01-11
Callahan, Macsen Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 20 2025-01-11
Chen, Brian Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 21 2025-01-11
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 8 2025-01-11
Lee, Abigail Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 16 2025-01-11
Tewari, Amaira Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 27 2025-01-11
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 32 2025-01-11
Jin, Jada Y Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 51 2025-01-11
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 1 2025-01-11
Lee, Rebecca Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 6 2025-01-11
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 15 2025-01-11
Wu, Angela Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 26 2025-01-11
Wang, Theodore Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 3 2025-01-11
Gao, Nicole Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 6 2025-01-11
Lin, Logan Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 3 2025-01-12
Leung, Joon Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 3 2025-01-12
Ren, Mark Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 5 2025-01-12
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 7 2025-01-12
Wang, Franklin Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 17 2025-01-12
Wu, Angela Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2025-01-12
Gao, Nicole Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 9 2025-01-12
Kim, Kailyn Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 10 2025-01-12
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 21 2025-01-12
Cheung, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 23 2025-01-12
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 34 2025-01-12
Shao, Tysen Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 36 2025-01-12
Schor, William Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 41 2025-01-12
Lee, Reiden Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 43 2025-01-12
Wong, Sebastian Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 53 2025-01-12
Chen, Chelsea Youth 8 Mixed Saber (Y8XS) 1 2025-01-12
Lee, Caleb Youth 8 Mixed Saber (Y8XS) 2 2025-01-12
Nilange, Karun Youth 8 Mixed Saber (Y8XS) 10 2025-01-12
Gourji, Roman Youth 8 Mixed Saber (Y8XS) 11 2025-01-12
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 3 2025-01-12
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 6 2025-01-12
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 27 2025-01-12
Tewari, Amaira Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 29 2025-01-12
Kim, Rylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 32 2025-01-12
Schor, Katherine Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 46 2025-01-12
Zhang, Annabelle Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 54 2025-01-12
Tian, Claire Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 63 2025-01-12
Lui, Ariana Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 74 2025-01-12

January NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lee, David Veteran 50-59 Men’s Foil (V50MF) 35 2025-01-03
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 56 2025-01-03
Petrova, Kristina Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 36 2025-01-03
Bryzgalova, Svitlana Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 75 2025-01-03
Oh, Ceana Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 89 2025-01-03
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 28 2025-01-04
Zhuang, Lauren Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 79 2025-01-04
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 95 2025-01-04
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 114 2025-01-04
Fischbein, Quinley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 132 2025-01-04
Simonov, Andrii Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 133 2025-01-04
Yang, Andy Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 229 2025-01-04
Lin, Kimball Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 72 2025-01-05
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 42 2025-01-05
Bryzgalova, Svitlana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 56 2025-01-05
Simonov, Andrii Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 67 2025-01-06
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 130 2025-01-06
Xu, Jessica Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 48 2025-01-06
Lin, Ariel Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 105 2025-01-06
Schor, Elisabeth Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 111 2025-01-06
Zhuang, Lauren Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 137 2025-01-06

Ultimate Fencing Cup RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Wang, Franklin Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 31 2024-12-22

2024 Austin Challenge SYC and RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 10 2024-12-20
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 49 2024-12-20
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 41 2024-12-20
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 55 2024-12-20
Zhang, Annabelle Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 66 2024-12-20
Kim, Rylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 71 2024-12-20
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 47 2024-12-21
Nguyen, Norris Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 66 2024-12-21
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 11 2024-12-21
Zhang, Annabelle Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 24 2024-12-21
Jin, Jada Y Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 62 2024-12-21
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 9 2024-12-22
Fischbein, Quinley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 15 2024-12-22
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 57 2024-12-22
Jin, Jada Y Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 70 2024-12-22

1st Annual Battle Born RYC and RJC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lee, Caleb Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 32 2024-12-13
Wu, Angela Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 9 2024-12-13
Zhang, Annabelle Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 2 2024-12-13
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 9 2024-12-13
Wong, Sebastian Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 23 2024-12-13
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 17 2024-12-14
Lee, Rebecca Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 13 2024-12-14
Wu, Angela Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 15 2024-12-14
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 17 2024-12-14
Wong, Sebastian Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 23 2024-12-14
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 18 2024-12-14
Kim, Rylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 46 2024-12-14
Zhang, Annabelle Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 50 2024-12-14
McLaren, Mason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 16 2024-12-15
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 3 2024-12-15
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 21 2024-12-15
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 30 2024-12-15
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 30 2024-12-15
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 1 2024-12-15
Lin, Logan Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 7 2024-12-15
Wang, Franklin Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 21 2024-12-15

December SJCC + Para NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
McLaren, Mason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 166 2024-12-06
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 18 2024-12-06
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 39 2024-12-07
LING, XIANGQIAN Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 79 2024-12-07
Zhuang, Lauren Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 55 2024-12-07
Xu, Jessica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 63 2024-12-07
Lin, Ariel Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 113 2024-12-07
Fischbein, Quinley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 114 2024-12-07
Schor, Elisabeth Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 161 2024-12-07
LING, XIANGQIAN Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 24 2024-12-08
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 40 2024-12-08
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 51 2024-12-08
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 77 2024-12-08
Zhuang, Lauren Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 81 2024-12-08
Fischbein, Quinley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 120 2024-12-08
McLaren, Mason Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 121 2024-12-08

Cobra Challenge SYC/RCC/Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 46 2024-11-29
Wu, Angela Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 33 2024-11-30
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 7 2024-11-30
Kuruganti, Vivaan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 86 2024-11-30
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 79 2024-12-01
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 15 2024-12-01

Rain City Fall RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lee, Caleb Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 11 2024-11-23
Lee, Caleb Youth 8 Men’s Saber (Y8MS) 1 2024-11-24

November NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 135 2024-11-08
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 14 2024-11-08
Hsu, Joshua Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 63 2024-11-08
Choi, Zachary Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 136 2024-11-08
McLaren, Mason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 271 2024-11-08
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 57 2024-11-08
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 134 2024-11-08
Veron, Darius Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 94 2024-11-09
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 98 2024-11-09
Kim, Ian Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 110 2024-11-09
Narayanun, Advay Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 139 2024-11-09
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 92 2024-11-09
Zhuang, Lauren Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 138 2024-11-09
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 183 2024-11-09
Fischbein, Quinley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 186 2024-11-09
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 220 2024-11-09
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 287 2024-11-09
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 100 2024-11-10
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 165 2024-11-10
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 97 2024-11-10
Hsu, Joshua Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 150 2024-11-10
McLaren, Mason Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 190 2024-11-10
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 54 2024-11-10
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 81 2024-11-10
Petrov, Mikhail Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 238 2024-11-11
Xu, Jessica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 51 2024-11-11
Schor, Elisabeth Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 136 2024-11-11
Zhuang, Lauren Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 190 2024-11-11
Fischbein, Quinley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 227 2024-11-11


Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 7 2024-11-01
Lee, Emily Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 2 2024-11-01
Leung, Dylan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 18 2024-11-01
Kuruganti, Vivaan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 21 2024-11-01
Narayanun, Advay Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 22 2024-11-01
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 1 2024-11-01
Zhang, Annabelle Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 7 2024-11-01
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 10 2024-11-02
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 18 2024-11-02
Nguyen, Norris Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 19 2024-11-02
Wang, Franklin Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 31 2024-11-02
Jin, Jada Y Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 16 2024-11-02
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 17 2024-11-02
Tewari, Amaira Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 23 2024-11-02
Lee, Abigail Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 26 2024-11-02
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 29 2024-11-02
Dymar, Anna Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 1 2024-11-02
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2024-11-02
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 5 2024-11-02
Lucas, Cynthia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 18 2024-11-02
Levental, Mark Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 1 2024-11-02
Kim, Ian Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 6 2024-11-02
McLaren, Mason Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 15 2024-11-02
Leung, Dylan Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 17 2024-11-02
Klinkner, Richard Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 20 2024-11-02
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 20 2024-11-02
Shao, Tysen Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 26 2024-11-02
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 30 2024-11-02
Cheung, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 31 2024-11-02
Nguyen, Norris Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 36 2024-11-02
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 50 2024-11-02
Kim, Aiden Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 56 2024-11-02
Goel, Riyana Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 26 2024-11-03
Ren, Mark Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 2 2024-11-03
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 3 2024-11-03
Leung, Joon Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 6 2024-11-03
Lin, Logan Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 8 2024-11-03
Wang, Franklin Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 16 2024-11-03
Petrov, Mikhail Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 10 2024-11-03
Fischbein, Quinley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 8 2024-11-03
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 10 2024-11-03
Lee, Emily Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 19 2024-11-03
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 7 2024-11-03
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 10 2024-11-03
Tewari, Amaira Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 15 2024-11-03
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 30 2024-11-03
Zhang, Annabelle Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 35 2024-11-03
Kim, Rylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 51 2024-11-03
Lee, Emily Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 1 C24 2024-11-03
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 5 2024-11-03
Dymar, Anna Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 16 2024-11-03
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 17 2024-11-03
Park, Rachel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 22 2024-11-03
Klinkner, Richard Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 3 2024-11-03
McLaren, Mason Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 9 2024-11-03
Leung, Dylan Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 13 2024-11-03
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 16 2024-11-03
Raj, Yojith Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 23 2024-11-03
Zhang, Charlie Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 28 2024-11-03
Leung, Joon Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 32 2024-11-03
Lee, Reiden Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 34 2024-11-03
Wong, Sebastian Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 38 2024-11-03
Zhang, Bryant Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 46 2024-11-03
Chen, Chelsea Youth 10 Women’s Saber (Y10WS) 5 2024-11-03

AFM Super Regional SYC/RJCC/ROC Div1A/Vet

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Goel, Riyana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 40 2024-10-25
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 48 2024-10-25
Cheung, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 71 2024-10-25
Ozcan, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 76 2024-10-25
Chen, Aiden Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 79 2024-10-25
Schor, William Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 81 2024-10-25
Shao, Tysen Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 93 2024-10-25
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 94 2024-10-25
Wang, Ian Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 111 2024-10-25
Lin, Logan Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 12 2024-10-25
Ren, Mark Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 19 2024-10-25
Leung, Joon Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 25 2024-10-25
Wang, Franklin Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 33 2024-10-25
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 35 2024-10-25
Dymar, Anna Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 8 D24 2024-10-25
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 19 2024-10-25
Yung, Bethany Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 32 2024-10-25
Zhuang, Lauren Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 33 2024-10-25
Fischbein, Quinley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 36 2024-10-25
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 49 2024-10-25
Wang, Theodore Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 20 2024-10-25
Chuang, Jocelyn Veteran Women’s Foil (VETWF) 1 E24 2024-10-25
Kim, Connor Youth 12 Men’s Saber (Y12MS) 78 2024-10-25
Bodo, John Youth 12 Men’s Saber (Y12MS) 85 2024-10-25
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 15 2024-10-25
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 37 2024-10-25
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 59 2024-10-25
Zhang, Annabelle Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 86 2024-10-25
Kim, Rylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 91 2024-10-25
Schor, Katherine Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 96 2024-10-25
Lin, Kimball Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 30 2024-10-25
Schmidt, Alexis Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 26 2024-10-25
Wu, Angela Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 29 2024-10-25
Pan, Vivienne Youth 10 Women’s Saber (Y10WS) 18 2024-10-25
Chen, Chelsea Youth 10 Women’s Saber (Y10WS) 25 2024-10-25
Shkalikova, Anastasiia Youth 10 Women’s Saber (Y10WS) 32 2024-10-25
Xu, Chenxi Youth 10 Women’s Saber (Y10WS) 38 2024-10-25
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 1 2024-10-25
Levental, Mark Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 5 2024-10-25
Hsu, Joshua Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 34 2024-10-25
Klinkner, Richard Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 43 2024-10-25
Chu, Theodore Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 61 2024-10-25
McLaren, Mason Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 101 2024-10-25
Upender, West Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 55 2024-10-25
Oh, Ceana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 21 2024-10-26
Luh, Mia Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 36 2024-10-26
Goel, Riyana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 46 2024-10-26
Upender, West Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 48 2024-10-26
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 81 2024-10-26
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 95 2024-10-26
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 17 2024-10-26
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 22 2024-10-26
Veron, Darius Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 39 2024-10-26
Kuruganti, Vivaan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 63 2024-10-26
Leung, Dylan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 65 2024-10-26
Wang, Kyle Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 80 2024-10-26
Klinkner, Charlie Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 92 2024-10-26
Schor, Elisabeth Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 3 2024-10-26
Lin, Ariel Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 3 B24 2024-10-26
Zhuang, Lauren Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 9 2024-10-26
Yung, Bethany Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 10 2024-10-26
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 22 2024-10-26
Lee, Emily Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 28 2024-10-26
Xu, Jessica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 37 2024-10-26
Fischbein, Quinley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 38 2024-10-26
Lee, Grace Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 73 2024-10-26
Lee, David Veteran Men’s Foil (VETMF) 7 2024-10-26
Cheng, Norman Veteran Men’s Foil (VETMF) 10 2024-10-26
Singha, Orion Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 1 2024-10-26
Choi, Zachary Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 8 A24 2024-10-26
Liu, Andrew Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 26 2024-10-26
Zhuang, William Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 68 2024-10-26
Klinkner, Richard Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 86 2024-10-26
McLaren, Mason Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 96 2024-10-26
Chien, Andrew Youth 8 Men’s Epee (Y8ME) 12 2024-10-26
Lee, Caleb Youth 8 Men’s Saber (Y8MS) 2 2024-10-26
Voorhies, Maximilian Youth 8 Men’s Saber (Y8MS) 6 2024-10-26
Dymar, Anna Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2024-10-26
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 26 2024-10-26
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 33 2024-10-26
Lee, Rebecca Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 42 2024-10-26
Reddy, Annika Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 67 2024-10-26
Wu, Angela Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 75 2024-10-26
Wang, Ian Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 40 2024-10-26
Raj, Yojith Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 41 2024-10-26
Leung, Joon Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 44 2024-10-26
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 53 2024-10-26
Zhang, Charlie Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 56 2024-10-26
Wong, Sebastian Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 75 2024-10-26
Zhang, Bryant Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 78 2024-10-26
Lee, Reiden Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 87 2024-10-26
Lee, Abigail Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 54 2024-10-26
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 79 2024-10-26
Jin, Jada Y Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 82 2024-10-26
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 85 2024-10-26
Tewari, Amaira Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 110 2024-10-26
Chen, Chelsea Youth 8 Women’s Saber (Y8WS) 1 2024-10-27
Lee, Nathan Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 25 2024-10-27
Lee, Caleb Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 28 2024-10-27
Kim, Connor Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 36 2024-10-27
Chen, Brian Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 37 2024-10-27
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 87 2024-10-27
Ozcan, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 92 2024-10-27
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 102 2024-10-27
Cheung, Henry Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 103 2024-10-27
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 120 2024-10-27
Chen, Aiden Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 134 2024-10-27
Schor, William Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 140 2024-10-27
Lin, Ariel Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 20 2024-10-27
Schor, Elisabeth Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 33 2024-10-27
Xu, Jessica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 43 2024-10-27
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 3 A24 2024-10-27
Hsu, Joshua Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 15 2024-10-27
Wagholikar, Prathit Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 28 E24 2024-10-27
Klinkner, Richard Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 57 2024-10-27
Levental, Mark Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 66 2024-10-27
McLaren, Mason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 108 2024-10-27
Bakken, Archer Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 111 2024-10-27
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 24 2024-10-27
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 70 2024-10-27
Hagenbuch, Isabella Youth 12 Women’s Saber (Y12WS) 52 2024-10-27
Gao, Nicole Youth 8 Women’s Epee (Y8WE) 6 2024-10-27
Chan, Calvin Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 88 2024-10-27
Yang, Andy Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 34 2024-10-27
Upender, West Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 50 2024-10-27
Petrov, Mikhail Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 56 2024-10-27
Sugimoto, Scott Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 65 2024-10-27
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 16 2024-10-27
Tian, Claire Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 20 2024-10-27
Zhang, Annabelle Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 24 2024-10-27
Chang, Audrey Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 44 2024-10-27
Schor, Katherine Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 47 2024-10-27
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 2 2024-10-27
Lee, Emily Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 5 2024-10-27
Dymar, Anna Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 6 D24 2024-10-27
Yung, Bethany Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 8 2024-10-27
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 14 2024-10-27
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 27 2024-10-27
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 28 2024-10-27
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 46 2024-10-27
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 56 2024-10-27
Lee, Grace Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 76 2024-10-27
Park, Rachel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 97 2024-10-27

RYC/RJC of the Rockies

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Fischbein, Quinley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 8 2024-10-19

Challenge by the Bay RYC/RCC/Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Veron, Darius Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 8 E24 2024-10-12
Kim, Ian Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 13 2024-10-12
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 14 2024-10-12
Kuruganti, Vivaan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 16 2024-10-12
Klinkner, Charlie Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 52 2024-10-12
Raj, Yojith Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 13 2024-10-12
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 14 2024-10-12
Zhang, Charlie Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 21 2024-10-12
Wang, Ian Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 21 2024-10-12
Leung, Joon Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 23 2024-10-12
Wong, Sebastian Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 34 2024-10-12
Lee, Reiden Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 45 2024-10-12
Zhang, Bryant Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 47 2024-10-12
Upender, West Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 21 2024-10-12
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 29 2024-10-12
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 47 2024-10-12
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 1 C24 2024-10-12
Yung, Bethany Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 2 2024-10-12
Lee, Emily Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 3 D24 2024-10-12
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 10 2024-10-12
Dymar, Anna Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 12 2024-10-12
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 13 2024-10-12
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 29 2024-10-12
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 39 2024-10-12
Lee, Grace Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 47 2024-10-12
Park, Rachel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 49 2024-10-12
Zhang, Annabelle Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 5 2024-10-12
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 9 2024-10-12
Tian, Claire Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 18 2024-10-12
Gao, Nicole Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 20 2024-10-12
Schor, Katherine Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 21 2024-10-12
Chang, Audrey Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 32 2024-10-12
Bodo, John Youth 12 Men’s Saber (Y12MS) 40 2024-10-12
Kim, Connor Youth 12 Men’s Saber (Y12MS) 44 2024-10-12
Gao, Nicole Youth 8 Mixed Epee (Y8XE) 5 2024-10-12
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 14 2024-10-13
Oh, Kepler Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 26 2024-10-13
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 34 2024-10-13
Chen, Aiden Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 51 2024-10-13
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 54 2024-10-13
Ozcan, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 55 2024-10-13
Schor, William Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 56 2024-10-13
Lee, Joshua Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 25 2024-10-13
Ren, Mark Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 26 2024-10-13
Zhang, Alec Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 32 2024-10-13
Leung, Joon Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 35 2024-10-13
Wang, Franklin Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 38 2024-10-13
Nguyen, Norris Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 43 2024-10-13
Kim, Connor Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 16 2024-10-13
Lee, Caleb Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 17 2024-10-13
Lee, Nathan Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 20 2024-10-13
Levental, Mark Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 2 2024-10-13
Hsu, Joshua Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 3 2024-10-13
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 5 2024-10-13
Klinkner, Richard Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 17 2024-10-13
Bakken, Archer Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 24 2024-10-13
Chu, Theodore Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 25 2024-10-13
McLaren, Mason Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 54 2024-10-13
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 3 D24 2024-10-13
Tewari, Amaira Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 26 2024-10-13
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 28 2024-10-13
Lee, Abigail Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 55 2024-10-13
Jin, Jada Y Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 69 2024-10-13
Hagenbuch, Isabella Youth 10 Women’s Saber (Y10WS) 8 2024-10-13
Chen, Chelsea Youth 10 Women’s Saber (Y10WS) 9 2024-10-13
Dymar, Anna Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 1 2024-10-13
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2024-10-13
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 15 2024-10-13
Reddy, Annika Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 25 2024-10-13
Wu, Angela Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 27 2024-10-13
Ching, Katelyn Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 31 2024-10-13
Gao, Nicole Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 3 2024-10-13
Wang, Theodore Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 11 2024-10-13
Wang, Connor Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 14 2024-10-13
Wu, Angela Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 5 2024-10-14
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 1 2024-10-14
Lin, Logan Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 2 2024-10-14
Leung, Joon Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 3 2024-10-14
Wang, Franklin Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 9 2024-10-14
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 9 2024-10-14
Shao, Tysen Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 24 2024-10-14
Ozcan, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 29 2024-10-14
Cheung, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 37 2024-10-14
Schor, William Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 40 2024-10-14
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 43 2024-10-14
Chen, Chelsea Youth 8 Mixed Saber (Y8XS) 1 2024-10-14
Lee, Caleb Youth 8 Mixed Saber (Y8XS) 2 2024-10-14
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 9 2024-10-14
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 19 2024-10-14
Kim, Rylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 29 2024-10-14
Schor, Katherine Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 39 2024-10-14
Zhang, Annabelle Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 41 2024-10-14
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 1 C24 2024-10-14
Lee, Emily Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 2 D24 2024-10-14
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 7 2024-10-14
Dymar, Anna Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 11 2024-10-14
Fischbein, Quinley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 24 2024-10-14

October NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Liu, Andrew Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 125 2024-10-04
Singha, Orion Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 192 2024-10-04
Petrova, Kristina Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 8 2024-10-04
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 38 2024-10-04
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 185 2024-10-05
Enrile, Erica Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 19 2024-10-06
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 68 2024-10-06
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 105 2024-10-06
Upender, West Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 126 2024-10-06
Petrova, Kristina Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 5 2024-10-06
Oh, Ceana Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 170 2024-10-06
Upender, West Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 274 2024-10-07

Air Force ROC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Xu, Jessica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 6 2024-09-28
Hsu, Joshua Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 34 2024-09-28
Xu, Jessica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 5 2024-09-29
Hsu, Joshua Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 8 2024-09-29

Windy City Fencing SYC #10 / RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 27 2024-09-20
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 47 2024-09-21
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 12 2024-09-21
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 31 2024-09-22

12th Annual Little Musketeers RYC and RJC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2024-09-20
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 6 2024-09-20
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 39 2024-09-21
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 13 2024-09-21
Fischbein, Quinley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 21 2024-09-21
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 12 2024-09-21
Hsu, Joshua Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 9 2024-09-22
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 31 2024-09-22
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 6 2024-09-22
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 7 2024-09-22
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 27 2024-09-22
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 38 2024-09-22

BladeRunner ROC/RJC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Petrova, Kristina Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 1 A24 2024-09-14
Oh, Ceana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 24 2024-09-14
Boles, Amanda Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 28 2024-09-14
Luh, Mia Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 41 2024-09-14
Singha, Orion Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 7 2024-09-14
Wagholikar, Prathit Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 63 2024-09-14
Levental, Mark Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 75 2024-09-14
McLaren, Mason Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 88 2024-09-14
Schor, Elisabeth Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 24 2024-09-14
Xu, Jessica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 31 2024-09-14
Fischbein, Quinley Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 42 2024-09-14
Petrov, Mikhail Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 40 E24 2024-09-14
Petrov, Mikhail Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 65 2024-09-15
Levental, Mark Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 44 2024-09-15
Wagholikar, Prathit Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 53 2024-09-15
McLaren, Mason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 63 2024-09-15
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 34 2024-09-15
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 36 2024-09-15
Xu, Jessica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 21 2024-09-15
Schor, Elisabeth Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 28 2024-09-15
Fischbein, Quinley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 45 2024-09-15


Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 68 2024-09-01
Ozcan, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 73 2024-09-01
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 68 2024-09-02
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 77 2024-09-01
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 9 2024-09-01
Klinkner, Richard Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 69 2024-09-01
McLaren, Mason Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 101 2024-09-01
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 3 2024-08-31
Fischbein, Quinley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 7 2024-08-31
Yung, Bethany Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 8 D24 2024-08-31
Zhuang, Lauren Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 42 2024-08-31
Dymar, Anna Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 56 2024-08-31
Kelman, Nora Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 57 2024-08-31
Goel, Riyana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 34 2024-09-02
Choi, Zachary Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 11 2024-08-31
Singha, Orion Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 27 2024-08-31
McLaren, Mason Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 63 2024-08-31
Zhuang, William Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 96 2024-08-31
Zhuang, Lauren Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 15 B24 2024-09-02
Enrile, Erica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 27 2024-09-02
Hau, Olivia Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 28 D24 2024-09-02
Schor, Elisabeth Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 36 2024-09-02
Schor, Elisabeth Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 15 2024-09-01
Yung, Bethany Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 16 D24 2024-09-01
Zhuang, Lauren Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 25 2024-09-01
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 38 2024-09-01
Fischbein, Quinley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 47 2024-09-01
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 60 2024-09-01
Kelman, Nora Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 82 2024-09-01
Goel, Riyana Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 21 2024-09-01
McLaren, Mason Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 5 E24 2024-09-01
Zhuang, Lauren Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 7 2024-08-31
Hau, Olivia Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 26 2024-08-31
Cheng, Norman Veteran Men’s Foil (VETMF) 20 2024-08-31
Ren, Mark Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 3 2024-09-01
Wang, Franklin Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 45 2024-09-01
Lee, Abigail Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 37 2024-09-02
Jin, Jada Y Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 57 2024-09-02
Kim, Ian Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 40 2024-08-31
Wang, Kyle Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 62 2024-08-31
Klinkner, Charlie Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 84 2024-08-31
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 3 2024-09-02
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 3 2024-09-02
Dymar, Anna Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 5 2024-09-02
Yung, Bethany Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 13 2024-09-02
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 34 2024-09-02
Oh, Kepler Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 8 2024-08-31
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 21 2024-08-31
Ozcan, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 25 2024-08-31
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 8 2024-08-31
Chan, Calvin Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 60 2024-09-02
Dymar, Anna Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 1 2024-09-01
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 8 2024-09-01
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 17 2024-09-01
Lee, Rebecca Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 33 2024-09-01
Wu, Angela Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 42 2024-09-01
Raj, Yojith Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 24 2024-09-02
Wang, Ian Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 37 2024-09-02
Zhang, Bryant Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 42 2024-09-02
Lee, Reiden Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 43 2024-09-02
Zhang, Annabelle Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 18 2024-09-01
Choi, Zachary Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 21 2024-09-02
McLaren, Mason Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 65 2024-09-02
Klinkner, Richard Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 74 2024-09-02
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 94 2024-09-02
Wu, Angela Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 12 2024-08-31
Kim, Connor Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 23 2024-09-01
Pan, Vivienne Youth 10 Women’s Saber (Y10WS) 26 2024-09-02
Gao, Nicole Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 4 2024-09-02
Petrov, Mikhail Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 99 2024-08-31
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 18 2024-08-31
Goel, Riyana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 66 2024-08-31
Petrov, Mikhail Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 56 2024-09-01

North Texas Roundup SYC/RJCC/Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 60 2024-08-31
Cheung, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 64 2024-08-31
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 65 2024-08-31
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 17 2024-08-31
Xu, Jessica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 9 2024-08-31
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 20 2024-08-31
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 36 2024-09-01
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 48 2024-09-01
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 40 2024-09-01
Hsu, Joshua Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 30 2024-09-01
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 27 2024-09-01
Hsu, Joshua Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 23 2024-09-02
Cheung, Henry Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 73 2024-09-02
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 36 2024-09-02
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 38 2024-09-02
Kim, Rylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 46 2024-09-02
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 21 2024-09-02
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 17 2024-09-02

Cascade Clash SYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 7 2024-08-23
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 10 2024-08-23
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 22 2024-08-23
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 32 2024-08-23
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 34 2024-08-23
Lee, Abigail Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 47 2024-08-23
Tewari, Amaira Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 49 2024-08-23
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 7 E24 2024-08-24
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 24 2024-08-24
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 30 2024-08-24
Tewari, Amaira Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 33 2024-08-24
Kim, Rylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 45 2024-08-24
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 8 2024-08-24
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 9 2024-08-24
Lee, Rebecca Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 34 2024-08-24
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 53 2024-08-24
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 13 2024-08-25
Zhang, Annabelle Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 23 2024-08-25
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 43 2024-08-25

Trick or Retreat ROC/RJCC/RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Xu, Jessica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 35 2024-08-17
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 1 C24 2024-08-17
Xu, Jessica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 2 B24 2024-08-18

National Championships and July Challenge (Summer Nationals)

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Petrova, Kristina Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 9 2024-06-29
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 56 2024-06-29
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 61 2024-06-29
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 62 2024-06-29
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 147 2024-06-29
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 30 2024-06-29
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 50 2024-06-29
Choi, Zachary Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 105 2024-06-29
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 343 2024-06-29
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 347 2024-06-29
Lin, Ashley Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 122 2024-06-29
Singha, Orion Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 138 2024-06-30
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 89 2024-06-30
Lin, Ariel Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 127 2024-06-30
Zhuang, Lauren Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 165 2024-06-30
Xu, Jessica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 207 2024-06-30
Schor, Elisabeth Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 213 2024-06-30
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 219 2024-06-30
Yung, Bethany Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 233 2024-06-30
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 310 2024-06-30
LING, XIANGQIAN Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 104 2024-06-30
Petrov, Mikhail Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 404 2024-06-30
Upender, West Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 415 2024-06-30
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 75 2024-07-01
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 122 2024-07-01
Lee, Emily Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 145 2024-07-01
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 171 2024-07-01
Fischbein, Quinley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 174 2024-07-01
Yung, Bethany Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 177 2024-07-01
Zhuang, Lauren Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 182 2024-07-01
Lee, Grace Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 237 2024-07-01
Petrova, Kristina Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 21 2024-07-01
Oh, Ceana Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 106 2024-07-01
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 52 2024-07-01
Bakken, Archer Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 153 2024-07-01
Klinkner, Richard Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 156 2024-07-01
Wagholikar, Prathit Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 302 2024-07-01
Hsu, Joshua Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 302 2024-07-01
LING, XIANGQIAN Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 24 2024-07-02
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 151 2024-07-02
Upender, West Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 254 2024-07-02
Lin, Kimball Veteran 40-49 Men’s Epee (V40ME) 28 2024-07-02
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 29 2024-07-02
Bryzgalova, Svitlana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 45 2024-07-02
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 119 2024-07-02
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 122 2024-07-02
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 177 2024-07-02
Enrile, Erica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 86 2024-07-02
Pant, Anisha Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 93 2024-07-02
LING, XIANGQIAN Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 127 2024-07-03
Lee, Bryson Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 55 2024-07-03
Choi, Zachary Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 181 2024-07-03
Zhuang, William Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 187 2024-07-03
Oh, Ceana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 45 2024-07-03
Pant, Anisha Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 59 2024-07-03
Boles, Amanda Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 78 2024-07-03
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 48 2024-07-03
Zhuang, Lauren Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 77 2024-07-03
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 113 2024-07-03
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 137 2024-07-03
Lee, Emily Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 147 2024-07-03
Yung, Bethany Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 152 2024-07-03
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 159 2024-07-03
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 165 2024-07-03
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 189 2024-07-03
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 11 2024-07-04
Kim, Ian Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 60 2024-07-04
Klinkner, Richard Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 122 2024-07-04
Wagholikar, Prathit Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 160 2024-07-04
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 179 2024-07-04
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 214 2024-07-04
Schor, Elisabeth Division III Women’s Epee (DV3WE) 25 2024-07-04
Yung, Bethany Division III Women’s Epee (DV3WE) 44 2024-07-04
Lee, David Veteran 40-49 Men’s Foil (V40MF) 28 2024-07-04
Goel, Riyana Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 32 2024-07-04
Luh, Mia Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 38 2024-07-04
Boles, Amanda Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 105 2024-07-04
Klinkner, Richard Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 125 2024-07-05
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 75 2024-07-05
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 169 2024-07-05
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 10 2024-07-05
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 48 2024-07-05
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 56 2024-07-05
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 70 2024-07-05
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 72 2024-07-05
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 124 2024-07-05
Narayanun, Advay Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 110 2024-07-06
Goel, Riyana Division III Women’s Foil (DV3WF) 106 2024-07-06
Schor, Elisabeth Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 3 B24 2024-07-06
Zhuang, Lauren Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 20 2024-07-06
Enrile, Erica Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 26 2024-07-06
Yung, Bethany Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 37 2024-07-06
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 150 2024-07-06
Ozcan, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 201 2024-07-06
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 210 2024-07-06
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 93 2024-07-07
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 121 2024-07-07
Ho, Chloe Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 173 2024-07-07
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 20 2024-07-07
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 121 2024-07-07
Schor, William Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 136 2024-07-07
Lee, Caleb Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 92 2024-07-07
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 2 E24 2024-07-07
Upender, West Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 82 2024-07-07
Upender, West Division III Men’s Foil (DV3MF) 48 2024-07-08
Petrov, Mikhail Division III Men’s Foil (DV3MF) 68 2024-07-08
Ren, Mark Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 59 2024-07-08
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 61 2024-07-08
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 57 2024-07-08
Schor, Katherine Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 158 2024-07-08

Central Texas Pirate Clash RJCC/RYC - Region 5

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Xu, Jessica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 15 2024-05-18
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 7 2024-05-18
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 8 2024-05-19

Collegiate Cup RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Petrov, Mikhail Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 77 2024-05-11
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 7 2024-05-11
Xu, Jessica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 21 2024-05-11
Fischbein, Quinley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 31 2024-05-11
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 6 2024-05-11
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 34 2024-05-11
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 8 2024-05-12
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 41 2024-05-12
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 9 2024-05-12
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 45 2024-05-12
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 22 2024-05-12
Fischbein, Quinley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 39 2024-05-12

Golden State Classic RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lee, Caleb Youth 8 Men’s Saber (Y8MS) 6 2024-05-04
Lee, Caleb Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 28 2024-05-04
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2024-05-04
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 34 2024-05-04
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 3 2024-05-05
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 39 2024-05-05

Mission SYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 12 2024-05-04
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 2 2024-05-05

Division 1/Parafencing National Championships + April NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Singha, Orion Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 94 2024-04-27
Lin, Kimball Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 32 D24 2024-04-26
Oh, Ceana Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 41 2024-04-25
Lin, Ariel Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 90 2024-04-26
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 61 2024-04-28
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 38 2024-04-26
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 96 2024-04-26
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 63 2024-04-28
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 94 2024-04-28
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 127 2024-04-28
Lin, Ariel Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 137 2024-04-28

The Fencing Center DIV2/Vet ROC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhuang, Lauren Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 9 2024-04-20
Yung, Bethany Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 14 2024-04-20
Lee, Emily Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 18 2024-04-20
Luh, Mia Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 3 2024-04-21
Goel, Riyana Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 10 2024-04-21
Levental, Mark Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 1 C24 2024-04-21
Klinkner, Richard Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 13 2024-04-21

Rain City Super Youth Circuit (SYC)

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 9 2024-04-20
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 11 2024-04-20
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 14 2024-04-20
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 29 2024-04-20
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 33 2024-04-20
Chen, Chelsea Youth 10 Women’s Saber (Y10WS) 12 2024-04-21
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2024-04-21
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 34 2024-04-20
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 12 2024-04-22
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 35 2024-04-22
Tewari, Amaira Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 41 2024-04-22
Ho, Chloe Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 48 2024-04-22
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 59 2024-04-21
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 2 2024-04-22
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 20 2024-04-22
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 25 2024-04-22
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 28 2024-04-22
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 31 2024-04-22
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 23 2024-04-20
Ho, Chloe Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 43 2024-04-21
Tewari, Amaira Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 57 2024-04-21

The Battle of the Bay D1A ROC - Women's Epee Rescheduled

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ashley Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 10 2024-04-14
Enrile, Erica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 21 2024-04-14
Pant, Anisha Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 27 2024-04-14
Zhuang, Lauren Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 34 2024-04-14
Lin, Ariel Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 40 2024-04-14
Lee, Emily Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 49 2024-04-14

5th Annual Precision RYC and RJC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lee, Caleb Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 25 2024-04-12
Kim, Connor Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 28 2024-04-12
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 18 2024-04-12
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 21 2024-04-12
Huang, Terrence Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 19 2024-04-12
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 7 2024-04-13
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 8 2024-04-13
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 10 2024-04-13
Hsu, Joshua Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 8 2024-04-14
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 23 2024-04-14
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 41 2024-04-14
Cheung, Henry Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 56 2024-04-14
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 1 2024-04-14
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 15 2024-04-14

2024 4th Annual Las Vegas Epee Only RYC/RJC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 8 2024-04-06
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 3 2024-04-06
Wang, Franklin Youth 8 Men’s Epee (Y8ME) 8 2024-04-06
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 1 2024-04-07
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 8 2024-04-07
Wang, Franklin Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 20 2024-04-07

ROC of the Rockies

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Luh, Mia Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 5 2024-04-07

Challenge by the Bay RYC/RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Klinkner, Richard Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 2 D24 2024-03-30
Veron, Darius Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 9 2024-03-30
Wagholikar, Prathit Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 11 2024-03-30
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 12 2024-03-30
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 30 2024-03-30
Chu, Theodore Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 34 2024-03-30
Narayanun, Advay Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 50 2024-03-30
Rozensweig, Aner Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 54 2024-03-30
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 3 2024-03-30
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 19 2024-03-30
Leung, Joon Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 33 2024-03-30
Shao, Tysen Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 34 2024-03-30
Zhang, Charlie Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 38 2024-03-30
Lee, Reiden Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 41 2024-03-30
Upender, West Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 12 2024-03-30
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 5 2024-03-30
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 7 2024-03-30
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 9 2024-03-30
Yung, Bethany Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 10 2024-03-30
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 17 2024-03-30
Dymar, Anna Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 29 2024-03-30
Schor, Katherine Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 29 2024-03-30
Lee, Reiden Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 3 2024-03-31
Leung, Joon Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 3 2024-03-31
Leung, Joon Youth 8 Mixed Epee (Y8XE) 1 2024-03-30
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 10 2024-03-31
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 34 2024-03-31
Cheung, Henry Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 47 2024-03-31
Nguyen, Norris Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) DNF 2024-03-31
Huang, Terrence Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 12 2024-03-31
Klinkner, Charlie Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 16 2024-03-31
Narayanun, Advay Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 32 2024-03-31
Ren, Mark Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 33 2024-03-31
Lee, Caleb Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 18 2024-03-31
Kim, Connor Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 19 2024-03-31
Levental, Mark Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 5 D24 2024-03-31
Klinkner, Richard Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 8 D24 2024-03-31
Bakken, Archer Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 11 E24 2024-03-31
Wagholikar, Prathit Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 16 2024-03-31
Hsu, Joshua Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 24 2024-03-31
Veron, Darius Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 31 2024-03-31
Chu, Theodore Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 37 2024-03-31
Ho, Chloe Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 35 2024-03-31
Lee, Abigail Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 38 2024-03-31
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 2 2024-03-31
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2024-03-31
Dymar, Anna Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 5 2024-03-31
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 12 2024-03-31
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 22 2024-03-31
Kim, Rylie Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 1 2024-03-31
Chang, Audrey Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 6 2024-03-31
Gao, Nicole Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 8 2024-03-31
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 5 2024-04-01
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 3 2024-04-01
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 9 2024-04-01
Cheung, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 14 2024-04-01
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 29 2024-04-01
Lee, Caleb Youth 8 Mixed Saber (Y8XS) 2 2024-04-01
Pan, Vivienne Youth 8 Mixed Saber (Y8XS) 3 2024-04-01
Ho, Chloe Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 27 2024-04-01
Lee, Grace Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 16 2024-04-01
Ramanishka, Dzmitry Youth 14 Men’s Saber (Y14MS) 39 2024-04-01

