Escrimeur Youth and Senior Sabre Cup 2023-2024 (3)

Y-10 Mixed Saber

Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Escrimeur Fencers Club - East Brunswick, NJ, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 O'KEEFE Brody 1039 1124 86 1502 1785 283
2 SUH Ethan 1156 1428 272 1963 2116 153
3 HEILMANN Caleb 1596 1543 53 3180 2866 314
3 HEILMANN Christian 1952 1890 63 2835 2619 216
5 VAKEEL Arjun 1528 1507 20 1976 2190 214
6 DANIELS Jordanna 2596 2800 204 2882 2750 132
7 HU Simon 1250 1238 12 2094 2036 58
8 ARUN Viyaan 1453 1253 201 1454 1639 186
9 BASU MALLICK Sannibh 2500 1205 1295 2500 1650 850
10 LANKA Gautham 1366 1288 78 1987 1787 200
11 LI Jayden 878 874 4 2500 2092 408
12 ROBLES Rafael 835 776 59 2504 2354 151
13 METHNER Michael 1097 662 436 2079 1686 393


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.