The Battle At The Beach

Y-10 Men's Épée

Sunday, January 29, 2023 at 2:00 PM

Ocean Center Convention Center - Daytona Beach, FL, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 KIM Julian 1421 1456 35 2007 2062 55
2 VICK Ethan 982 1125 143 1462 2122 660
3 TJAMALOUKAS Nikolaos 1435 1591 157 1950 2112 162
3 RAMIREZ Tristan 2500 971 1529 2500 2353 147
5 FAYEZ Adam 1088 1264 176 1935 1897 39
6 PLATTS Emmerson 1424 1439 15 2089 2057 32
7 FREYRE Christian 1015 1141 126 1477 1601 124
8 FERREIRA DE MELO Martin 1039 1059 20 1664 1691 26
9 FERNANDEZ William 1358 1443 85 2028 2002 26
10 PATEL Tej 2500 1306 1194 2500 1592 908
11 ZHAO ryan 926 965 39 1617 1479 138
12 RAMIREZ Hunter 2500 1283 1217 2500 1625 875
13 HU Charles 1247 1142 104 1690 1461 230
14 BOLIVAR Juan 2745 1230 1515 2500 1792 708
15 ELLIS, IV Floyd 1178 975 202 1789 1496 293
16 LANDESS Alexander 2500 680 1820 2500 2087 413
17 LIN Maverick 2500 691 1809 2500 2079 421


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.