Wang Memorial Div1A/2 ROC and RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Enrile, Erica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 12 2024-03-24

Fortune Fencing SYC /RJCC & Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bakken, Archer Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 59 2024-03-24
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 74 2024-03-23
Oh, Kepler Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 100 2024-03-23
Cheung, Henry Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 107 2024-03-23
Chen, Aiden Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 118 2024-03-23
Kim, Rylie Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 5 2024-03-22
Wang, Franklin Youth 8 Men’s Epee (Y8ME) 20 2024-03-23
Lee, Caleb Youth 8 Men’s Saber (Y8MS) 12 2024-03-22
Pan, Vivienne Youth 8 Women’s Saber (Y8WS) 3 2024-03-22
Chen, Chelsea Youth 8 Women’s Saber (Y8WS) 5 2024-03-22
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 53 2024-03-22
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 3 2024-03-23
Lee, Reiden Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 24 2024-03-23
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 30 2024-03-24
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 37 2024-03-24
Yung, Bethany Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 42 2024-03-24
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 3 2024-03-23
Choi, Zachary Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 12 B24 2024-03-23
Xu, Jessica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 8 D24 2024-03-22
Schor, Elisabeth Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 19 2024-03-22
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 87 2024-03-24
Lee, Abigail Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 90 2024-03-24
Dymar, Anna Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 9 E24 2024-03-23
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 13 2024-03-23
Zhuang, Lauren Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 16 2024-03-23
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 18 2024-03-23
Yung, Bethany Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 28 2024-03-23
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 33 2024-03-23
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 37 2024-03-23
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 39 2024-03-23
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 29 2024-03-24
Oh, Kepler Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 69 2024-03-24
Chen, Aiden Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 95 2024-03-24
Cheung, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 96 2024-03-24
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 42 2024-03-22
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 51 2024-03-22
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 1 2024-03-24
Dymar, Anna Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 6 2024-03-24
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 10 2024-03-24
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 11 2024-03-24
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 23 2024-03-24
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 36 2024-03-24
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 13 2024-03-22
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 41 2024-03-23
Wang, Franklin Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 64 2024-03-24
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2024-03-22
Kim, Connor Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 57 2024-03-23
Lee, Caleb Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 59 2024-03-23

March SJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Petrov, Mikhail Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 154 2024-03-15
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 8 B24 2024-03-15
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 15 B24 2024-03-17

Portland ROC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Enrile, Erica Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 17 2024-03-10
Enrile, Erica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 15 2024-03-09
Lee, Bryson Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 10 2024-03-09

South Coast RYC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 20 2024-03-08
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 13 2024-03-08
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 18 2024-03-08
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 43 2024-03-08
Klinkner, Richard Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 13 2024-03-08
Chu, Theodore Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 40 2024-03-08
Lee, Caleb Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 30 2024-03-08
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 12 E24 2024-03-08
Petrov, Mikhail Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 21 2024-03-09
Upender, West Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 49 2024-03-09
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 48 2024-03-09
Klinkner, Richard Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 27 2024-03-09
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2024-03-09
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 7 2024-03-09
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 8 2024-03-09
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 3 2024-03-09
Ozcan, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 30 2024-03-09
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 54 2024-03-09
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 17 2024-03-10
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 12 2024-03-10
Goel, Riyana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 33 2024-03-10
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 12 2024-03-10
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 16 2024-03-10
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 17 2024-03-10
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 29 2024-03-10
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 36 2024-03-10
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 41 2024-03-10
Upender, West Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 32 2024-03-10
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 47 2024-03-10

March NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 33 2024-03-01
Levental, Mark Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 100 2024-03-01
Wagholikar, Prathit Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 155 2024-03-01
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 28 2024-03-01
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 111 2024-03-01
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 21 2024-03-01
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 16 2024-03-01
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 154 2024-03-02
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 31 2024-03-02
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 44 2024-03-02
Dymar, Anna Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 55 2024-03-02
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 67 2024-03-02
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 83 2024-03-02
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 100 2024-03-02
Narayanun, Advay Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 62 2024-03-02
Wang, Kyle Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 76 2024-03-02
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 66 2024-03-02
Tewari, Amaira Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 163 2024-03-02
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 170 2024-03-02
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 97 2024-03-03
Yung, Bethany Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 105 2024-03-03
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 111 2024-03-03
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 117 2024-03-03
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 123 2024-03-03
Dymar, Anna Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 124 2024-03-03
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 144 2024-03-03
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 156 2024-03-03
Kelman, Nora Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 161 2024-03-03
LING, XIANGQIAN Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 50 2024-03-03
Upender, West Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 137 2024-03-03
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 201 2024-03-03
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 64 2024-03-03
Tewari, Amaira Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 111 2024-03-03
Ren, Mark Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 70 2024-03-03
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 33 2024-03-04
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 91 2024-03-04
Klinkner, Richard Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 158 2024-03-04
Kuruganti, Vivaan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 196 2024-03-04
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 132 2024-03-04
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 135 2024-03-04
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 67 2024-03-04
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 73 2024-03-04
Yung, Bethany Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 76 2024-03-04
Fischbein, Quinley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 150 2024-03-04
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 152 2024-03-04
Kelman, Nora Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 164 2024-03-04

RYC/RCC of the Rockies

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Kim, Connor Youth 12 Men’s Saber (Y12MS) 8 2024-02-24
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 2 2024-02-24
Wagholikar, Prathit Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 14 2024-02-25
Bakken, Archer Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 21 2024-02-25
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 1 2024-02-25

Junior Olympics

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 203 2024-02-16
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 262 2024-02-16
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 83 2024-02-16
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 113 2024-02-16
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 162 2024-02-16
Goel, Riyana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 211 2024-02-16
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 96 2024-02-17
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 165 2024-02-17
Lin, Ariel Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 178 2024-02-17
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 109 2024-02-17
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 26 2024-02-18
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 102 2024-02-18
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 144 2024-02-18
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 67 2024-02-18
Liu, Andrew Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 74 2024-02-18
Hsu, Joshua Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 243 2024-02-18
Veron, Darius Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 250 2024-02-18
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 71 2024-02-19
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 92 2024-02-19
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 100 2024-02-19
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 167 2024-02-19

Rocky Mountain RYC - Spring

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 8 2024-02-10
Kuruganti, Vivaan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 13 2024-02-10
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 5 2024-02-10
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 2 2024-02-10
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 2 2024-02-11
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 9 2024-02-11


Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 25 2024-02-04
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 20 2024-02-03

The Battle of the Bay Div1A ROC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Boles, Amanda Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 6 D24 2024-02-03
Luh, Mia Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 7 D24 2024-02-03
Singha, Orion Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 3 A24 2024-02-03
Choi, Zachary Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 17 2024-02-03
Gu, Aidan Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 31 D24 2024-02-03
Lee, Bryson Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 34 2024-02-03
Hsu, Joshua Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 68 2024-02-03
Lee, David Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 69 2024-02-04

2024 Battle in Seattle ROC (D1A)

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Zhuang, William Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 24 2024-01-27

Capitol Clash SYC/RCC & Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 7 2024-01-14
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 23 2024-01-15
Hsu, Joshua Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 138 2024-01-14
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 19 2024-01-13
Kim, Rylie Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 3 2024-01-14
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 64 2024-01-13
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 36 2024-01-15
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 13 2024-01-15
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 48 2024-01-15
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 61 2024-01-15
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 111 2024-01-13
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 32 2024-01-13
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 103 2024-01-13
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 14 D24 2024-01-14
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 80 2024-01-14

2024 South Coast Mary Rafanelli RYC/RJC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 9 E24 2024-01-13
Zhuang, Lauren Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 13 2024-01-13
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 18 2024-01-13
Zhuang, Lauren Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 1 C24 2024-01-14
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 3 D24 2024-01-14
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 10 2024-01-15
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 1 C24 2024-01-15
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 7 E24 2024-01-15

Treasure Chest RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 6 2024-01-13
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 9 2024-01-13
Klinkner, Richard Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 19 2024-01-13
Kim, Ian Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 26 2024-01-13
Kuruganti, Vivaan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 52 2024-01-13
Schor, William Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 16 2024-01-13
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 17 2024-01-13
Leung, Joon Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 18 2024-01-13
Lee, Reiden Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 41 2024-01-13
Wang, Ian Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 45 2024-01-13
Yung, Bethany Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 3 2024-01-13
Lee, Emily Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 8 2024-01-13
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 10 2024-01-13
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 11 2024-01-13
Dymar, Anna Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 18 2024-01-13
Kelman, Nora Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 27 2024-01-13
Lee, Grace Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 33 2024-01-13
Lee, Caleb Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 13 2024-01-14
Tian, Claire Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 33 2024-01-13
Schor, Katherine Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 34 2024-01-13
Kim, Loah Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 37 2024-01-13
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 7 2024-01-14
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 23 2024-01-14
Chen, Aiden Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 42 2024-01-14
Cheung, Henry Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 44 2024-01-14
Huang, Terrence Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 3 2024-01-14
Narayanun, Advay Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 16 2024-01-14
Wang, Kyle Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 22 2024-01-14
Klinkner, Charlie Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 41 2024-01-14
Hagenbuch, Isabella Youth 10 Women’s Saber (Y10WS) 2 2024-01-14
Shkalikova, Anastasiia Youth 10 Women’s Saber (Y10WS) 7 2024-01-14
Lee, Abigail Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 20 2024-01-14
Tewari, Amaira Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 21 2024-01-14
Ho, Chloe Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 40 2024-01-14
Dymar, Anna Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2024-01-14
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 7 2024-01-14
Voorhies, Vivienne Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 12 2024-01-14
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 13 2024-01-14
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 8 2024-01-15
Chen, Aiden Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 27 2024-01-15
Cheung, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 31 2024-01-15
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 42 2024-01-15
Schor, William Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 46 2024-01-15
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 7 2024-01-15
Leung, Joon Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 8 2024-01-15
Ren, Mark Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 9 2024-01-15
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 13 2024-01-15
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 19 2024-01-15
Ho, Chloe Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 25 2024-01-15
Tewari, Amaira Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 32 2024-01-15
Tian, Claire Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 40 2024-01-15
Ramanishka, Dzmitry Youth 14 Men’s Saber (Y14MS) 37 2024-01-15
Voorhies, Maximilian Youth 8 Mixed Saber (Y8XS) 1 2024-01-15
Chen, Chelsea Youth 8 Mixed Saber (Y8XS) 2 2024-01-15
Lee, Caleb Youth 8 Mixed Saber (Y8XS) 3 2024-01-15
Pan, Vivienne Youth 8 Mixed Saber (Y8XS) 5 2024-01-15
Leung, Joon Youth 8 Mixed Epee (Y8XE) 1 2024-01-13
Wu, Angela Youth 8 Mixed Epee (Y8XE) 6 2024-01-13
Chang, Audrey Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 3 2024-01-14
Leung, Joon Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 1 2024-01-14
Lee, Reiden Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 3 2024-01-14
Raj, Yojith Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 7 2024-01-14
Santiago, Aidan Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 14 2024-01-14

January NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Kimball Veteran 40-49 Men’s Epee (V40ME) 33 2024-01-05
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 182 2024-01-05
Petrov, Mikhail Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 257 2024-01-05
Upender, West Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 276 2024-01-05
Yang, Andy Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 122 2024-01-06
Song, Lawrence Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 138 2024-01-06
Luh, Ethan Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 164 2024-01-06
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 81 2024-01-06
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 101 2024-01-06
Choi, Zachary Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 114 2024-01-06
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 128 2024-01-06
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 141 2024-01-06
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 265 2024-01-06
Levental, Mark Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 273 2024-01-06
Lee, David Veteran 40-49 Men’s Foil (V40MF) 7 E24 2024-01-07
Lin, Kimball Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 41 2024-01-07
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 54 2024-01-07
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 114 2024-01-07
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 119 2024-01-07
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 143 2024-01-07
Goel, Riyana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 146 2024-01-07
Lin, Ashley Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 176 2024-01-07
Enrile, Erica Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 190 2024-01-07
Lin, Ariel Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 191 2024-01-07
Liang, Cera Junior Women’s Saber (JNRWS) 146 2024-01-08
Lin, Ariel Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 125 2024-01-08
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 167 2024-01-08
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 174 2024-01-08
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 177 2024-01-08
Yung, Bethany Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 222 2024-01-08
Singha, Orion Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 17 2024-01-08
Lee, Bryson Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 238 2024-01-08
Choi, Zachary Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 244 2024-01-08
Liu, Andrew Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 295 2024-01-08
Zhuang, William Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 331 2024-01-08

International Regional Circuit Hong Kong

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 36 2023-12-31
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 15 2023-12-30
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 10 2023-12-30

2023 Austin Challenge SYC and RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 19 2023-12-18
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 6 2023-12-18
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 2 2023-12-17
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 28 2023-12-17
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 30 2023-12-17
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 38 2023-12-16
Tewari, Amaira Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 52 2023-12-16
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 53 2023-12-16
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 77 2023-12-17
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 39 2023-12-16
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 49 2023-12-16
Tewari, Amaira Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 54 2023-12-18
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 59 2023-12-18
Lee, Abigail Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 65 2023-12-18

The Fencing Center Winter RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Yung, Bethany Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 24 2023-12-08
Lee, Emily Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 27 2023-12-08
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 33 2023-12-08
Upender, West Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 33 2023-12-09
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 49 2023-12-09
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 6 2023-12-09
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 21 2023-12-09
Goel, Riyana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 28 2023-12-09
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 7 2023-12-09
Yung, Bethany Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 14 2023-12-09
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 20 2023-12-09
Lee, Emily Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 22 2023-12-09
Lee, Grace Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 37 2023-12-09
Fischbein, Quinley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 38 2023-12-09
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 11 2023-12-09
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 25 2023-12-09
Levental, Mark Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 34 2023-12-09
Hsu, Joshua Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 40 2023-12-09
Petrov, Mikhail Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 26 2023-12-10
Upender, West Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 45 2023-12-10
Liang, Cera Junior Women’s Saber (JNRWS) 16 2023-12-10
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 2 2023-12-10
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 8 E23 2023-12-10
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 20 2023-12-10
Levental, Mark Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 8 2023-12-10
Hsu, Joshua Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 23 2023-12-10
Wagholikar, Prathit Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 26 2023-12-10

December SJCC + Division 1 NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Luh, Ethan Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 75 2023-12-01
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 43 2023-12-01
Petrova, Kristina Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 54 2023-12-02
Choi, Zachary Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 140 2023-12-02
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 199 2023-12-02
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 129 2023-12-02
Petrov, Mikhail Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 202 2023-12-03
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 86 2023-12-03
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 80 2023-12-04
Singha, Orion Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 68 2023-12-04

Cobra Challenge SYC/RCC/Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 69 2023-11-24
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 141 2023-11-24
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 44 2023-11-24
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 120 2023-11-25
Lee, Reiden Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 21 2023-11-25
Lee, Abigail Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 105 2023-11-25
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 9 2023-11-25
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 52 2023-11-26
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 25 2023-11-26

Rain City Fall RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lee, Caleb Youth 10 Mixed Saber (Y10XS) 8 2023-11-19

7th Annual Sword in the Stone RYC and RJC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 25 2023-11-17
Tian, Claire Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 33 2023-11-17
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 34 2023-11-17
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 7 2023-11-18
Kuruganti, Vivaan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 41 2023-11-18
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 5 2023-11-18
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 6 2023-11-18
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 7 2023-11-18
Dymar, Anna Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 12 2023-11-18
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 18 2023-11-18
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 35 2023-11-18
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 57 2023-11-18
Tian, Claire Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 73 2023-11-18
Hsu, Joshua Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 20 2023-11-19
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 14 2023-11-19
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 59 2023-11-19
Dymar, Anna Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 3 2023-11-19
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 9 2023-11-19
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 14 2023-11-19
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 25 2023-11-19

November NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 74 2023-11-10
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 138 2023-11-10
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 152 2023-11-10
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 33 2023-11-10
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 87 2023-11-10
Kuruganti, Vivaan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 127 2023-11-10
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 78 2023-11-10
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 84 2023-11-10
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 96 2023-11-10
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 97 2023-11-10
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 72 2023-11-11
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 119 2023-11-11
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 148 2023-11-11
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 185 2023-11-11
Fischbein, Quinley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 224 2023-11-11
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 44 2023-11-11
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 47 2023-11-11
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 124 2023-11-12
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 168 2023-11-12
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 189 2023-11-12
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 92 2023-11-12
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 94 2023-11-12
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 252 2023-11-12
Levental, Mark Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 261 2023-11-12
Hsu, Joshua Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 304 2023-11-12
Choi, Zachary Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 309 2023-11-12
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 20 2023-11-13
Levental, Mark Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 183 2023-11-13
Hsu, Joshua Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 217 2023-11-13
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 154 2023-11-13
Lin, Ariel Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 158 2023-11-13

October NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Luh, Ethan Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 79 2023-10-26
Oh, Ceana Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 13 2023-10-26
Singha, Orion Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 31 2023-10-27
Luh, Ethan Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 232 2023-10-27
Zhuang, William Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 343 2023-10-27
Petrova, Kristina Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 72 2023-10-27
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 86 2023-10-29

SYC of the Rockies

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 29 2023-10-20
Ho, Chloe Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 40 2023-10-20
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 11 2023-10-21
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 18 2023-10-21
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 24 2023-10-21
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 27 2023-10-21
Ho, Chloe Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 40 2023-10-21
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 17 2023-10-22
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 22 2023-10-22
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 33 2023-10-22
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 30 2023-10-22
Cheung, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 56 2023-10-22
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 58 2023-10-22
Nguyen, Norris Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 64 2023-10-22
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 6 2023-10-23
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 17 2023-10-23
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 26 2023-10-23
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 1 2023-10-23

Remenyik ROC and RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 18 2023-10-14
Enrile, Erica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 40 2023-10-15

