Fight Strong! Fencing for the Cause

Senior Mixed Foil

Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 10:00 AM

Hosted at Corsair Fencing - Pittsburgh, PA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 BOLTON Lucas R. 3132 3141 9 3017 3049 32
2 JI Kevin 1447 1522 75 1491 1895 404
3 HARDMAN Harry 2075 2168 94 2082 1940 142
3 STANOEV Sava 2349 2356 6 2217 2254 38
5 KENNEDY Christo 1956 1962 6 - - -
6 POWELL Sean 1416 1432 16 1831 1842 11
7 LI RunLin 1518 1482 36 1487 1385 103
8 NOSIK Gabriel 1152 1163 10 1612 1604 8
9 READ Sarah 2829 2713 116 2754 2328 426
10 ECHNAT Izzy 2832 2768 64 1935 1538 397
11 RIALE Toren 1474 1348 126 1847 1694 153
11 GAVARRETE Moises 1258 1147 110 1096 978 119


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.