Seattle Saber Day (Open, Unrated, Y14)

Senior Mixed Saber

Saturday, May 13, 2023 at 4:00 PM

Salle Auriol Seattle - Seattle, WA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 BULL Anderson 2715 2731 15 2916 2937 21
2 HOLMES Aiden G. 2778 2787 10 3016 3021 5
3 PIISPANEN Eric A. 2847 2778 70 2895 2877 19
3 GAFFNEY John M. 2550 2553 3 2643 2649 6
5 VENU Ram 2078 2098 20 2097 2102 5
6 YERRAMILLI Tejas 2201 2210 8 2187 2204 17
7 HUANG Zekai 2225 2233 8 2405 2414 9
8 HOOLE Colson 2137 2129 7 2131 2144 14
9 GOLDIN Lucca 2230 2239 9 2339 2326 13
10 RYABKOV Stanislav 1802 1837 34 1818 1810 8
11 RIGGINS Littleton K. 2394 2376 19 2630 2603 27
12 GOLDIN Nina 2164 2168 4 2434 2441 7
13 DIRSMITH Benjamin J. 2339 2306 33 2251 2244 8
13 VANDEN BROOK Christopher 1730 1712 18 1837 1791 46
15 CARLUCCI Laura A. 2856 2837 18 2808 2800 9
16 TEEL Kevin C. 2090 2073 17 2028 2123 95
17 MOODY Paul J. 1897 1882 15 1934 1896 38
18 LOPER Alex 1621 1622 2 2500 2357 143
19 CHOI Jinyoung 716 1130 414 1430 1306 123
20 NAIR Supriya 1573 1594 20 1783 1729 53
21 HAN Marina 1881 1890 10 2098 2064 34
22 BARCZAY Sara E. 1405 1394 11 1594 1590 5
23 HOLMES Sabrina 1689 1677 12 2106 2097 9
24 ASHTIANI Shaya 1589 1581 8 2226 2145 81
25 SHERRARD Kael G. 1788 1701 88 1788 1749 38
26 SECOR Solomon 1167 1158 9 1324 1313 11
27 GARRETT Ash 1138 1121 17 1447 1435 12


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.