Back to School RYC/RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 3 2023-10-13
Wagholikar, Prathit Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 5 2023-10-13
Klinkner, Richard Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 6 2023-10-13
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 12 2023-10-13
Kim, Ian Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 15 2023-10-13
Kuruganti, Vivaan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 40 2023-10-13
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 11 2023-10-13
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 16 2023-10-13
CHEUNG, RYAN Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 21 2023-10-13
Kayal, Alexander Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 30 2023-10-13
Ramani, Priya Youth 12 Women’s Saber (Y12WS) 13 2023-10-13
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 15 2023-10-13
Upender, West Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 24 2023-10-13
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 3 D23 2023-10-13
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 3 2023-10-13
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 5 2023-10-13
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 19 2023-10-13
Dymar, Anna Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 20 2023-10-13
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 25 2023-10-13
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 30 2023-10-13
Kelman, Nora Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 34 2023-10-13
Lee, Grace Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 39 2023-10-13
Leung, Joon Youth 8 Mixed Epee (Y8XE) 3 2023-10-13
Wu, Angela Youth 8 Mixed Epee (Y8XE) 5 2023-10-13
Wang, Franklin Youth 8 Mixed Epee (Y8XE) 6 2023-10-13
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 30 2023-10-13
Tian, Claire Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 32 2023-10-13
Kim, Loah Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 36 2023-10-13
Schor, Katherine Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 37 2023-10-13
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 20 2023-10-14
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 24 2023-10-14
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 39 2023-10-14
Cheung, Henry Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 54 2023-10-14
Chen, Aiden Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 61 2023-10-14
Chen, Aaran Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 34 2023-10-14
Wang, Kyle Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 35 2023-10-14
Klinkner, Charlie Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 36 2023-10-14
Narayanun, Advay Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 37 2023-10-14
Ressi di Cervia, Skyler Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 39 2023-10-14
Chan, Calvin Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 41 2023-10-14
Kim, Connor Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 12 2023-10-14
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 1 2023-10-14
Levental, Mark Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 8 2023-10-14
Hsu, Joshua Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 27 2023-10-14
Wagholikar, Prathit Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 35 2023-10-14
Matthew, Neil Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 44 2023-10-14
Hagenbuch, Isabella Youth 10 Women’s Saber (Y10WS) 9 2023-10-14
Shkalikova, Anastasiia Youth 10 Women’s Saber (Y10WS) 11 2023-10-14
Liang, Cera Cadet Women’s Saber (CDTWS) 21 2023-10-14
Kim, Rylie Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 3 2023-10-14
Schor, Katherine Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 10 2023-10-14
Chang, Audrey Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 11 2023-10-14
Raj, Yojith Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 8 2023-10-14
Lee, Reiden Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 13 2023-10-14
Santiago, Aidan Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 18 2023-10-14
Lee, Abigail Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 35 2023-10-14
Tewari, Amaira Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 40 2023-10-14
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 47 2023-10-14
Ho, Chloe Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 48 2023-10-14
Dymar, Anna Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2023-10-14
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 6 2023-10-14
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 8 2023-10-14
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 10 2023-10-14
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 17 2023-10-14
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 2 2023-10-15
Lee, Rebecca Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 9 2023-10-15
Ren, Mark Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 9 2023-10-15
Wang, Franklin Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 10 2023-10-15
Leung, Joon Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 11 2023-10-15
Lin, Logan Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 13 2023-10-15
Yankovskiy, Arthur Alexander Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 14 2023-10-15
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 3 2023-10-15
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 22 2023-10-15
Oh, Kepler Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 25 2023-10-15
Nguyen, Norris Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 29 2023-10-15
Ozcan, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 30 2023-10-15
Cheung, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 38 2023-10-15
Chen, Aiden Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 46 2023-10-15
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 47 2023-10-15
Schor, William Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 48 2023-10-15
Lee, Caleb Youth 8 Mixed Saber (Y8XS) 1 2023-10-15
Chen, Chelsea Youth 8 Mixed Saber (Y8XS) 2 2023-10-15
Pan, Vivienne Youth 8 Mixed Saber (Y8XS) 3 2023-10-15
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 12 2023-10-15
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 22 2023-10-15
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 23 2023-10-15
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 24 2023-10-15
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 32 2023-10-15
Ho, Chloe Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 42 2023-10-15
Tewari, Amaira Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 45 2023-10-15
Tian, Claire Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 52 2023-10-15
Yung, Bethany Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 8 E23 2023-10-15
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 9 2023-10-15
Lee, Emily Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 13 2023-10-15
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 15 2023-10-15
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 17 2023-10-15
Lee, Grace Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 30 2023-10-15
Fischbein, Quinley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 34 2023-10-15
Bragar, Aleena Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 42 2023-10-15

AFM Super Regional SYC/RJCC/ROC Div1A/Vet

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Kimball Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 5 D23 2023-10-06
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 5 2023-10-06
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 16 2023-10-06
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 17 2023-10-06
Zhuang, Lauren Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 22 2023-10-06
Fischbein, Quinley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 25 2023-10-06
Kelman, Nora Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 38 2023-10-06
Lee, Grace Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 60 2023-10-06
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 40 2023-10-06
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 42 2023-10-06
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 52 2023-10-06
Tewari, Amaira Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 53 2023-10-06
Wang, Franklin Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 43 2023-10-06
Post, Alexander Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 48 2023-10-06
Lin, Logan Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 49 2023-10-06
Oh, Kepler Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 53 2023-10-06
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 59 2023-10-06
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 62 2023-10-06
Ozcan, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 90 2023-10-06
Cheung, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 95 2023-10-06
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 99 2023-10-06
Schor, William Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 101 2023-10-06
Chen, Aiden Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 114 2023-10-06
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2023-10-06
Lee, Rebecca Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 38 2023-10-06
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 15 2023-10-06
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 37 2023-10-06
Goel, Riyana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 53 2023-10-06
LING, XIANGQIAN Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 1 B23 2023-10-06
Upender, West Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 51 2023-10-06
Petrov, Mikhail Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 56 2023-10-06
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 6 2023-10-06
Liu, Andrew Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 12 2023-10-06
Doddapaneni, Aarav Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 19 E23 2023-10-06
Levental, Mark Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 29 2023-10-06
Hsu, Joshua Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 46 2023-10-06
Raj, Yojith Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 16 2023-10-06
Lee, Reiden Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 22 2023-10-06
Santiago, Aidan Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 26 2023-10-06
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 20 2023-10-07
Lee, Abigail Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 84 2023-10-07
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 89 2023-10-07
Tewari, Amaira Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 103 2023-10-07
Liu, Andrew Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 8 A23 2023-10-07
Zhuang, William Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 58 2023-10-07
Lee, Bryson Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 77 2023-10-07
Gu, Aidan Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 84 2023-10-07
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 11 2023-10-07
CHEUNG, RYAN Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 33 2023-10-07
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 46 2023-10-07
Schor, William Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 66 2023-10-07
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 D23 2023-10-07
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 8 2023-10-07
Dymar, Anna Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 30 2023-10-07
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 35 2023-10-07
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 49 2023-10-07
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 56 2023-10-07
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 17 2023-10-07
Lee, Emily Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 29 2023-10-07
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 45 2023-10-07
Lin, Ariel Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 46 2023-10-07
Schor, Elisabeth Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 53 2023-10-07
Yung, Bethany Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 61 2023-10-07
LING, XIANGQIAN Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 3 B23 2023-10-07
Upender, West Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 73 2023-10-07
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 124 2023-10-07
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 10 2023-10-07
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 16 2023-10-07
Wagholikar, Prathit Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 31 2023-10-07
Zhang, Matthew Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 44 2023-10-07
Veron, Darius Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 54 2023-10-07
Kuruganti, Vivaan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 83 2023-10-07
Kim, Ian Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 88 2023-10-07
Klinkner, Richard Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 107 2023-10-07
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 118 2023-10-07
Narayanun, Advay Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 141 2023-10-07
Oh, Ceana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 11 2023-10-07
Luh, Mia Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 33 2023-10-07
Boles, Amanda Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 42 2023-10-07
Goel, Riyana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 44 2023-10-07
Leung, Joon Youth 8 Men’s Epee (Y8ME) 5 2023-10-07
Wang, Franklin Youth 8 Men’s Epee (Y8ME) 12 2023-10-07
Liang, Cera Youth 14 Women’s Saber (Y14WS) 73 2023-10-07
Kim, Rylie Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 6 2023-10-07
Schor, Katherine Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 11 2023-10-07
Chang, Audrey Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 12 2023-10-07
Lee, Caleb Youth 8 Men’s Saber (Y8MS) 9 2023-10-07
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 3 2023-10-08
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 26 2023-10-08
Yung, Bethany Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 29 2023-10-08
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 32 2023-10-08
Dymar, Anna Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 37 2023-10-08
Lee, Emily Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 38 2023-10-08
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 52 2023-10-08
Kelman, Nora Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 58 2023-10-08
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 69 2023-10-08
Lee, Grace Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 86 2023-10-08
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 41 2023-10-08
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 60 2023-10-08
Chen, Aiden Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 111 2023-10-08
Ozcan, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 120 2023-10-08
Cheung, Henry Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 126 2023-10-08
Klinkner, Charlie Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 70 2023-10-08
Narayanun, Advay Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 84 2023-10-08
Lee, Joshua Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 86 2023-10-08
Wang, Kyle Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 89 2023-10-08
Chan, Calvin Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 90 2023-10-08
Chen, Aaran Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 91 2023-10-08
Pan, Vivienne Youth 8 Women’s Saber (Y8WS) 8 2023-10-08
Chen, Chelsea Youth 8 Women’s Saber (Y8WS) 9 2023-10-08
Kim, Connor Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 37 2023-10-08
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 11 2023-10-08
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 14 2023-10-08
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 37 2023-10-08
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 59 2023-10-08
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 5 A23 2023-10-08
Levental, Mark Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 29 2023-10-08
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 34 2023-10-08
Choi, Zachary Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 41 2023-10-08
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 50 2023-10-08
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 53 2023-10-08
Doddapaneni, Aarav Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 58 2023-10-08
Hsu, Joshua Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 84 2023-10-08
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 44 2023-10-08
Schor, Katherine Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 62 2023-10-08
Kim, Loah Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 63 2023-10-08
Dzhus, Yurii Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 6 2023-10-08
Luh, Ethan Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 9 2023-10-08
LING, XIANGQIAN Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 20 E23 2023-10-08
Petrov, Mikhail Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 60 2023-10-08
Lin, Ashley Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 7 2023-10-08
Schor, Elisabeth Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 31 2023-10-08
Enrile, Erica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 32 2023-10-08
Wu, Angela Youth 8 Women’s Epee (Y8WE) 3 2023-10-08

Windy City SYC # 9/RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 14 2023-09-29
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 53 2023-09-30
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 D23 2023-09-30
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 24 2023-09-30
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 2 2023-10-01
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 37 2023-10-01
Xu, Jessica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 18 2023-10-01

Alliance Fencing RYC / RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Tian, Claire Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 17 2023-09-23
Tian, Claire Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 10 2023-09-23

BladeRunner ROC / RJC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Petrov, Mikhail Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 60 2023-09-16
Lin, Ariel Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 12 2023-09-16
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 13 2023-09-16
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 28 2023-09-16
Schor, Elisabeth Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 38 2023-09-16
Boles, Amanda Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 16 2023-09-16
Oh, Ceana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 28 2023-09-16
Singha, Orion Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 3 2023-09-16
Lee, Bryson Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 65 2023-09-16
Gu, Aidan Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 79 2023-09-16
Song, Lawrence Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 6 2023-09-17
Petrov, Mikhail Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 67 2023-09-17
Lin, Ashley Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 17 2023-09-17
Enrile, Erica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 29 2023-09-17
Schor, Elisabeth Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 30 2023-09-17
Lin, Ariel Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 49 2023-09-17
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 12 2023-09-17
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 18 2023-09-17
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 28 2023-09-17
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 42 2023-09-17
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 3 2023-09-17
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 18 2023-09-17
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 46 2023-09-17
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 48 2023-09-17

11th Annual Little Musketeers RYC / RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2023-09-08
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 18 2023-09-08
Cheung, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 31 2023-09-08
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 5 D23 2023-09-09
Kuruganti, Vivaan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 37 2023-09-09
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 2 2023-09-09
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 5 2023-09-09
Dymar, Anna Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 6 2023-09-09
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 9 2023-09-09
Levental, Mark Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 19 2023-09-10
Hsu, Joshua Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 31 2023-09-10
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 1 2023-09-10
Dymar, Anna Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 17 2023-09-10
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 18 2023-09-10
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 7 2023-09-10

Fortune Fencing RYC/RJCC/ROC(D1A, DV2, VET) & Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Singha, Orion Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 13 2023-09-02
Zhuang, William Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 44 2023-09-02
Gu, Aidan Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 48 2023-09-02
Liu, Andrew Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 53 2023-09-02
Lee, Bryson Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 72 2023-09-02
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 11 2023-09-02
Upender, West Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 58 2023-09-02
Petrov, Mikhail Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 76 2023-09-02
Wang, Franklin Youth 8 Men’s Epee (Y8ME) 15 2023-09-02
Lee, David Veteran Men’s Foil (VETMF) 17 2023-09-02
Schor, Elisabeth Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 11 2023-09-02
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 13 2023-09-02
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 39 2023-09-02
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 51 2023-09-02
Goel, Riyana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 55 2023-09-02
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 6 2023-09-02
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 18 2023-09-02
Zhuang, Lauren Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 22 2023-09-02
Yung, Bethany Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 38 2023-09-02
Kelman, Nora Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 50 2023-09-02
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 58 2023-09-02
Lee, Emily Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 71 2023-09-02
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 28 2023-09-02
Kim, Ian Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 33 2023-09-02
Zhang, Matthew Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 65 2023-09-02
Kuruganti, Vivaan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 80 2023-09-02
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 27 2023-09-02
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 42 2023-09-02
Cheung, Henry Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 43 2023-09-02
Oh, Kepler Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 44 2023-09-02
Nguyen, Norris Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 57 2023-09-02
Ozcan, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 60 2023-09-02
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 23 2023-09-02
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 36 2023-09-02
Dzhus, Yurii Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 6 C23 2023-09-03
Luh, Ethan Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 29 2023-09-03
Petrov, Mikhail Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 87 2023-09-03
Goel, Riyana Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 19 2023-09-03
Lee, Bryson Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 13 2023-09-03
Gu, Aidan Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 23 2023-09-03
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 12 E23 2023-09-03
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 30 2023-09-03
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 52 2023-09-03
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 55 2023-09-03
Raj, Yojith Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 8 2023-09-03
Lee, Reiden Youth 8 Men’s Foil (Y8MF) 21 2023-09-03
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 32 2023-09-03
Schor, Elisabeth Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 49 2023-09-03
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 51 2023-09-03
Zhuang, Lauren Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 55 2023-09-03
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 19 2023-09-03
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 22 2023-09-03
Oh, Kepler Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 78 2023-09-03
Ozcan, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 85 2023-09-03
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 21 2023-09-03
Hsu, Joshua Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 61 2023-09-03
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2023-09-03
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 8 2023-09-03
Dymar, Anna Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 14 2023-09-03
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 16 2023-09-03
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 17 2023-09-03
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 5 E23 2023-09-04
Yung, Bethany Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 14 2023-09-04
Lee, Emily Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 23 2023-09-04
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 31 2023-09-04
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 37 2023-09-04
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 45 2023-09-04
Kelman, Nora Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 47 2023-09-04
Upender, West Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 62 2023-09-04
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 84 2023-09-04
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 14 2023-09-04
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 20 2023-09-04
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 39 2023-09-04
Choi, Zachary Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 40 2023-09-04
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 50 2023-09-04
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 54 2023-09-04
Hsu, Joshua Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 62 2023-09-04
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 83 2023-09-04
Hau, Olivia Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 32 2023-09-04
Enrile, Erica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 37 2023-09-04
Zhuang, Lauren Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 45 2023-09-04
Luh, Mia Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 20 2023-09-04
Oh, Ceana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 21 2023-09-04
Boles, Amanda Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 27 2023-09-04
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 3 2023-09-04
CHEUNG, RYAN Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 26 2023-09-04
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 27 2023-09-04
Chan, Calvin Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 61 2023-09-04
Lee, Abigail Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 56 2023-09-04

North Texas Roundup SYC / RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 35 2023-09-02
Kim, Rylie Youth 8 Women’s Foil (Y8WF) 1 2023-09-02
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 28 2023-09-03
Kim, Natalie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 37 2023-09-03
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 11 2023-09-04
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 19 2023-09-04

Cascade Clash SYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Dymar, Anna Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 11 E23 2023-08-25
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 14 2023-08-25
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 15 2023-08-25
Chen, Julia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 26 2023-08-25
Lee, Abigail Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 38 2023-08-25
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 2 2023-08-25
Tewari, Amaira Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 40 2023-08-26
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 46 2023-08-26
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 50 2023-08-26
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 5 2023-08-26
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 6 2023-08-26
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 21 2023-08-26
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 22 2023-08-26
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 31 2023-08-26
Dymar, Anna Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 41 2023-08-26
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 21 2023-08-27
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 6 2023-08-27
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 10 E23 2023-08-27
Leung, Dylan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 38 2023-08-27
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 52 2023-08-27
Leung, Dylan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 7 2023-08-28
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 13 2023-08-28

National Championships & July Challenge (Summer Nationals)

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Tan, Jocelyn Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 80 2023-06-30
Enrile, Erica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 100 2023-06-30
Hau, Olivia Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 121 2023-06-30
Ferrari, Carlotta Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 1 2023-06-30
Petrova, Kristina Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 30 2023-06-30
Singha, Orion Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 36 2023-06-30
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 182 2023-07-01
Baek, David Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 300 2023-07-01
Lin, Ariel Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 159 2023-07-01
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 170 2023-07-01
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 212 2023-07-01
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 225 2023-07-01
Tan, Jocelyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 253 2023-07-01
Srivastava, Arya Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 278 2023-07-01
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 148 2023-07-02
Goel, Riyana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 170 2023-07-02
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 172 2023-07-02
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 42 2023-07-02
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 159 2023-07-02
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 223 2023-07-02
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 326 2023-07-02
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 381 2023-07-02
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 386 2023-07-02
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 102 2023-07-02
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 128 2023-07-02
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 32 2023-07-03
Liu, Andrew Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 86 2023-07-03
Lin, Kimball Veteran 40-49 Men’s Epee (V40ME) 32 2023-07-03
Song, Lawrence Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 55 2023-07-03
Hau, Peter Veteran 50-59 Men’s Epee (V50ME) 46 2023-07-03
Pant, Anisha Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 55 2023-07-03
Boles, Amanda Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 62 2023-07-03
Lin, Ashley Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 71 2023-07-03
Tan, Jocelyn Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 131 2023-07-03
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 62 2023-07-04
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 180 2023-07-04
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 181 2023-07-04
Singha, Orion Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 87 2023-07-04
Liu, Andrew Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 189 2023-07-04
Hussain, Kamran Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 197 2023-07-04
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 64 2023-07-05
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 89 2023-07-05
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 102 2023-07-05
Zhuang, Lauren Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 161 2023-07-05
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 172 2023-07-05
Lee, David Veteran 40-49 Men’s Foil (V40MF) 21 2023-07-05
Goel, Riyana Division III Women’s Foil (DV3WF) 101 2023-07-05
Choi, Zachary Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 3 B23 2023-07-05
Lee, Bryson Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 9 2023-07-05
Luh, Mia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 77 2023-07-06
Boles, Amanda Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 98 2023-07-06
Goel, Riyana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 209 2023-07-06
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 68 2023-07-06
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 109 2023-07-06
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 116 2023-07-06
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 159 2023-07-06
Leung, Dylan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 192 2023-07-06
Wagholikar, Prathit Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 219 2023-07-06
Zhuang, Lauren Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 86 2023-07-06
Tan, Jocelyn Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 99 2023-07-06
Enrile, Erica Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 115 2023-07-06
Upender, West Division III Men’s Foil (DV3MF) 143 2023-07-06
Petrov, Mikhail Division III Men’s Foil (DV3MF) 197 2023-07-06
Boles, Amanda Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 43 2023-07-07
Luh, Mia Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 85 2023-07-07
Goel, Riyana Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 86 2023-07-07
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 121 2023-07-07
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 225 2023-07-07
Lee, Bryson Division III Men’s Epee (DV3ME) 25 2023-07-07
Lee, Emily Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 43 2023-07-07
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 45 2023-07-07
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 85 2023-07-07
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 91 2023-07-07
Lee, Grace Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 98 2023-07-07
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 129 2023-07-07
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 149 2023-07-07
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 14 2023-07-08
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 23 2023-07-08
Chen, Julia Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 42 2023-07-08
Voorhies, Vivienne Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 74 2023-07-08
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 135 2023-07-08
Tewari, Amaira Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 146 2023-07-08
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 156 2023-07-08
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 23 2023-07-08
Hsu, Joshua Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 62 2023-07-08
Leung, Dylan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 75 2023-07-08
Burov, Artem Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 139 2023-07-08
Kuruganti, Vivaan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 155 2023-07-08
Upender, West Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 135 2023-07-08
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 77 2023-07-09
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 125 2023-07-09
Ozcan, Archer Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 127 2023-07-09
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 147 2023-07-09
Lee, Joshua Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 131 2023-07-09
Kim, Natalie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 50 2023-07-09
Lee, Abigail Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 69 2023-07-09
Tewari, Amaira Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 79 2023-07-09
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 93 2023-07-09
Srivastava, Arya Division III Women’s Epee (DV3WE) 39 2023-07-09
Zhuang, Lauren Division III Women’s Epee (DV3WE) 59 2023-07-09

