SAS Pirate Cup #1

Senior Mixed Saber

Saturday, October 7, 2023 at 3:30 PM

Salle Auriol Seattle - Seattle, WA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 VENU Ram 2020 2032 12 2095 2138 44
2 HUANG Zekai 3095 3097 2 2471 2474 3
3 PIISPANEN Eric A. 2781 2792 11 2816 2791 26
3 YERRAMILLI Tejas 2220 2231 11 2280 2274 6
5 LOPER Alex 1662 1707 45 1577 1566 12
6 HAN Marina 1890 1942 52 2574 2534 40
7 GOLDIN Lucca 2310 2300 11 2308 2303 5
8 MOODY Paul J. 1831 1833 2 1865 1837 29
9 ZUG Kiersten A. 1952 1961 9 1930 1897 33
10 GOLDIN Nina 2169 2172 2 3056 3030 27
11 GOGNA Rehan 1543 1578 35 2908 2399 509
12 BARCZAY Sara E. 1527 1552 24 1748 1717 32
13 VALENTINE Rhys 864 932 68 944 932 12
14 DAVISSON Zack 2500 1425 1075 2500 1863 637
15 RASMUSS Wayne 1789 1529 260 1573 1554 20
16 DEGEN Anita L. 1601 1580 21 1631 1627 4
18 PEARSON Misia 715 788 73 2065 1986 79
19 WONG Alice 2500 1735 765 2500 2079 421
20 BALDUCCI Sofia 2500 933 1567 2500 1620 880
21 BRUCE Anthony 1199 1139 61 2665 2259 406
22 CHAUDHURI Urvashi 1347 1339 7 1817 1729 87


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.