Fete de Lune

Veteran Mixed Épée

Saturday, September 9, 2023 at 9:00 AM

Houston Sword Sports - Houston, TX, TX, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 JNO-FINN Davis 3690 3789 99 3607 3754 148
2 GASTON Ryan 2104 2187 83 2188 2333 145
3 KASKAN Peter E. 2070 2095 25 2306 2386 80
3 HESS Marc F. 2188 2205 18 2229 2268 39
5 POOLE James M. 2119 2136 17 2336 2303 33
6 PHILLIPS Wesley Y. 2449 2453 4 2382 2364 18
7 PEI Suyang 2500 2353 147 2500 2155 345
8 MAYERICH David 2500 1912 588 2500 2517 17
9 PEUGNET Forrest 2091 2115 23 1446 1360 86
10 ROBINSON Jon M. 2115 2033 82 2076 1862 214
11 VILLAREAL Quentin 2097 2077 20 2222 2182 40
12 PARISI Nolan W. 1870 1853 17 2035 1988 48
13 COLE Morgan 1891 1767 124 1824 1595 229
14 EBY Robert 1789 1602 187 1648 1470 178
15 VILLAREAL Heather 1033 1029 4 1577 1522 55
16 WEATHERSBY Brian 965 890 75 1480 1470 10


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.