Raleigh SJCC & Division II North American Cup

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 26 2023-06-04

Collegiate Cup RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 9 2023-05-06
Lin, Ariel Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 14 2023-05-06
Schor, Elisabeth Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 35 2023-05-06
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 17 2023-05-06
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 25 2023-05-06
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 30 2023-05-06
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 14 2023-05-07
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 30 2023-05-07
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 39 2023-05-07
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 6 2023-05-07
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 9 2023-05-07
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 26 2023-05-07

Mission SYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 29 2023-05-06
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 9 2023-05-07

Wasatch Fencing RYC/ROC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 5 2023-05-06

Battle in Space City ROC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ashley Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 2 2023-04-29
Lin, Ashley Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 14 2023-04-30

Division 1 Championships/April NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Singha, Orion Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 16 2023-04-21
Hussain, Kamran Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 167 2023-04-21
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 84 2023-04-24
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 22 2023-04-23
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 183 2023-04-23
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 95 2023-04-22
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 110 2023-04-21
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 117 2023-04-21
Lin, Ariel Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 120 2023-04-21
Luh, Ethan Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 66 2023-04-22

RYC of the Rockies Spring

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2023-04-15
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 3 2023-04-15
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 5 2023-04-15
Leung, Dylan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 6 2023-04-15
Tewari, Amaira Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 6 2023-04-15
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 8 2023-04-15
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 5 2023-04-15
Kelman, Nora Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 10 2023-04-15
Leung, Dylan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 3 2023-04-16
Kim, Natalie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 1 2023-04-16
Tewari, Amaira Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 8 2023-04-16
Tian, Claire Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2023-04-16

Motor City SYC/RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 12 2023-04-14
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 18 2023-04-15
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 30 2023-04-15
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 53 2023-04-16

Rain City Spring RJCC+RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Levental, Mark Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 3 D23 2023-04-14

Fortune Fencing ROC(DV1A, DV2, VET), RJCC & Non-Regional Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Hau, Olivia Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 10 E23 2023-04-08
Tan, Jocelyn Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 18 2023-04-08
Enrile, Erica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 20 2023-04-08
Hau, Peter Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 25 2023-04-09
Hau, Olivia Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 12 2023-04-09
Tan, Jocelyn Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 20 2023-04-09
Gu, Aidan Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 6 2023-04-08
Lee, Bryson Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 18 2023-04-08
Hau, Peter Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 48 2023-04-08
Goel, Riyana Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 17 2023-04-08
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 1 A23 2023-04-09
Petrov, Mikhail Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 78 2023-04-09
Singha, Orion Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 3 2023-04-09
Zhuang, William Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 71 2023-04-09
Gu, Aidan Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 75 2023-04-09
Lee, Bryson Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 81 2023-04-09
Korol, Dana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 16 2023-04-09
Oh, Ceana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 18 2023-04-09
Luh, Mia Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 23 2023-04-09
Goel, Riyana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 37 2023-04-09
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 7 2023-04-08
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 15 2023-04-08
Zhuang, Lauren Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 31 2023-04-08
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 7 C23 2023-04-09
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 26 2023-04-09
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 39 2023-04-08
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 22 2023-04-09
Lin, Ariel Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 26 2023-04-09
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 29 2023-04-09
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 2 2023-04-08
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 51 2023-04-08
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 56 2023-04-08
Choi, Zachary Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 73 2023-04-08
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 74 2023-04-08
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 9 D23 2023-04-08
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 37 2023-04-08
Goel, Riyana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 50 2023-04-08
Luh, Ethan Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 6 2023-04-08

3rd Annual Vegas Epee Only RYC/RJC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 18 2023-04-02
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 5 2023-04-01
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 15 2023-04-01
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 19 2023-04-01
Hsu, Joshua Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 2 2023-04-01
Narayanun, Advay Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 30 2023-04-01
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 2 2023-04-02
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 10 2023-04-02
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 9 2023-04-01
Lin, Ariel Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 9 2023-04-02

Portland ROC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ashley Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 1 B23 2023-04-01
Lin, Ashley Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 1 C23 2023-04-02
Lin, Kimball Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 8 2023-04-02

Wang Memorial Div1A/2 ROC and RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Enrile, Erica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 14 2023-03-25
Enrile, Erica Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 5 2023-03-26

Fortune Fencing SYC/RJCC & Non-Regional Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bryzgalova, Svitlana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 5 2023-03-26
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 10 2023-03-26
Goel, Riyana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 44 2023-03-26
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 17 2023-03-26
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 29 2023-03-26
Bakken, Archer Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 61 2023-03-26
Wagholikar, Prathit Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 70 2023-03-26
Bryzgalova, Svitlana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 3 C23 2023-03-25
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 34 2023-03-25
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 64 2023-03-25
Dymar, Anna Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2023-03-24
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2023-03-24
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 6 2023-03-24
Chen, Julia Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 13 2023-03-24
Lee, Abigail Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 11 2023-03-25
Tewari, Amaira Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 22 2023-03-25
Kim, Natalie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 30 2023-03-25
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 44 2023-03-24
Chen, Aiden Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 51 2023-03-24
Oh, Kepler Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 57 2023-03-24
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 72 2023-03-24
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 73 2023-03-24
Ozcan, Archer Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 74 2023-03-24
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 110 2023-03-25
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 113 2023-03-25
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 15 2023-03-24
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 71 2023-03-24
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 17 2023-03-25
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 36 2023-03-25
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 45 2023-03-25
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 47 2023-03-25
Kelman, Nora Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 57 2023-03-25
Yung, Bethany Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 62 2023-03-25
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 68 2023-03-26
Ozcan, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 79 2023-03-26
Chen, Aiden Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 98 2023-03-26
Oh, Kepler Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 99 2023-03-26
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 36 2023-03-24
Tewari, Amaira Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 45 2023-03-24
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 57 2023-03-24
Hsu, Joshua Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 21 2023-03-25
Kuruganti, Vivaan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 63 2023-03-25
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 5 2023-03-26
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 21 2023-03-26
Yung, Bethany Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 22 2023-03-26
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 43 2023-03-26
Upender, West Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 65 2023-03-24
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 79 2023-03-24
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 34 2023-03-26
Petrov, Mikhail Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 89 2023-03-26
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 26 2023-03-24
Bryzgalova, Svitlana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 29 2023-03-24
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 33 2023-03-24
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 12 2023-03-25
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 38 2023-03-25
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 57 2023-03-25
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 84 2023-03-25
Lin, Ariel Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 6 C23 2023-03-24
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 16 2023-03-24
Srivastava, Arya Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 25 2023-03-24
Schor, Elisabeth Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 33 2023-03-24

Silicon Valley RYC/RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Levental, Mark Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 1 2023-03-10
Klinkner, Richard Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 3 2023-03-10
Leung, Dylan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 18 2023-03-10
Oh, Kepler Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 18 2023-03-10
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 25 2023-03-10
Cheung, Henry Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 36 2023-03-10
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 40 2023-03-10
Upender, West Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 18 2023-03-10
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 2 2023-03-10
Zhuang, Lauren Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 3 2023-03-10
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 15 2023-03-10
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 27 2023-03-10
Tewari, Amaira Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 31 2023-03-10
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 32 2023-03-11
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 33 2023-03-11
Veron, Darius Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 1 2023-03-11
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 2 2023-03-11
Hsu, Joshua Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 3 2023-03-11
Burov, Artem Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 6 2023-03-11
Kim, Ian Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 9 2023-03-11
Kuruganti, Vivaan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 22 2023-03-11
Leung, Dylan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 24 2023-03-11
Narayanun, Advay Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 38 2023-03-11
Klinkner, Charlie Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 40 2023-03-11
Kim, Connor Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 21 2023-03-11
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 5 D23 2023-03-11
Levental, Mark Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 20 2023-03-11
Bakken, Archer Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 32 2023-03-11
Goel, Riyana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 12 2023-03-11
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 11 2023-03-11
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 17 2023-03-11
Lee, Grace Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 21 2023-03-11
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 29 2023-03-11
Post, Alexander Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 10 2023-03-12
Ren, Mark Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 12 2023-03-12
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 1 2023-03-12
Dymar, Anna Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 5 2023-03-12
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 8 2023-03-12
Tian, Claire Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 14 2023-03-12
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 30 2023-03-12
Chen, Aiden Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 43 2023-03-12
Ozcan, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 45 2023-03-12
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 46 2023-03-12
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 11 2023-03-12
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 17 2023-03-12
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 27 2023-03-12
Kim, Natalie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 6 2023-03-12
Lee, Abigail Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 13 2023-03-12
Tewari, Amaira Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 15 2023-03-12
Kim, Rylie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 32 2023-03-12
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 5 2023-03-12
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 12 2023-03-12
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 14 2023-03-12
Zhuang, Lauren Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 33 2023-03-12

March NAC and Parafencing National Championships

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 114 2023-03-03
Bakken, Archer Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 203 2023-03-03
Bryzgalova, Svitlana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 54 2023-03-03
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 96 2023-03-03
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 158 2023-03-03
Chen, Julia Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 17 2023-03-03
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 33 2023-03-03
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 39 2023-03-03
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 49 2023-03-03
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 11 2023-03-04
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 85 2023-03-04
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 104 2023-03-04
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 105 2023-03-04
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 108 2023-03-04
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 136 2023-03-04
Bryzgalova, Svitlana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 16 D23 2023-03-04
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 60 2023-03-04
Goel, Riyana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 150 2023-03-04
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 59 2023-03-04
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 167 2023-03-04
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 177 2023-03-04
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 28 2023-03-05
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 90 2023-03-05
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 130 2023-03-05
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 116 2023-03-05
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 192 2023-03-05
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 194 2023-03-05
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 205 2023-03-05
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 215 2023-03-06
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 20 D23 2023-03-06
Kim, Natalie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 48 2023-03-06
Lee, Abigail Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 58 2023-03-06

Junior Olympics

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 40 2023-02-17
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 200 2023-02-17
Baek, David Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 207 2023-02-17
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 46 2023-02-17
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 95 2023-02-17
Zhuang, Lauren Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 177 2023-02-17
Hau, Olivia Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 178 2023-02-17
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 16 2023-02-18
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 120 2023-02-18
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 181 2023-02-18
Choi, Zachary Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 208 2023-02-18
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 216 2023-02-18
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 246 2023-02-18
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 297 2023-02-18
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 334 2023-02-18
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 70 2023-02-18
Takagi, Hikaru Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 71 2023-02-18
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 96 2023-02-18
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 170 2023-02-18
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 171 2023-02-18
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 48 2023-02-19
Tsay, Jeremy Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 135 2023-02-19
Baek, David Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 221 2023-02-19
Tan, Jocelyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 45 2023-02-19
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 193 2023-02-19
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 194 2023-02-19
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 216 2023-02-19
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 32 D23 2023-02-20
Singha, Orion Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 79 2023-02-20
Zhuang, William Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 150 2023-02-20
Liu, Andrew Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 184 2023-02-20
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 199 2023-02-20
Lee, Bryson Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 276 2023-02-20
Pant, Anisha Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 59 2023-02-20
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 77 2023-02-20
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 108 2023-02-20
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 183 2023-02-20

4th Annual Precision Invitational RYC and RJC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Dymar, Anna Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 8 2023-02-10
Tian, Claire Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 12 2023-02-10
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 34 2023-02-12
Hsu, Joshua Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 16 2023-02-10
Kuruganti, Vivaan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 44 2023-02-10
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 14 2023-02-11
Upender, West Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 33 2023-02-11
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 29 2023-02-11
Lam, Ethan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 44 2023-02-11
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 17 2023-02-11
Lee, Grace Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 22 2023-02-11
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 1 2023-02-12
Lee, Grace Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 28 2023-02-12
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 32 2023-02-12

The Battle of the Bay

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Pant, Anisha Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 6 2023-02-04
Oh, Ceana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 13 2023-02-04
Korol, Dana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 14 2023-02-04
Goel, Riyana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 38 2023-02-04
Singha, Orion Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 3 A23 2023-02-04
Liu, Andrew Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 27 2023-02-04
Hussain, Kamran Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 42 2023-02-04
Loftus, Luca Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 54 2023-02-04
Gu, Aidan Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 64 2023-02-04
Choi, Zachary Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 65 2023-02-04
Levental, Mark Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 77 2023-02-04
Zhuang, William Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 101 2023-02-04
Lee, Bryson Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 103 2023-02-04
Bakken, Archer Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 113 2023-02-04
Hau, Peter Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 117 2023-02-04
Baek, David Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 63 2023-02-05
Tsay, Jeremy Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 67 2023-02-05
Enrile, Erica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 18 2023-02-05
Schor, Elisabeth Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 29 2023-02-05
Hau, Olivia Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 34 2023-02-05
Srivastava, Arya Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 41 2023-02-05

Cascade Clash SYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 20 2023-02-03
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 23 2023-02-03
Kim, Natalie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 18 2023-02-03
Tewari, Amaira Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 26 2023-02-03
Lee, Abigail Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 28 2023-02-03
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2023-02-03
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 27 2023-02-04
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 34 2023-02-04
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 3 2023-02-04
Hsu, Joshua Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 19 2023-02-04
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 42 2023-02-04
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 47 2023-02-04
Tewari, Amaira Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 52 2023-02-04
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 13 2023-02-05
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 17 2023-02-05
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 23 2023-02-05
Goel, Riyana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 30 2023-02-05

2023 Battle in Seattle

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Luh, Mia Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 8 E23 2023-01-28
Luh, Ethan Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 36 2023-01-28
Enrile, Erica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 13 2023-01-29
Luh, Ethan Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 1 B23 2023-01-29
Tsay, Jeremy Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 3 C23 2023-01-29

6th Annual Sword in the Stone RYC and RJC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 44 2023-01-22
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 22 2023-01-21
Upender, West Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 46 2023-01-21
Goel, Riyana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 23 2023-01-21
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 6 2023-01-21
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 18 2023-01-21
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 25 2023-01-22
Goel, Riyana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 25 2023-01-22
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 10 E23 2023-01-22

South Coast Mary Rafanelli RYC/RJC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 3 2023-01-14
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 39 2023-01-14
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 41 2023-01-14
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 5 2023-01-14
Goel, Riyana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 19 2023-01-15
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 21 2023-01-15
Goel, Riyana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 24 2023-01-16

Treasure Chest RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 3 2023-01-14
Loftus, Luca Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 3 2023-01-14
Levental, Mark Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 9 2023-01-14
Wagholikar, Prathit Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 15 2023-01-14
Zhao, Yihan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 19 2023-01-14
Leung, Dylan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 24 2023-01-14
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 26 2023-01-14
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 26 2023-01-14
Lam, Ethan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 43 2023-01-14
Narayanun, Advay Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 44 2023-01-14
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 16 2023-01-14
Oh, Kepler Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 30 2023-01-14
Schor, William Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 32 2023-01-14
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 35 2023-01-14
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 37 2023-01-14
Zhuang, Lauren Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 2 2023-01-14
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 12 2023-01-14
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 23 2023-01-14
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 37 2023-01-14
Lee, Grace Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 44 2023-01-14
Kelman, Nora Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 46 2023-01-14
Lee, Abigail Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 3 2023-01-14
Kim, Natalie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 7 2023-01-14
Tewari, Amaira Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 9 2023-01-14
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 26 2023-01-15
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 28 2023-01-15
Hsu, Joshua Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 2 2023-01-15
Burov, Artem Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 3 2023-01-15
Veron, Darius Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 3 2023-01-15
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 9 2023-01-15
Leung, Dylan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 11 2023-01-15
Kim, Ian Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 15 2023-01-15
Zhang, Matthew Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 33 2023-01-15
Kuruganti, Vivaan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 42 2023-01-15
Narayanun, Advay Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 46 2023-01-15
Ramani, Priya Youth 10 Women’s Saber (Y10WS) 7 2023-01-15
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 5 2023-01-15
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 7 2023-01-15
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 13 2023-01-15
Lee, Grace Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 33 2023-01-15
Hsu, Joshua Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 36 2023-01-16
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 40 2023-01-16
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 42 2023-01-16
Ren, Mark Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 13 2023-01-16
Post, Alexander Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 17 2023-01-16
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 1 2023-01-16
Chen, Julia Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 2 2023-01-16
Dymar, Anna Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 12 2023-01-16
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 15 2023-01-16
Voorhies, Vivienne Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 18 2023-01-16
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 17 2023-01-16
Tewari, Amaira Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 23 2023-01-16
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 26 2023-01-16

January NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Singha, Orion Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 176 2023-01-08
Hussain, Kamran Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 264 2023-01-08
Korol, Dana Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 103 2023-01-07
Lin, Ashley Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 167 2023-01-09
Enrile, Erica Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 191 2023-01-09
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 79 2023-01-07
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 14 2023-01-09
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 154 2023-01-09
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 89 2023-01-06
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 70 2023-01-08
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 152 2023-01-08
Song, Lawrence Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 100 2023-01-06
Luh, Ethan Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 135 2023-01-06

RYC/RJC of the Rockies

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 1 2022-12-31
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2022-12-31
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 5 2022-12-31
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 6 2022-12-31
Wagholikar, Prathit Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 11 2022-12-31
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 8 2022-12-31
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 10 2022-12-31

The Austin Challenge SYC and RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 6 2022-12-17
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 57 2022-12-17
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 63 2022-12-17
Ozcan, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 80 2022-12-18
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 81 2022-12-18
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 6 2022-12-18
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 16 2022-12-18
Kim, Natalie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 15 2022-12-18
Leung, Dylan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 75 2022-12-18
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 14 2022-12-19
Chen, Julia Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 11 2022-12-19
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 36 2022-12-19
Ozcan, Archer Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 31 2022-12-19
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 35 2022-12-19
Leung, Dylan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 34 2022-12-19

December NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Singha, Orion Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 80 2022-12-09
Hussain, Kamran Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 172 2022-12-09
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 38 2022-12-09
Lin, Ashley Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 108 2022-12-10
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 40 2022-12-10
Singha, Orion Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 2 2022-12-10
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 200 2022-12-10
Song, Lawrence Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 41 2022-12-11
Luh, Ethan Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 159 2022-12-11
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 109 2022-12-11
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 115 2022-12-11
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 41 2022-12-11
Bryzgalova, Svitlana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 67 2022-12-11
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 100 2022-12-11
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 118 2022-12-11
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 136 2022-12-12
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 183 2022-12-12
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) DNF 2022-12-12
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 116 2022-12-12
Goel, Riyana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 165 2022-12-12
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 45 2022-12-12
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 176 2022-12-12

