TFC's March 2022 Fence-a-thon and Observational

Div III Mixed Saber

Sunday, March 20, 2022 at 10:00 AM

The Fencing Center of San Jose - San Jose, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 KIBBAR Tomer L. 3057 3180 123 2868 2891 24
2 DAVIS Jayna M. 2356 2358 2 2633 2656 23
3 BAILEY Nate 2156 2136 21 2322 2342 19
3 SUORSA Markus 2567 2586 19 2638 2600 39
5 MULAGARI Sadhika 2044 2068 23 2097 2109 12
6 SOUTHWORTH Nathaniel 2261 2272 11 2312 2304 8
7 REGANTI Sitara 1782 1792 10 1720 1767 48
8 TSAI Anna A. 2060 2036 24 2260 2242 17
9 LI Li 1845 1908 63 2500 2049 451
10 IYER Arushi 1482 1479 3 1872 1811 61
11 LI Seth 1520 1632 113 2013 1885 128
12 BAVIPATI Smira 1687 1708 21 2276 2214 62
13 MARTINEZ Mario D. 2062 2025 37 2454 2430 24
14 VANKIRK Avery 2500 1582 918 2500 2016 484
15 LAZZARINO Kylie 799 761 37 1317 1209 108


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.