MFA Y8, Y10, Y12, Senior (unrated only) - All foil event

Unrated Mixed Foil

Sunday, September 17, 2023 at 3:00 PM

Marin Fencing Academy - San Rafael, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 ZHONG Maxwell 1758 1786 28 1757 1801 44
2 RAUTUREAU Arthur 1934 1934 0 2094 2106 12
3 NISHIHIRA Tyler 1421 1464 43 1471 1526 55
3 BECKER Ethan 1434 1463 29 1227 1268 41
5 MAK Osman K. 1657 1661 4 1602 1623 21
6 WEI Winston 1039 1070 30 1401 1389 12
7 PEZESHKI Oliver 883 966 83 1132 1300 167
8 CHAN Joseph 1857 1841 16 2047 2045 2
9 YUE Jackson 1632 1638 7 1746 1749 4
10 TERRELL LeBaron 1389 1529 140 1546 1482 64
11 MACEIRA Immanuel 1293 1418 125 1328 1332 3
12 CHEN Evan 1705 1657 48 1475 1509 34
13 MACRAE Calvin 2500 1231 1269 2500 2128 372
14 ANDRADE Cedric 1211 1220 9 1563 1516 47
15 KAISER Lucas 1153 1201 48 988 1076 87
16 KO Hannah 1870 2225 355 3069 2344 726
17 FRESCHI Sawyer 1675 1443 233 2921 2496 424
18 HAMEL Gillian 1122 1012 110 1537 1049 488
19 OTAEGI Elorri 2500 2583 83 2500 1931 569
20 HUNDLEY Lucas 2500 1081 1419 2500 2079 421
21 BOYNTON Alex 458 500 42 973 956 17
22 MARTIN Dylan 2500 908 1592 2500 1536 964
23 ZANDER Edmund Johann 1315 1276 39 1471 1371 101
24 LENEHAN Eloise 1319 1607 289 2039 1932 108
24 JAIN Akshat 778 693 85 1613 1225 388
26 SANDOVAL Cedric 1805 939 865 2079 1493 587
27 FOSINA Joseph 929 413 516 2500 1540 960
28 SOLOMON Jake 2500 804 1696 2500 1607 893
29 DIGGS Corina 835 821 14 1548 1384 164


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.