The Fencing Center RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 3 2022-12-02
Tan, Jocelyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 3 2022-12-02
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 10 2022-12-02
Schor, Elisabeth Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 22 2022-12-02
Zhuang, Lauren Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 23 2022-12-02
Baek, David Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 29 2022-12-03
Liu, Andrew Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 32 2022-12-03
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 55 2022-12-03
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 2 C22 2022-12-03
Takagi, Hikaru Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 5 2022-12-03
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 16 2022-12-03
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 23 2022-12-03
Goel, Riyana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 28 2022-12-03
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 2 D22 2022-12-03
Hau, Olivia Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 16 2022-12-03
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 30 2022-12-03
Schor, Elisabeth Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 31 2022-12-03
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 7 2022-12-03
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 13 2022-12-03
Loftus, Luca Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 16 2022-12-03
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 23 2022-12-03
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 25 2022-12-03
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 33 2022-12-03
Levental, Mark Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 47 2022-12-03
Bakken, Archer Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 48 2022-12-03
Baek, David Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 27 2022-12-04
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 28 2022-12-04
Liu, Andrew Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 3 2022-12-04
Zhuang, William Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 5 2022-12-04
Lee, Bryson Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 7 2022-12-04
Levental, Mark Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 21 2022-12-04
Loftus, Luca Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 22 2022-12-04
Wagholikar, Prathit Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 31 2022-12-04
Bakken, Archer Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 33 2022-12-04

Cobra Challenge SYC/RCC/Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 57 2022-11-25

Ryan Donos Memorial RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 3 2022-11-18
Goel, Riyana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 8 2022-11-19

Neil Lazar RYC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bryzgalova, Svitlana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 20 2022-11-05
Bryzgalova, Svitlana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 6 2022-11-06

AFM Super Regional SYC/RJCC/ROC (D1A/VET)

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Liu, Andrew Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 22 2022-11-05
Loftus, Luca Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 57 2022-11-05
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 5 2022-11-04
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 33 2022-11-04
Baek, David Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 36 2022-11-04
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 20 2022-11-04
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 22 2022-11-04
Goel, Riyana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 44 2022-11-04
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 22 2022-11-06
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 32 D22 2022-11-06
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 48 2022-11-06
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 63 2022-11-06
Levental, Mark Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 81 2022-11-06
Choi, Zachary Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 101 2022-11-06
Tan, Jocelyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 24 2022-11-04
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 27 2022-11-04
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 28 2022-11-04
Srivastava, Arya Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 53 2022-11-04
Baek, David Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 38 2022-11-06
Korol, Dana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 23 2022-11-05
Pant, Anisha Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 25 2022-11-05
Oh, Ceana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 43 2022-11-05
Boles, Amanda Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 45 2022-11-05
Goel, Riyana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 54 2022-11-05
Hau, Olivia Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 19 2022-11-05
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 29 2022-11-05
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 30 2022-11-05
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 64 2022-11-05
Lin, Ashley Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 12 2022-11-06
Pant, Anisha Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 13 2022-11-06
Enrile, Erica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 25 2022-11-06
Tan, Jocelyn Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 26 2022-11-06
Srivastava, Arya Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 46 2022-11-06
Lee, David Veteran Men’s Foil (VETMF) 7 2022-11-05
Lin, Kimball Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 10 2022-11-06
Hau, Peter Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 25 2022-11-06
Wane, Fawn Veteran Women’s Epee (VETWE) 14 2022-11-05
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 25 2022-11-05
Goel, Riyana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 38 2022-11-05
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 8 D22 2022-11-05
Levental, Mark Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 25 2022-11-05
Wagholikar, Prathit Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 32 2022-11-05
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 46 2022-11-05
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 50 2022-11-05
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 56 2022-11-05
Leung, Dylan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 72 2022-11-05
Klinkner, Richard Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 77 2022-11-05
Lam, Ethan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 94 2022-11-05
Narayanun, Advay Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 103 2022-11-05
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 17 2022-11-06
Yung, Bethany Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 45 2022-11-06
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 47 2022-11-06
Zhuang, Lauren Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 49 2022-11-06
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 60 2022-11-06
Kelman, Nora Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 61 2022-11-06
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 69 2022-11-06
Lee, Emily Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 71 2022-11-06
Lee, Grace Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 88 2022-11-06
Chen, Aiden Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 58 2022-11-04
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 71 2022-11-04
Kim, Natalie Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 51 2022-11-04
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 25 2022-11-04
Hsu, Joshua Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 27 2022-11-04
Leung, Dylan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 43 2022-11-04
Kim, Ian Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 48 2022-11-04
Narayanun, Advay Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 77 2022-11-04
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 10 2022-11-04
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 15 2022-11-04
Lee, Emily Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 16 2022-11-04
Yung, Bethany Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 19 2022-11-04
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 27 2022-11-04
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 35 2022-11-04
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 42 2022-11-04
Dymar, Anna Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 45 2022-11-04
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 59 2022-11-04
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 85 2022-11-06
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 92 2022-11-06
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 30 2022-11-05
Ozcan, Archer Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 39 2022-11-05
Chen, Aiden Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 40 2022-11-05
Oh, Kepler Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 56 2022-11-05
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 57 2022-11-05
Nguyen, Norris Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 58 2022-11-05
Schor, William Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 59 2022-11-05
Lee, Abigail Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 7 2022-11-06
Tewari, Amaira Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 24 2022-11-06
Kim, Natalie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 27 2022-11-06
Lee, Joshua Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 24 2022-11-06
Chan, Calvin Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 44 2022-11-06
Post, Alexander Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 56 2022-11-06
Chen, Julia Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 5 2022-11-05
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 9 2022-11-05
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 13 2022-11-05
Dymar, Anna Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 22 2022-11-05
Baek, David Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 64 2022-11-05
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 94 2022-11-05
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 55 2022-11-06
Loftus, Luca Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 25 2022-11-04
Zhuang, William Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 47 2022-11-04
Lee, Bryson Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 51 2022-11-04
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 59 2022-11-04
Liu, Andrew Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 64 2022-11-04
Wagholikar, Prathit Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 79 2022-11-04
Bakken, Archer Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 87 2022-11-04

BladeRunner ROC/RJC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 27 2022-10-29
Baek, David Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 35 2022-10-29
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 14 2022-10-29
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 26 2022-10-29
Korol, Dana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 34 2022-10-29
Boles, Amanda Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 39 2022-10-29
Luh, Mia Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 42 2022-10-29
Singha, Orion Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 20 2022-10-29
Hussain, Kamran Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 58 2022-10-29
Zhuang, William Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 60 2022-10-29
Lee, Bryson Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 62 2022-10-29
Loftus, Luca Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 68 2022-10-29
Liu, Andrew Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 74 2022-10-29
Song, Lawrence Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 3 A22 2022-10-30
Luh, Ethan Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 23 2022-10-30
Baek, David Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 54 2022-10-30
Enrile, Erica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) DNF 2022-10-30
Lin, Ashley Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 17 2022-10-30
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 19 2022-10-30
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 35 2022-10-30
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 10 2022-10-30
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 16 2022-10-30
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 31 2022-10-30
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 43 2022-10-30
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 71 2022-10-30
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 79 2022-10-30
Loftus, Luca Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 83 2022-10-30

SYC of the Rockies

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 1 2022-10-17
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2022-10-17
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 11 2022-10-17
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 27 2022-10-14
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 15 2022-10-15
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 6 2022-10-16
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 19 2022-10-16
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 32 2022-10-16
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 34 2022-10-16

October NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ashley Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 161 2022-10-07
Boles, Amanda Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 43 2022-10-07
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 60 2022-10-07
Goel, Riyana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 85 2022-10-07
Luh, Mia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 93 2022-10-07
Luh, Ethan Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 192 2022-10-07
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 58 2022-10-08
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 96 2022-10-08
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 57 2022-10-08
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 130 2022-10-08
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 137 2022-10-08
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 157 2022-10-08
Singha, Orion Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 58 2022-10-08
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 79 2022-10-08
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 24 C22 2022-10-09
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 64 2022-10-09
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 161 2022-10-09
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 38 2022-10-09
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 103 2022-10-09
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 228 2022-10-09
Petrova, Kristina Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 3 A22 2022-10-09
Korol, Dana Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 141 2022-10-09
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 118 2022-10-10
Hussain, Kamran Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 114 2022-10-10

Back to School RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 2 2022-10-01
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2022-10-01
Yung, Bethany Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2022-10-01
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 8 2022-10-01
Lee, Emily Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 10 2022-10-01
Lee, Grace Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 15 2022-10-01
Dymar, Anna Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 16 2022-10-01
Chen, Julia Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 26 2022-10-01
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 27 2022-10-01
Hsieh, Sarah Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 31 2022-10-01
Wang, Diana Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 34 2022-10-01
Chen, Julia Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 2 2022-10-02
Dymar, Anna Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2022-10-02
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2022-10-02
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 11 2022-10-02
Lee, Joshua Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 15 2022-10-02
Kim, Natalie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 7 2022-09-30
Lee, Abigail Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 15 2022-09-30
Tewari, Amaira Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 25 2022-09-30
Alvarez, Francisco Janusz Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 14 2022-09-30
Ozcan, Archer Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 27 2022-09-30
Chen, Aiden Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 29 2022-09-30
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 36 2022-09-30
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 53 2022-10-01
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 59 2022-10-01
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 78 2022-10-01
Hsu, Joshua Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 3 2022-10-01
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 5 2022-10-01
Veron, Darius Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 8 2022-10-01
Leung, Dylan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 11 2022-10-01
Burov, Artem Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 17 2022-10-01
Narayanun, Advay Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 39 2022-10-01
Klinkner, Charlie Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 55 2022-10-01
Lee, Abigail Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 40 2022-10-02
Chen, Aiden Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 41 2022-10-02
Bhardwaj, Ranbir Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 45 2022-10-02
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 5 2022-09-30
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 8 2022-09-30
Zhuang, Lauren Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 12 2022-09-30
Yung, Bethany Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 26 2022-09-30
Loftus, Luca Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 5 2022-09-30
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 7 2022-09-30
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 10 2022-09-30
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 16 2022-09-30
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 17 2022-09-30
Leung, Dylan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 37 2022-09-30
Wagholikar, Prathit Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 38 2022-09-30
Boles, Amanda Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 3 2022-10-01
Luh, Mia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 9 2022-10-01
Goel, Riyana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 23 2022-10-01

Rocky Mountain RYC - Fall

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 1 2022-09-24
Narayanun, Advay Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 7 2022-09-24
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 8 2022-09-24
Narayanun, Advay Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 13 2022-09-24

South Coast RJCC/ROC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 25 2022-09-23
Baek, David Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 53 2022-09-24
Singha, Orion Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 33 2022-09-24
Liu, Andrew Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 34 2022-09-24
Lee, Bryson Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 67 2022-09-24
Bakken, Archer Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 69 2022-09-24
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 24 2022-09-24
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 49 2022-09-24
Goel, Riyana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 54 2022-09-24
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 37 2022-09-24
Srivastava, Arya Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 40 2022-09-24
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 45 2022-09-24
Baek, David Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 64 2022-09-25
Enrile, Erica Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 10 2022-09-25
Hau, Olivia Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 12 2022-09-25
Korol, Dana Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 5 2022-09-25
Goel, Riyana Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 29 2022-09-25
Luh, Mia Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 33 2022-09-25
Hau, Olivia Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 19 2022-09-25
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 1 A22 2022-09-25
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 9 2022-09-25
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 45 2022-09-25
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 96 2022-09-25
Bakken, Archer Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 102 2022-09-25

Windy City SYC#8 /RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 12 2022-09-23
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 12 2022-09-24


Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bryzgalova, Svitlana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 10 2022-09-17
Bryzgalova, Svitlana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 3 2022-09-18

Boston Fencing Club RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bryzgalova, Svitlana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 5 E22 2022-09-04
Bryzgalova, Svitlana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 9 E22 2022-09-03
Bryzgalova, Svitlana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 2 D22 2022-09-05

North Texas Roundup SYC/RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 26 2022-09-03
Leung, Dylan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 29 2022-09-03
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 33 2022-09-03
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 14 2022-09-04
Leung, Dylan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 61 2022-09-04
Goel, Riyana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 52 2022-09-04
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 16 2022-09-04
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 52 2022-09-04
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 13 2022-09-05
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 15 2022-09-05
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 11 2022-09-05

Fortune Fencing Summer RYC/RJCC & Y8 (Non-Regional)

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2022-08-28
Dymar, Anna Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 8 2022-08-28
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 14 2022-08-28
Chen, Julia Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 15 2022-08-28
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 25 2022-08-27
Hau, Olivia Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 33 2022-08-27
Singha, Orion Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 3 2022-08-28
Liu, Andrew Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 56 2022-08-28
Lee, Bryson Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 59 2022-08-28
Loftus, Luca Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 65 2022-08-28
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 79 2022-08-28
Bakken, Archer Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 89 2022-08-28
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 26 2022-08-28
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 28 2022-08-28
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 40 2022-08-28
Goel, Riyana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 69 2022-08-28
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 2 2022-08-27
Baek, David Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 34 2022-08-27
Petrov, Mikhail Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 93 2022-08-27
Tan, Jocelyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 10 2022-08-28
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 21 2022-08-28
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 36 2022-08-28
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 21 2022-08-27
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 28 2022-08-27
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 31 2022-08-27
Loftus, Luca Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 53 2022-08-27
Bakken, Archer Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 86 2022-08-27
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 13 2022-08-27
Bryzgalova, Svitlana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 14 2022-08-27
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 44 2022-08-27
Oh, Ceana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 46 2022-08-27
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 50 2022-08-27
Goel, Riyana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 56 2022-08-27
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 35 2022-08-28
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 51 2022-08-28
Post, Alexander Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 18 2022-08-27
Kim, Natalie Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 17 2022-08-27
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 28 2022-08-28
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 10 2022-08-27
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 32 2022-08-27
Hsu, Joshua Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 11 2022-08-28
Leung, Dylan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 37 2022-08-28
Narayanun, Advay Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 66 2022-08-28
Xu, Jessica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 47 2022-08-28
Loftus, Luca Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 10 E22 2022-08-27
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 12 E22 2022-08-27
Hsu, Joshua Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 32 2022-08-27
Wagholikar, Prathit Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 38 2022-08-27
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 42 2022-08-27
Leung, Dylan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 53 2022-08-27
Lam, Ethan Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 68 2022-08-27
Boles, Amanda Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 24 2022-08-27
Goel, Riyana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 35 2022-08-27
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 18 2022-08-28
Baek, David Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 59 2022-08-28

USA Fencing National Championships & July Challenge

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Petrova, Kristina Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 19 2022-07-02
Lin, Ashley Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 64 2022-07-02
Tan, Jocelyn Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 93 2022-07-02
Hussain, Kamran Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 162 2022-07-02
Singha, Orion Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 171 2022-07-02
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 120 2022-07-03
Baek, David Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 175 2022-07-03
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 255 2022-07-03
Tan, Jocelyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 141 2022-07-03
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 166 2022-07-03
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 167 2022-07-03
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 188 2022-07-03
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 221 2022-07-03
Petrova, Kristina Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 9 2022-07-04
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 114 2022-07-04
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 151 2022-07-04
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 189 2022-07-04
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 172 2022-07-04
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 237 2022-07-04
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 237 2022-07-04
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 267 2022-07-04
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 290 2022-07-04
Loftus, Luca Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 304 2022-07-04
Lin, Ashley Division I Women’s Epee (DV1WE) 125 2022-07-04
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 97 2022-07-05
Pant, Anisha Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 119 2022-07-05
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 121 2022-07-05
Hau, Olivia Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 144 2022-07-05
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 166 2022-07-05
Liu, Andrew Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 123 2022-07-05
Zhuang, William Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 146 2022-07-05
Hussain, Kamran Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 152 2022-07-05
Korol, Dana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 46 2022-07-05
Lin, Kimball Veteran 40-49 Men’s Epee (V40ME) 22 2022-07-06
Singha, Orion Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 27 2022-07-06
Liu, Andrew Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 97 2022-07-06
Zhuang, William Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 183 2022-07-06
Loftus, Luca Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 244 2022-07-06
Lee, Bryson Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 251 2022-07-06
Baek, David Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 41 2022-07-06
Tsay, Jeremy Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 70 2022-07-06
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 74 2022-07-06
Pant, Anisha Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 42 2022-07-06
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 126 2022-07-06
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 135 2022-07-06
Enrile, Erica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 96 2022-07-07
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 112 2022-07-07
Zhuang, Lauren Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 139 2022-07-07
Lee, David Veteran 40-49 Men’s Foil (V40MF) 3 E22 2022-07-07
Tsay, Jeremy Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 63 2022-07-07
Luh, Ethan Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 126 2022-07-07
Lee, Bryson Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 158 2022-07-07
Luh, Mia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 31 2022-07-08
Boles, Amanda Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 57 2022-07-08
Goel, Riyana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 136 2022-07-08
Liu, Andrew Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 56 2022-07-08
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 139 2022-07-08
Loftus, Luca Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 145 2022-07-08
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 222 2022-07-08
Tan, Jocelyn Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 17 2022-07-08
Lin, Ashley Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 34 2022-07-08
Boles, Amanda Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 33 2022-07-09
Lee, Bryson Division III Men’s Epee (DV3ME) 116 2022-07-09
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 51 2022-07-09
Zhuang, Lauren Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 54 2022-07-09
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 98 2022-07-09
Xu, Jessica Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 5 2022-07-10
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 36 2022-07-10
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 54 2022-07-10
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 61 2022-07-10
Choi, Zachary Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 11 2022-07-10
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 78 2022-07-10
Bakken, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 83 2022-07-10
Leung, Dylan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 97 2022-07-10
Klinkner, Richard Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 110 2022-07-10
Hsu, Joshua Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 120 2022-07-10
Wagholikar, Prathit Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 123 2022-07-10
Tsay, Jeremy Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) DNF 2022-07-10
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 112 2022-07-11
Upender, West Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 130 2022-07-11
Leung, Dylan Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 45 2022-07-11
Klinkner, Charlie Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 93 2022-07-11
Narayanun, Advay Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 112 2022-07-11
Srivastava, Arya Division III Women’s Epee (DV3WE) 55 2022-07-11

Collegiate Cup RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 2 2022-05-22
Baek, David Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 26 2022-05-22
Singha, Orion Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 2 2022-05-21
Loftus, Luca Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 43 2022-05-21
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 17 2022-05-21
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 28 2022-05-21
Hau, Olivia Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 20 2022-05-22
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 26 2022-05-22
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 27 2022-05-22
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 33 2022-05-22
Baek, David Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 32 2022-05-21
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 12 2022-05-22
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 24 2022-05-22
Loftus, Luca Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 59 2022-05-22
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 38 2022-05-22
Tan, Jocelyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 15 2022-05-21
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 18 2022-05-21
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 35 2022-05-21
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 40 2022-05-21

Fairfax Challenge SYC/RJCC & Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 29 2022-05-14
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 29 2022-05-14
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 19 2022-05-14
Oh, Ceana Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 5 D22 2022-05-14
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 49 2022-05-15

ROC of the Rockies

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ashley Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 1 C22 2022-05-06
Lin, Ashley Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 17 2022-05-07

