ASU Fall Sun Devil Open 2022

E & Under Mixed Épée

Saturday, October 1, 2022 at 1:00 PM

ASU Maroon Gym/Gold Gym - Tempe, AZ, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 TIEN Jabin 2130 2154 24 2086 2260 174
2 BRECHTEL James 2322 2487 165 2476 2520 43
3 SYPES Michael A. 2030 2110 79 1516 2151 635
3 PILLI Tonatiuh 2500 2222 278 2500 2067 433
5 COLLINS Vernon 1802 1900 98 2088 2028 60
6 DAVIS Julia 2666 2753 86 2504 2239 265
7 CONWAY Collin 1964 1962 2 1329 1441 113
8 SAUCEDO Fernando 1986 2004 18 1822 2041 219
9 LIPPMAN Elzy 1331 1642 312 1662 1440 221
10 CUEVAS Tom 1724 1720 4 1523 1519 3
11 VILLAGOMEZ Michail 1097 1464 367 2277 2021 256
12 WILLIAMS Timothy 2168 2051 116 2079 1693 386
13 STEVENS Jacob 1793 1786 7 1740 1603 137
14 SAUCEDO Carlos 2500 1337 1163 2500 2059 441
15 HERRON Jonathan 1374 1379 5 1601 1756 155
16 SANKEY Levi 2500 960 1540 2500 2720 220
17 PUTTAMRAJU Nikhil 1244 1527 284 1572 1463 109
18 IRVING David 1249 1483 234 1869 1483 386
19 WALLIS Wyatt 1568 1558 10 1823 1688 135
20 SAUCEDO Grecia 1763 1792 29 1539 1441 98
21 PYE Emily 1424 1402 21 1832 1664 168
22 FISHER David 2500 754 1746 2500 1991 509
23 LUCAL Simon 1657 1367 290 2164 1540 625
24 SANKEY Luka 2500 1015 1485 2500 1729 771


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.