W&M Conomikes-Gutenberg Open 2022

Div III Mixed Saber

Sunday, February 27, 2022 at 2:00 PM

William & Mary Adair Gym - Williamsburg, VA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 BALDWIN Michael B. 2146 2236 90 2500 2617 117
2 FENKER William M. 2930 3329 399 2862 2910 48
3 BOYLAN Nickolas 2945 3282 337 2832 2467 365
3 RUBAN Misha 2629 2539 91 3174 3076 98
5 CLARK Keagan 3121 2019 1102 2867 1946 921
6 KIRCHMAIER Charlie 1481 1551 70 1080 1266 186
7 LIN Felix 1673 1727 54 1764 1828 64
8 OTT Alexander 2390 1930 460 1938 2107 168
9 BOYD Lucas 2500 1726 774 2500 2000 500
10 SMITH IV Edward (Ted) A. 3666 1796 1870 2058 1955 103
11 LEE Matthew 1163 1662 500 2500 1346 1154
12 NEWTON Alexander 2498 1697 801 1983 2194 211
13 WALKER Terra 2299 1879 421 1664 1953 289
14 DREYER Nadia S. 2371 2388 18 2500 2496 4
14 DREHER Matthew 1339 1517 177 2921 2541 380
16 D'ORAZIO Sofia V. 2011 1995 16 2109 2234 125
17 ZESSIN Michael A. 2090 1857 233 2500 1877 623
18 YOHN Cort 1527 1561 33 1298 1265 33
19 WATTS Liam 2500 1746 754 2500 2079 421
20 CASSIDY Connor J. 1608 1494 114 2500 1741 759
21 OLIVER Isaac 1607 1555 52 1785 1687 99
22 ROSADO Leah 2500 1127 1373 2500 2079 421
23 ABU-AJAJ Mohamed 1610 1225 385 1700 1450 250
23 CHAVES Kobey 1247 915 332 2079 1608 472
25 KENNEDY Aidan 1478 1242 236 1511 1424 87


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.