Rain City Super Youth Circuit (SYC)

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Enrile, Erica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 11 2022-04-30
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 22 2022-04-30
Choi, Zachary Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 3 2022-04-30
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 9 2022-05-01
Luh, Mia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 19 2022-05-01
Goel, Riyana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 42 2022-05-01
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 11 2022-05-02

Division I and Parafencing Nat'l Championships & April NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 156 2022-04-21
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 190 2022-04-21
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 202 2022-04-21
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 221 2022-04-21
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 82 2022-04-21
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 136 2022-04-21
Lin, Ashley Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 19 2022-04-21
Enrile, Erica Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 56 2022-04-21
Korol, Dana Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 25 2022-04-21
Boles, Amanda Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 44 2022-04-21
Luh, Mia Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 80 2022-04-21
Singha, Orion Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 42 2022-04-22
Liu, Andrew Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 92 2022-04-22
Zhuang, William Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 176 2022-04-22
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 64 2022-04-22
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 77 2022-04-22
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 89 2022-04-22
Luh, Ethan Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 132 2022-04-22
Tsay, Jeremy Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 135 2022-04-22
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 44 2022-04-23
Tsay, Jeremy Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 78 2022-04-23
Petrova, Kristina Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 21 2022-04-23
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 101 2022-04-23
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 176 2022-04-23
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 179 2022-04-23
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 90 2022-04-24
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 95 2022-04-24
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 148 2022-04-24
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 149 2022-04-24
Hussain, Kamran Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 136 2022-04-24
Singha, Orion Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 150 2022-04-24

Boston Fencing Club ROC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Luh, Mia Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 36 2022-04-09
Lin, Ashley Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 30 2022-04-09
Tsay, Jeremy Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 52 2022-04-10
Luh, Ethan Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 59 2022-04-10
Lin, Ashley Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 30 2022-04-10
Luh, Mia Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 20 2022-04-10

Wasatch Fencing Spring RYC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Bakken, Archer Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 9 2022-04-09
Bakken, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 1 2022-04-09
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 9 2022-04-09
Bakken, Archer Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 9 2022-04-10
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 10 Mixed Epee (Y10XE) 2 2022-04-10

Silicon Valley RYC/RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Nam, Stefan Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 22 2022-04-08
Schor, William Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 27 2022-04-08
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 22 2022-04-08
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 27 2022-04-08
Wagholikar, Prathit Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 43 2022-04-08
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 9 2022-04-08
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 19 2022-04-08
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 41 2022-04-09
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 6 2022-04-09
Wagholikar, Prathit Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 8 2022-04-09
Leung, Dylan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 16 2022-04-09
Klinkner, Richard Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 18 2022-04-09
Hsu, Joshua Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 20 2022-04-09
Zhang, Matthew Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 46 2022-04-09
Liu, Andrew Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 7 2022-04-09
Lee, Bryson Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 8 D22 2022-04-09
Zhuang, William Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 12 2022-04-09
Choi, Zachary Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 29 2022-04-09
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 12 2022-04-09
Boles, Amanda Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 17 2022-04-09
Goel, Riyana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 39 2022-04-09
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2022-04-09
Zhuang, Lauren Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 16 2022-04-09
Yung, Bethany Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 19 2022-04-09
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 24 2022-04-09
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 36 2022-04-09
Kelman, Nora Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 37 2022-04-09
Lee, Emily Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 43 2022-04-09
Lee, Grace Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 45 2022-04-09
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 32 2022-04-10
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 14 2022-04-10
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 21 2022-04-10
Chen, Julia Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 24 2022-04-10
Leung, Dylan Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 2 2022-04-10
Klinkner, Charlie Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 16 2022-04-10
Chan, Calvin Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 25 2022-04-10
Lee, Joshua Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 30 2022-04-10
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 13 2022-04-10
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 21 2022-04-10
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 3 E22 2022-04-10
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 9 2022-04-10

Windy City SYC /RCC #7

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 28 2022-04-01
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 9 2022-04-02
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 21 2022-04-02
Xu, Jessica Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 6 2022-04-03
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 16 2022-04-03

Goldfinch ROC D1A, D2, Vet, RJC and chair fencing

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 22 2022-03-26
Tsay, Jeremy Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 42 2022-03-26

Fortune Fencing SYC/RCC & Local Y8

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 51 2022-03-20
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 52 2022-03-20
Loftus, Luca Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 30 2022-03-18
Lee, Bryson Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 32 2022-03-18
Zhuang, William Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 36 2022-03-18
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 17 2022-03-20
Bragar, Aleena Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 53 2022-03-20
Xu, Jessica Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2022-03-20
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 5 2022-03-20
Chen, Julia Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 13 2022-03-20
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 23 2022-03-20
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 24 2022-03-20
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 74 2022-03-20
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 106 2022-03-20
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 13 2022-03-18
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 21 2022-03-18
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 38 2022-03-18
Oh, Ceana Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 15 2022-03-18
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 56 2022-03-19
Upender, West Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 88 2022-03-19
Enrile, Erica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 16 2022-03-19
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 29 2022-03-19
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 67 2022-03-19
Loftus, Luca Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 30 2022-03-19
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 42 2022-03-19
Boles, Amanda Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 64 2022-03-19
Goel, Riyana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 65 2022-03-19
Bragar, Aleena Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 75 2022-03-19

Arnold Fencing Classic ROC (Div1A, Div 2, Vet), RJCC, and RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 16 2022-03-11
Lin, Kimball Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 16 2022-03-11
Lin, Ashley Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 15 2022-03-11
Lin, Ashley Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 17 2022-03-12
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 12 2022-03-12
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 18 2022-03-12
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 6 2022-03-13
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 10 2022-03-13
Tsay, Jeremy Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 21 2022-03-13
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 6 2022-03-12
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 1 2022-03-13

March NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 126 2022-03-04
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 172 2022-03-04
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 175 2022-03-04
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 82 2022-03-04
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 86 2022-03-04
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 36 2022-03-04
Choi, Zachary Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 34 2022-03-05
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 85 2022-03-05
Bakken, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 86 2022-03-05
Oh, Ceana Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 18 2022-03-05
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 67 2022-03-05
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 85 2022-03-05
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 90 2022-03-05
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 117 2022-03-06
Xu, Jessica Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 19 2022-03-06
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 37 2022-03-06
Lin, Kimball Veteran 40-49 Men’s Epee (V40ME) 15 2022-03-06
Lin, Kimball Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 70 2022-03-07
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 154 2022-03-07

Junior Olympic Championships

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Takagi, Hikaru Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 83 2022-02-18
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 89 2022-02-18
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 124 2022-02-18
Singha, Orion Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 36 2022-02-18
Liu, Andrew Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 79 2022-02-18
Willis, Alan Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 177 2022-02-18
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 78 2022-02-19
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 149 2022-02-19
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 152 2022-02-19
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 157 2022-02-19
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 45 2022-02-19
Tsay, Jeremy Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 84 2022-02-19
Baek, David Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 188 2022-02-19
Pant, Anisha Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 55 2022-02-20
Takagi, Hikaru Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 60 2022-02-20
Korol, Dana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 71 2022-02-20
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 125 2022-02-20
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 14 B22 2022-02-20
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 42 2022-02-20
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 228 2022-02-20
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 105 2022-02-21
Pant, Anisha Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 118 2022-02-21
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 120 2022-02-21
Hau, Olivia Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 135 2022-02-21
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 153 2022-02-21
Srivastava, Arya Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 161 2022-02-21
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 81 2022-02-21
Baek, David Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 214 2022-02-21

Seattle International Veterans Cup

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lee, David Veteran Men’s Foil (VETMF) 13 2022-02-13

3rd Annual Precision Invitational RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 2 2022-02-12
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 14 2022-02-12
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 13 2022-02-12
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 10 E22 2022-02-12
Lee, Bryson Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 19 2022-02-12
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 11 2022-02-13
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 18 2022-02-13
Tsay, Jeremy Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 6 2022-02-13
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 9 2022-02-13
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 23 2022-02-13
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 11 E22 2022-02-13
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 26 2022-02-13

Battle of the Bay D1A ROC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Tsay, Jeremy Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 21 2022-02-06
Baek, David Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 37 2022-02-06
Liu, Andrew Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 19 C22 2022-02-05
Loftus, Luca Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 56 2022-02-05
Lee, Bryson Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 70 2022-02-05
Hussain, Kamran Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 78 2022-02-05
Gu, Aidan Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 84 2022-02-05
Pant, Anisha Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 3 B22 2022-02-05
Takagi, Hikaru Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 6 C22 2022-02-05
Korol, Dana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 17 2022-02-05
Boles, Amanda Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 34 2022-02-05
Tan, Jocelyn Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 17 2022-02-06
Lin, Ashley Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 19 2022-02-06
Pant, Anisha Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 28 2022-02-06
Enrile, Erica Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 41 2022-02-06

Battle in Seattle

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Luh, Mia Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 24 2022-01-29
Boles, Amanda Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 25 2022-01-29
Lin, Ashley Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 14 2022-01-30
Luh, Ethan Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 11 2022-01-30
Tsay, Jeremy Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 13 2022-01-30

RYC of the Rockies Spring

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 10 Mixed Epee (Y10XE) 3 2022-01-30
Choi, Zachary Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 1 2022-01-30
Bakken, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 3 2022-01-30
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 7 2022-01-30
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 17 2022-01-30

5th Annual Sword in the Stone RYC and RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 30 2022-01-21
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 32 2022-01-21
Korol, Dana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 6 2022-01-21
Koslow, Amicie Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 21 2022-01-21
Bragar, Aleena Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 25 2022-01-21
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 11 2022-01-21
Liu, Andrew Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 20 2022-01-21
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 22 2022-01-22
Tan, Jocelyn Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 9 2022-01-22
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 11 2022-01-22
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 22 2022-01-22
Liu, Andrew Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 1 B22 2022-01-22
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 39 2022-01-22
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 13 2022-01-22
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 16 2022-01-22
Upender, West Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 33 2022-01-22
Bakken, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 11 2022-01-23
Wagholikar, Prathit Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 15 2022-01-23
Tsay, Jeremy Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 7 2022-01-23
Tan, Jocelyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 3 C22 2022-01-23
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 7 E22 2022-01-23
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 20 2022-01-23
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 25 2022-01-23
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 44 2022-01-23
Bragar, Aleena Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 31 2022-01-23
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 6 2022-01-23
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 16 2022-01-23

Treasure Chest RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Loftus, Luca Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 12 2022-01-15
Levental, Mark Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 13 2022-01-15
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 19 2022-01-15
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 32 2022-01-15
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 37 2022-01-15
Nguyen, Nolan Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 23 2022-01-15
Curtiss, Riley Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 27 2022-01-15
Schor, William Youth 10 Men’s Foil (Y10MF) 29 2022-01-15
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 7 2022-01-15
Boles, Amanda Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 9 2022-01-15
Peng, Marie Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 13 2022-01-15
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 21 2022-01-15
Schor, Madeleine Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 27 2022-01-15
Genud, Naama Eli Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 24 2022-01-15
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 50 2022-01-16
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 57 2022-01-16
Choi, Zachary Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 1 2022-01-16
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 5 2022-01-16
Leung, Dylan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 8 2022-01-16
Veron, Darius Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 9 2022-01-16
Bakken, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 10 2022-01-16
Wagholikar, Prathit Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 15 2022-01-16
Klinkner, Richard Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 17 2022-01-16
Zhao, Yihan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 19 2022-01-16
Hsu, Joshua Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 21 2022-01-16
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 14 2022-01-16
Boles, Amanda Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 26 2022-01-16
Bragar, Aleena Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 37 2022-01-16
Peng, Marie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 2 2022-01-16
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 5 2022-01-16
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 6 2022-01-16
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 14 2022-01-16
Upender, West Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 37 2022-01-17
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 38 2022-01-17
Leung, Dylan Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 3 2022-01-17
Klinkner, Charlie Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 21 2022-01-17
Xu, Jessica Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2022-01-17
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 11 2022-01-17
Fischbein, Quinley Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 13 2022-01-17
Chen, Julia Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 18 2022-01-17
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 20 2022-01-17
Oh, Ceana Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 5 2022-01-17

South Coast Mary Rafanelli RYC/RJC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 18 2022-01-15
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 18 2022-01-15
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 42 2022-01-15
Enrile, Erica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 8 2022-01-16
Liu, Andrew Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 10 2022-01-16

January NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Yang, Andy Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 87 2022-01-07
Song, Lawrence Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 105 2022-01-07
Tsay, Jeremy Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 150 2022-01-07
Luh, Ethan Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 215 2022-01-07
Fuhrmann, Amir Veteran 50-59 Men’s Epee (V50ME) 40 2022-01-10
Fuhrmann, Amir Veteran 50-59 Men’s Foil (V50MF) 27 2022-01-09
Singha, Orion Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 175 2022-01-09
Liu, Andrew Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 190 2022-01-09
Zhuang, William Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 223 2022-01-09
Hussain, Kamran Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 223 2022-01-09
Petrova, Kristina Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 29 2022-01-10
Korol, Dana Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 139 2022-01-10
Yang, Andy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 59 2022-01-08
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 116 2022-01-08
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 161 2022-01-08
Baek, David Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 206 2022-01-08
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 31 2022-01-08
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 70 2022-01-08
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 159 2022-01-08
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 163 2022-01-08
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 208 2022-01-08
Loftus, Luca Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 222 2022-01-08
Willis, Alan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 243 2022-01-08
Lee, Bryson Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 252 2022-01-08
Petrova, Kristina Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 27 2022-01-09
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 81 2022-01-09
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 90 2022-01-09
Takagi, Hikaru Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 95 2022-01-09
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 154 2022-01-09
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 158 2022-01-09
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 50 2022-01-10
Tan, Jocelyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 102 2022-01-10
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 107 2022-01-10
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 114 2022-01-10
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 141 2022-01-10
Srivastava, Arya Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 146 2022-01-10
Lee, David Veteran 40-49 Men’s Foil (V40MF) 5 2022-01-09
Lin, Kimball Veteran 40-49 Men’s Epee (V40ME) 12 2022-01-10
Lee, David Veteran 40-49 Men’s Epee (V40ME) 25 2022-01-10

The Austin Challenge SYC and RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Enrile, Erica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 8 2021-12-18
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 77 2021-12-18
Oh, Ceana Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 35 2021-12-18
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 46 2021-12-19
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 28 2021-12-19
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 19 2021-12-19
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 31 2021-12-19
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 24 2021-12-20
Xu, Jessica Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 1 2021-12-20
Wang, Andrew Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 19 2021-12-20
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 40 2021-12-20
Luh, Mia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 48 2021-12-20

Santa Claus RYC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Peng, Marie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 10 2021-12-18
Peng, Marie Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 18 2021-12-19

December NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Luh, Ethan Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 131 2021-12-09
Tsay, Jeremy Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 186 2021-12-09
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 92 2021-12-09
Lin, Ariel Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 125 2021-12-09
Koslow, Amicie Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 52 2021-12-09
Korol, Dana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 99 2021-12-09
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 114 2021-12-09
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 115 2021-12-09
Singha, Orion Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 76 2021-12-09
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 202 2021-12-10
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 38 2021-12-10
Tsay, Jeremy Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 50 2021-12-10
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 103 2021-12-11
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 112 2021-12-11
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 115 2021-12-11
Koslow, Amicie Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 129 2021-12-11
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 148 2021-12-11
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 181 2021-12-11
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 153 2021-12-11
Korol, Dana Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 140 2021-12-12
Singha, Orion Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 216 2021-12-12

The Fencing Center RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 3 2021-12-04
Tsay, Jeremy Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 3 2021-12-04
Baek, David Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 19 2021-12-04
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 5 C21 2021-12-04
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 32 2021-12-04
Willis, Alan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 56 2021-12-04
Loftus, Luca Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 68 2021-12-04
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 10 2021-12-04
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 11 2021-12-04
Tan, Jocelyn Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 15 2021-12-04
Hau, Olivia Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 31 2021-12-04
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 14 2021-12-04
Koslow, Amicie Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 16 2021-12-04
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 23 2021-12-04
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 24 2021-12-04
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 33 2021-12-04
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 3 2021-12-05
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 10 2021-12-05
Baek, David Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 28 2021-12-05
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 7 E21 2021-12-05
Oh, Ceana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 11 2021-12-05
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 18 2021-12-05
Hussain, Kamran Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 3 B21 2021-12-05
Liu, Andrew Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 11 2021-12-05
Lee, Bryson Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 34 2021-12-05
Levental, Mark Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 36 2021-12-05
Loftus, Luca Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 48 2021-12-05
Gu, Aidan Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 49 2021-12-05
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 7 D21 2021-12-05
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 8 D21 2021-12-05
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 9 E21 2021-12-05
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 17 2021-12-05
Tan, Jocelyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 22 2021-12-05

Cobra Challenge SYC-RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 59 2021-11-26
Luh, Mia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 52 2021-11-28
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 23 2021-11-26
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 71 2021-11-27

South Coast RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Liu, Andrew Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 32 2021-11-20
Loftus, Luca Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 43 2021-11-20
Willis, Alan Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 46 2021-11-20
Pant, Anisha Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 11 2021-11-20
Korol, Dana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 12 2021-11-20
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 40 2021-11-20
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 15 2021-11-20
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 29 2021-11-20
Baek, David Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 53 2021-11-20
Tan, Jocelyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 22 2021-11-20
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 29 2021-11-20
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 46 2021-11-20
Srivastava, Arya Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 53 2021-11-20
Tsay, Jeremy Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 3 2021-11-21
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 9 2021-11-21
Baek, David Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 48 2021-11-21
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 22 2021-11-21
Srivastava, Arya Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 32 2021-11-21
Tan, Jocelyn Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 34 2021-11-21
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 41 2021-11-21
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 10 2021-11-21
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 18 2021-11-21
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 20 2021-11-21
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 2 2021-11-21
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 15 D21 2021-11-21
Loftus, Luca Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 27 E21 2021-11-21
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 32 E21 2021-11-21
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 45 2021-11-21
Willis, Alan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 48 2021-11-21

The Fencing Center SYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Leung, Dylan Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 5 2021-11-19
Xu, Jessica Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2021-11-19
Miyoshi, Kylie Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 8 2021-11-19
Vijay, Vaishnavi Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 21 2021-11-19
Chen, Julia Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 23 2021-11-19
Choi, Zachary Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 8 2021-11-19
Veron, Darius Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 9 2021-11-19
Bakken, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 11 2021-11-19
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 19 2021-11-19
Wagholikar, Prathit Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 23 2021-11-19
Hsu, Joshua Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 24 2021-11-19
Leung, Dylan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 29 2021-11-19
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2021-11-19
Peng, Marie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 10 2021-11-19
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 17 2021-11-19
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 20 2021-11-19
Zhuang, Lauren Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 32 2021-11-19
Upender, West Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 65 2021-11-20
Song, Matthew Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 77 2021-11-20
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 23 2021-11-20
Levental, Mark Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 25 2021-11-20
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 38 2021-11-20
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 53 2021-11-20
Oh, Ceana Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 23 2021-11-20
Song, Matthew Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 76 2021-11-21
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 82 2021-11-21
Boles, Amanda Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 12 2021-11-21
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 26 2021-11-21
Goel, Riyana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 56 2021-11-21
Peng, Marie Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 9 2021-11-21
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 13 2021-11-21
Schor, Madeleine Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 41 2021-11-21
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 45 2021-11-21

