UAH Rocket City Open 2023

Div III Mixed Épée

Saturday, April 8, 2023 at 8:30 AM

UAH University Fitness Center - Huntsville, AL, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 SUNDQUIST Matthew 2109 2193 83 1909 2388 478
2 COLLUM Thomas 2166 2410 244 2035 2736 702
3 BUCHANAN Will 2500 3066 566 2500 2936 436
3 ROLON Jose 1713 2050 337 1915 1919 4
5 KERTESZ Stefan G. 1970 2000 30 2098 2121 23
6 BURRUSS Aaron 1610 1483 127 1707 1892 186
7 SOPER Adam 2130 1749 381 2079 2416 336
8 CORDOVA Colin 1654 1642 12 1416 1593 177
9 CALINSKY Edward 2500 2172 328 2500 2199 301
10 WYCKOFF Nicholas (Nick Wyckoff) M. 2500 1975 525 2500 2267 233
11 WILLIAMS Eli 2026 2056 29 2223 2223 0
12 WHALEN Garrett 2500 1396 1104 2500 2462 38
13 ZIMMERMAN Karmen 1784 1802 18 2975 2599 376
14 REYNOLDS Jeremiah 1899 1821 78 1799 1804 5
15 FAN Yuchen 1642 1695 53 1911 1926 16
16 RESTER Christopher 1823 1609 213 2006 1792 213
17 BYBEE Lucy J. 2213 2222 10 1936 1893 43
18 EDGECOMB Michael J. 2333 2323 10 2022 1893 129
19 GOEDICKE Elway 2324 2343 19 2627 2508 119
20 ILENRE Roni 1600 1635 35 1730 1688 42
21 MACALUSO Matthew 1190 1277 86 1501 1458 42
22 CARRIE Konnor 1870 1832 39 2467 2292 175
23 PUVALOWSKI Ryan 1336 1265 71 2079 1832 247
24 FORD Tillman 1726 1835 109 2456 2313 143
25 ETHRIDGE Christopher 1397 1473 77 1629 1514 115
26 MOYNIHAN Jones 1619 1629 10 2092 2112 20
27 PARISH Levi 1716 1627 89 1658 1525 133
28 JUNG Joshua 1913 1905 8 1785 1759 26
29 KLITTEN Robert 1790 1650 140 1773 1687 86
30 ALLEY Mary Ellis 1310 1302 8 1650 1742 92
31 SCHUYLER Benjamin 2500 1396 1104 2500 1970 530
32 WAHL Nathan 1698 1275 423 2500 2139 361
33 ARNOLD Samuel 1064 1157 93 1549 1437 112
34 CLEMONS Adder 1615 1486 129 1645 1533 112
35 FORD Mattie 2500 1555 945 2500 1597 903
36 KIM Emily 1643 1656 13 2146 1887 260
37 AXTELL Erica 2403 2205 198 1787 1654 132
38 HAMBRICK Addison 2261 2235 26 2465 2380 85
39 BULLER Chloe 1943 1933 11 1736 1629 107
40 TOWNS Jordan 1572 1339 233 2500 2079 421
41 REEVES Ruby 1633 1601 32 2497 2364 133
42 HALVERSON Spencer 2500 1258 1242 2500 1731 769
43 SPAULDING Maleah 1118 1093 25 1964 1679 285
44 WENTWORTH Ashley 1494 1458 36 1863 1693 170


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.