9th Annual Little Musketeers RYC and RJC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Upender, West Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 55 2021-11-14
Peng, Marie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2021-11-13
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 3 2021-11-13
Oh, Ceana Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 9 2021-11-14
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 14 2021-11-14
Peng, Marie Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 19 2021-11-14
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 22 2021-11-13
Luh, Mia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 24 2021-11-13
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 58 2021-11-12
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 8 2021-11-12
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 28 2021-11-14

RYC/RJC of the Rockies

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Choi, Zachary Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 1 2021-11-06
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 2 2021-11-06
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 16 2021-11-06
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 8 2021-11-06

BladeRunner ROC RJC Reg

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 16 2021-11-06
Tan, Jocelyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 43 2021-11-06
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 46 2021-11-06
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 14 2021-11-06
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 43 2021-11-06
Baek, David Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 56 2021-11-06
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 15 2021-11-07
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 2 B21 2021-11-07
Hussain, Kamran Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 27 2021-11-07
Liu, Andrew Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 54 2021-11-07
Willis, Alan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 73 2021-11-07

October NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Tsay, Jeremy Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 104 2021-10-29
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 105 2021-10-29
Zhuang, William Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 144 2021-10-30
Petrova, Kristina Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 22 2021-10-30
Korol, Dana Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 146 2021-10-30
Luh, Ethan Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 140 2021-10-31
Tsay, Jeremy Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 168 2021-10-31
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 93 2021-10-31
Petrova, Kristina Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 20 2021-10-31
Korol, Dana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 59 2021-10-31
Pant, Anisha Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 82 2021-10-31
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 135 2021-10-31
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 136 2021-10-31
Zhuang, William Division I Men’s Epee (DV1ME) 228 2021-11-01
Boles, Amanda Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 32 2021-11-01
Luh, Mia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 65 2021-11-01
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 88 2021-11-01

3rd Annual Socal Clash RYC and RJC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Upender, West Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 16 2021-10-17
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 5 2021-10-17
Peng, Marie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 12 2021-10-17
Choi, Zachary Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 3 2021-10-16
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 14 2021-10-16
Bakken, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 22 2021-10-16
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 35 2021-10-17
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 37 2021-10-16
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 45 2021-10-17
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 46 2021-10-17
Luh, Mia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 21 2021-10-16
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 66 2021-10-16
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 13 2021-10-17
Tan, Jocelyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 21 2021-10-17
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 31 2021-10-17
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 26 2021-10-17
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 36 2021-10-17

Remenyik ROC and RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Wang, Andrew Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 42 2021-10-09
Wang, Andrew Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 14 2021-10-09
Wang, Andrew Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 14 2021-10-10

The Fencing Center RYC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Leung, Dylan Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 13 2021-10-01
Chan, Calvin Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 19 2021-10-01
Narayanun, Advay Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 28 2021-10-01
Loftus, Luca Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 7 2021-10-01
Levental, Mark Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 26 2021-10-01
Choi, Zachary Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 41 2021-10-01
Bakken, Archer Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 55 2021-10-01
Xu, Jessica Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 1 2021-10-01
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 83 2021-10-02
Upender, West Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 91 2021-10-02
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 6 2021-10-02
Peng, Marie Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 7 2021-10-02
Zhuang, Lauren Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 17 2021-10-02
Schor, Elisabeth Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 21 2021-10-02
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 23 2021-10-02
Yung, Bethany Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 25 2021-10-02
Boles, Amanda Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 13 2021-10-02
Luh, Mia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 17 2021-10-02
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 20 2021-10-02
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 3 2021-10-02
Enrile, Erica Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 12 2021-10-02
Schor, Madeleine Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 36 2021-10-02
Song, Matthew Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 40 2021-10-03
Upender, West Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 62 2021-10-03
Petrov, Mikhail Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 78 2021-10-03
Oh, Ceana Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 10 2021-10-03
Elsayed, Tasneem Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 34 2021-10-03
Choi, Zachary Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 2 2021-10-03
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 5 2021-10-03
Bakken, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 13 2021-10-03
Leung, Dylan Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 18 2021-10-03
Veron, Darius Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 22 2021-10-03
Hsu, Joshua Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 28 2021-10-03

RJCC of the Rockies

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 8 2021-09-18
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 19 2021-09-18
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 21 2021-09-18
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 3 E21 2021-09-19
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 5 2021-09-19
Pant, Anisha Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 14 2021-09-19

Rain City Fall RJCC+Div II ROC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Luh, Mia Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 9 2021-09-18
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 10 2021-09-18
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 10 2021-09-19

Fortune Fencing ROC/VET/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ashley Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 19 2021-09-06
Srivastava, Arya Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 40 2021-09-06
Hau, Olivia Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 13 2021-09-05
Lin, Ashley Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 29 2021-09-05
Srivastava, Arya Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 33 2021-09-05
Korol, Dana Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 7 2021-09-04
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 29 2021-09-05
Wang, Andrew Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 42 2021-09-05
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 51 2021-09-05
Baek, David Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 75 2021-09-05
Zhuang, William Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 13 B21 2021-09-06
Gu, Aidan Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 72 2021-09-06
Petrova, Kristina Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 5 2021-09-05
Korol, Dana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 10 2021-09-05
Pant, Anisha Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 28 2021-09-05
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 12 2021-09-05
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 16 2021-09-05
Hau, Olivia Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 28 2021-09-05
Srivastava, Arya Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 44 2021-09-05
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 46 2021-09-05
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 52 2021-09-05
Singha, Orion Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 7 2021-09-05
Zhuang, William Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 34 2021-09-05
Gu, Aidan Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 71 2021-09-05
Pant, Anisha Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 15 2021-09-04
Koslow, Amicie Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 18 2021-09-04
Korol, Dana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 19 2021-09-04
Boles, Amanda Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 37 2021-09-04
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 46 2021-09-04
Enrile, Erica Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 48 2021-09-04
Tsay, Jeremy Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 3 C21 2021-09-06
Baek, David Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 18 2021-09-06
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 61 2021-09-06
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 17 2021-09-04
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 29 2021-09-04
Srivastava, Arya Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 39 2021-09-04
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 53 2021-09-04
Boles, Amanda Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 54 2021-09-04
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 55 2021-09-04
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 35 2021-09-04
Zhuang, William Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 53 2021-09-04
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 76 2021-09-04
Petrova, Kristina Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 1 2021-09-06
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 25 2021-09-06
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 34 2021-09-06
Enrile, Erica Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 49 2021-09-06
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 52 2021-09-06
Tsay, Jeremy Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 19 C21 2021-09-04
Luh, Ethan Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 22 2021-09-04
Wang, Andrew Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 57 2021-09-04

North Texas Roundup SYC/RCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ariel Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 22 2021-09-05
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 19 2021-09-06


Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Baek, David Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 3 2021-08-21
Lee, Bryson Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 12 2021-08-21
Zhuang, William Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 13 2021-08-21
Willis, Alan Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 15 2021-08-21
Lin, Kimball Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 34 2021-08-21
Gu, Aidan Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 49 2021-08-21
Pant, Anisha Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 2 D21 2021-08-21
Korol, Dana Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 15 2021-08-21
Koslow, Amicie Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 23 2021-08-21
Lin, Ashley Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 3 E21 2021-08-21
Hau, Olivia Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 16 2021-08-21
Tan, Jocelyn Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 19 2021-08-21
Srivastava, Arya Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 26 2021-08-21
Enrile, Erica Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 28 2021-08-21
Lin, Kimball Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 5 D21 2021-08-22

Thrust Summer RYC/RJCC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Luh, Mia Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 36 2021-08-14
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 1 B21 2021-08-14
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 40 2021-08-14
Luh, Mia Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 25 2021-08-14
Luh, Mia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 16 2021-08-13
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 14 2021-08-13

July Challenge & Parafencing Nat'l Championships

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Petrova, Kristina Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 6 A21 2021-07-22
Koslow, Amicie Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 35 2021-07-22
Korol, Dana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 60 2021-07-22
Pant, Anisha Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 67 2021-07-22
Pant, Anisha Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 71 2021-07-23
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 90 2021-07-23
Petrova, Kristina Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 2 A21 2021-07-24
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 85 2021-07-24
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 94 2021-07-24
Koslow, Amicie Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 121 2021-07-24
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 107 2021-07-25
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 139 2021-07-25
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 45 2021-07-22
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 214 2021-07-22
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 29 2021-07-23
Tsay, Jeremy Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 38 2021-07-23
Baek, David Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 110 2021-07-23
Singha, Orion Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 49 2021-07-24
Gu, Aidan Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 112 2021-07-24
Song, Lawrence Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 28 2021-07-25
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 100 2021-07-25
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 145 2021-07-25
Baek, David Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 195 2021-07-25

National Championships, Junior Olympic Championships & July NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Korol, Dana Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 119 2021-07-03
Tan, Jocelyn Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 108 2021-07-04
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 171 2021-07-04
Hau, Olivia Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 186 2021-07-04
Pant, Anisha Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 79 2021-07-04
Korol, Dana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 100 2021-07-04
Koslow, Amicie Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 134 2021-07-04
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 125 2021-07-05
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 141 2021-07-05
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 155 2021-07-05
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 157 2021-07-05
Tan, Jocelyn Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 205 2021-07-05
Pant, Anisha Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 30 E21 2021-07-08
Koslow, Amicie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 44 2021-07-08
Luh, Mia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 76 2021-07-08
Enrile, Erica Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 109 2021-07-08
Boles, Amanda Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 121 2021-07-08
Lin, Ashley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 96 2021-07-08
Hau, Olivia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 116 2021-07-08
Luh, Mia Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 54 2021-07-09
Boles, Amanda Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 57 2021-07-09
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 41 2021-07-09
Lin, Ariel Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 10 2021-07-10
Korol, Dana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 65 2021-07-10
Korol, Dana Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 10 2021-07-11
Pant, Anisha Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 31 E21 2021-07-11
Koslow, Amicie Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 79 2021-07-11
Tan, Jocelyn Division III Women’s Epee (DV3WE) 57 2021-07-12
Pant, Anisha Division III Women’s Foil (DV3WF) 17 2021-07-12
Tsay, Jeremy Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 46 2021-07-03
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 117 2021-07-03
Baek, David Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 196 2021-07-03
Singha, Orion Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 90 2021-07-03
Song, Lawrence Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 70 2021-07-04
Yang, Andy Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 116 2021-07-04
Song, Lawrence Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 17 2021-07-06
Yang, Andy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 95 2021-07-06
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 197 2021-07-06
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 206 2021-07-06
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 234 2021-07-06
Lin, Kimball Veteran 40-49 Men’s Epee (V40ME) 18 2021-07-07
Luh, Ethan Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 12 C21 2021-07-07
Tsay, Jeremy Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 33 2021-07-07
Baek, David Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 126 2021-07-07
Singha, Orion Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 26 2021-07-07
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 80 2021-07-09
Bakken, Archer Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 91 2021-07-09
Luh, Ethan Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 74 2021-07-10
Tsay, Jeremy Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 83 2021-07-10
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 55 2021-07-10
Luh, Ethan Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 12 2021-07-11
Tsay, Jeremy Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 16 D21 2021-07-11

Fairfax Challenge Summer ROC/RJCC/RYC/VET - Reg Re-Opens 12/28

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Luh, Ethan Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 24 2021-06-18
Luh, Ethan Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 26 2021-06-20
Luh, Ethan Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 23 2021-06-19
Luh, Ethan Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 27 D21 2021-06-19

American Challenge ROC (DIV1A, DIV2, VET) & RJC Reg Open 1/15

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Wang, Andrew Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 82 2021-06-13
Wang, Andrew Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 30 2021-06-13
Wang, Andrew Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 46 2021-06-12

Windy City SYC and Cadets #6 Reg Open 5/11

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 8 E21 2021-06-12
Oh, Ceana Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) DNF 2021-06-13

June NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Yang, Andy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 54 2021-06-04
Wang, Andrew Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 146 2021-06-04
Yang, Andy Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 114 2021-06-05
Petrova, Kristina Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 34 2021-06-05
Petrova, Kristina Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 54 2021-06-06
Tsay, Jeremy Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 62 2021-06-06
Wang, Andrew Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 74 2021-06-06
Petrova, Kristina Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 52 2021-06-07

Fortune Fencing ROC, VET & RJCC Reg Opens 2/1

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Korol, Dana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 21 2021-05-29
Singha, Orion Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 26 2021-05-30
Gu, Aidan Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 66 2021-05-30
Tsay, Jeremy Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 17 2021-05-31
Wang, Andrew Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 32 2021-05-31
Baek, David Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 66 2021-05-31
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 26 2021-05-31
Singha, Orion Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 41 2021-05-29
Gu, Aidan Junior Men’s Epee (JNRME) 83 2021-05-29
Wang, Andrew Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 52 2021-05-30
Tsay, Jeremy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 59 2021-05-30
Baek, David Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 61 2021-05-30
Gu, Aidan Division II Men’s Epee (DV2ME) 44 2021-05-30
Korol, Dana Division II Women’s Foil (DV2WF) 3 2021-05-29
Gu, Aidan Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 76 2021-05-31
Korol, Dana Division IA Women’s Foil (D1AWF) 11 2021-05-30
Tsay, Jeremy Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 54 2021-05-29
Wang, Andrew Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 56 2021-05-29
Baek, David Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 72 2021-05-29

Boston Fencing Club RJCC Reg Opens 4/12

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Yang, Andy Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 33 2021-05-29

The Fencing Center RYC Reg Opens 4/27

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 2 2021-05-14
Leung, Dylan Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 10 2021-05-14
Xu, Jessica Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 10 2021-05-14
Lee, Bryson Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 9 2021-05-14
Baek, David Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 3 2021-05-15
Loftus, Luca Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 24 2021-05-15
Song, Matthew Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 26 2021-05-15
Boles, Amanda Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 10 2021-05-15
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 13 2021-05-15
Enrile, Erica Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 15 2021-05-15
Luh, Mia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 19 2021-05-15
Pant, Anisha Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 5 2021-05-15
Choi, Zachary Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 10 2021-05-16
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 13 2021-05-16
Song, Matthew Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 14 2021-05-16
Upender, West Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 18 2021-05-16
Luh, Mia Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 3 2021-05-16
Oh, Ceana Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 8 2021-05-16
Boles, Amanda Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 9 2021-05-16
Xu, Jessica Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 22 2021-05-16
Leung, Dylan Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 11 2021-05-16


Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Koslow, Amicie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 32 2021-05-06
Pant, Anisha Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 62 2021-05-06
Koslow, Amicie Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 55 2021-05-07
Korol, Dana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 80 2021-05-07
Pant, Anisha Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 102 2021-05-07
Song, Lawrence Division I Men’s Foil (DV1MF) 48 2021-05-07
Korol, Dana Division I Women’s Foil (DV1WF) 111 2021-05-08
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 97 2021-05-09
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 100 2021-05-09
Koslow, Amicie Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 106 2021-05-09
Song, Lawrence Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 20 2021-05-09

TFC Downtown RYC Reg Opens 3/30

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 5 2021-04-23
Leung, Dylan Youth 10 Men’s Epee (Y10ME) 7 2021-04-23
Xu, Jessica Youth 10 Women’s Foil (Y10WF) 7 2021-04-23
Lee, Bryson Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 3 2021-04-23
Zhuang, William Youth 14 Men’s Epee (Y14ME) 17 2021-04-23
Hau, Olivia Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 2 2021-04-24
Koslow, Amicie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 5 2021-04-24
Pant, Anisha Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 6 2021-04-24
Boles, Amanda Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 12 2021-04-24
Luh, Mia Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 13 2021-04-24
Enrile, Erica Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 17 2021-04-24
Oh, Ceana Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 20 2021-04-24
Upender, West Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 18 2021-04-25
Song, Matthew Youth 12 Men’s Foil (Y12MF) 19 2021-04-25
Choi, Zachary Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 3 2021-04-25
Doddapaneni, Aarav Youth 12 Men’s Epee (Y12ME) 9 2021-04-25
Luh, Mia Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 2 2021-04-25
Boles, Amanda Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 5 2021-04-25
Oh, Ceana Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 10 2021-04-25
Leung, Dylan Youth 10 Men’s Saber (Y10MS) 5 2021-04-25

April NAC

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ashley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 52 2021-04-16
Enrile, Erica Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 70 2021-04-16
Boles, Amanda Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 75 2021-04-16
Tsay, Jeremy Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 29 2021-04-16
Baek, David Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 57 2021-04-16
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 24 2021-04-17
Boles, Amanda Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 25 2021-04-17
Lin, Ariel Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 9 2021-04-19

Daugherty Youth Cup SYC, RJCC, ROC & VET - Reg Opens 1/4

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 11 2021-04-09
Lin, Ashley Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 6 2021-04-09
Tsay, Jeremy Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 21 2021-04-09
Tsay, Jeremy Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 3 2021-04-11
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 15 2021-04-11
Lin, Ashley Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 7 2021-04-11
Tsay, Jeremy Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 23 2021-04-09
Lin, Ariel Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2021-04-09
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 13 2021-04-11
Lin, Ashley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 16 2021-04-10
Tsay, Jeremy Youth 14 Men’s Foil (Y14MF) 21 2021-04-10

The Austin Challenge SYC & RCC - Reg Re-Open 1/18

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ashley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 37 2021-04-04
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 21 2021-04-03
Lin, Ariel Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 2 2021-04-04
Lin, Ashley Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 29 2021-04-03

American Challenge RYC/RJCC Reg Opens 1/15

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Boles, Amanda Youth 12 Women’s Foil (Y12WF) 16 2021-04-03
Koslow, Amicie Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 3 D21 2021-04-04
Boles, Amanda Youth 14 Women’s Foil (Y14WF) 16 2021-04-04
Koslow, Amicie Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 57 2021-04-03
Baek, David Cadet Men’s Foil (CDTMF) 72 2021-04-04
Baek, David Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 98 2021-04-03

TFC SpringFest RJCC Reg Opens 3/15

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Hau, Olivia Cadet Women’s Epee (CDTWE) 9 2021-04-03
Korol, Dana Junior Women’s Foil (JNRWF) 10 2021-04-03
Wang, Andrew Junior Men’s Foil (JNRMF) 19 2021-04-04
Pant, Anisha Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 9 2021-04-04
Hau, Olivia Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 14 2021-04-04
Korol, Dana Cadet Women’s Foil (CDTWF) 6 2021-04-04
Zhuang, William Cadet Men’s Epee (CDTME) 21 2021-04-04

Wang Memorial Div 1A, Div 2 ROC - Reg Opens 2/16

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Tsay, Jeremy Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 13 2021-03-27
Tsay, Jeremy Division II Men’s Foil (DV2MF) 6 2021-03-28

ROC of the Rockies | D1A, DV2 & VET - Reg Opens 2/19

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Kimball Veteran Men’s Epee (VETME) 8 E21 2021-03-12
Lin, Ashley Division II Women’s Epee (DV2WE) 10 2021-03-13
Baek, David Division IA Men’s Foil (D1AMF) 17 2021-03-12
Lin, Ashley Division IA Women’s Epee (D1AWE) 13 2021-03-12
Lin, Kimball Division IA Men’s Epee (D1AME) 11 2021-03-13

2nd Annual Vegas RYC and RJC - Epee Only Reg Opens 2/11

Name Event Place Rating Earned Date
Lin, Ashley Youth 14 Women’s Epee (Y14WE) 2 2021-03-05
Lin, Ariel Youth 12 Women’s Epee (Y12WE) 9 2021-03-06
Lin, Ashley Junior Women’s Epee (JNRWE) 13 2021-03-07
Lin, Ariel Youth 10 Women’s Epee (Y10WE) 3 2021-03-07