Win/Loss Statistics

2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Victories - 2 - - - 2
Losses - 28 - - - 28
Win Ratio - 6.7% - - - 6.7%
Pool Victories - 2 - - - 2
Pool Losses - 23 - - - 23
Pool Win Ratio - 8.0% - - - 8.0%
DE Victories - - - - - -
DE Losses - 5 - - - 5
DE Win Ratio - 0.0% - - - 0.0%

Note: Seasons start on August 1st and end on July 31st.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Easy wins - - - - - -
Easy wins as % of wins - 0.0% - - - 0.0%
Close wins - - - - - -
Close wins as % of all wins - 0.0% - - - 0.0%
Close losses - - - - - -
Close losses as % of all losses - 0.0% - - - 0.0%
Big losses - 21 - - - 21
Big losses as % of all losses - 75.0% - - - 75.0%

Easy victories or big losses are those with the score difference of 4 or more touches in a pool, 7 or more touches in direct elimination, and 5 or more in veteran and youth direct elimination.
Close bouts are those with the score difference of 1 or fewer touches in a pool, 3 or fewer touches in direct elimination, or 2 or fewer touches in veteran or youth direct elimination.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Events - 5 - - - 5
Tournaments - 5 - - - 5

Competition History

Escrimeur Youth Sabre Cup 2023-2024 (10) Finale

Y-10 Men's Saber (U, Y10), June 16, 2024
Place 17 of 17, Seed 3, Not ranked, Rating U, Escrimeur Fencers Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 3:5 ENG Anderson 10 U 15 ESCRIMEUR FENCERS CLUB
Pool L 0:5 KRISHNARASA Aiyann 4 U 3 Integrity Fencing Studio 985 409 27.9 19%
Pool L 0:5 LANKA Gautham 15 U 7 Fencing Club Of Mercer County 1228 381 14.9 9%
Pool L 2:5 THEETHIRA Kevin-Cariappa 2 U 9 Sebastiani Fencing Academy 810 366 32.3 25%
Pool L 1:5 HEILMANN Christian 17 U 6 Fencing Club Of Mercer County 1286 334 10.5 7%
T32 L 4:10 MANGINI Lorenzo 12 U 16 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (port Chester) 2001 1156 72.6 14%

Escrimeur Youth and Senior Sabre Cup 2023-2024 (9)

Y-10 Men's Saber (U, Y10), May 12, 2024
Place 9 of 9, Seed 7, Not ranked, Rating U, Escrimeur Fencers Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 0:5 HENNESSY Quentin 6 U 6 Escrimeur Fencers Club 1399 468 14.9 8%
Pool L 1:5 VAKEEL Arjun 2 U 5 Fencing Club Of Mercer County 1118 453 25.9 16%
Pool L 1:5 PATEL Rohan 3 U 1 Integrity Fencing Studio 1215 427 18.8 11%
T16 L 5:10 DIORIO James 8 U 8 Fencing Club Of Mercer County 1339 1412 256.8 53%

Escrimeur Youth Sabre Cup 2023-2024 (5)

Y-10 Mixed Saber (U, Y10), January 21, 2024
Place 19 of 21, Seed 6, Not ranked, Rating U, Escrimeur Fencers Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 3:5 BASU MALLICK Sannibh 11 U 17 Advance Fencing And Fitness Academy 716 662 89.7 47%
Pool L 0:5 HEILMANN Christian 18 U 2 Fencing Club Of Mercer County 1604 572 14.7 6%
Pool L 1:5 MARINO Mark 21 U 12 Bergen Fencing Club 896 557 55.6 31%
Pool W 5:2 POWLESLAND Freya 7 U 20 Fencing Club Of Mercer County
Pool L 0:5 LEE Shane Gunn 13 U 1 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club 1383 502 18.2 9%
Pool L 0:5 BURCH III Andrew 10 U 5 Cobra Fencing Club 1429 483 15.1 8%
T32 L 1:10 PARROCO Jacob 17 U 14 Advance Fencing And Fitness Academy 1883 1686 273.9 42%

Escrimeur Youth and Senior Sabre Cup 2023-2024 (3)

Y-10 Mixed Saber (U, Y10), November 19, 2023
Place 13 of 13, Seed 4, Not ranked, Rating U, Escrimeur Fencers Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 0:5 DANIELS Jordanna 8 U 6 allegro fencing center
Pool L 0:5 VAKEEL Arjun 1 U 5 Fencing Club Of Mercer County 1452 1097 103.4 32%
Pool L 2:5 HEILMANN Christian 10 U 3 Fencing Club Of Mercer County 1836 994 41.9 12%
Pool L 0:5 O'KEEFE Brody 12 U 1 New Jersey Fencing Alliance 1077 952 119.8 43%
Pool L 1:5 BASU MALLICK Sannibh 5 U 9 Advance Fencing And Fitness Academy 1411 832 51.1 24%
Pool L 2:5 ROBLES Rafael 6 U 12 Advance Fencing And Fitness Academy 612 781 119.4 59%
T16 L 2:10 VAKEEL Arjun 1 U 5 Fencing Club Of Mercer County 1976 2079 393.2 54%

Escrimeur Youth and Senior Sabre Cup 2023-2024 (2)

Y-10 Mixed Saber (U, Y10), October 22, 2023
Place 17 of 18, Seed 17, Not ranked, Rating U, Escrimeur Fencers Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:3 ROBLES Rafael 3 U 16 Advance Fencing And Fitness Academy 2500 2500 420.5 50%
Pool L 2:5 BARAKH Adam 9 U 11 Manhattan Fencing Center 984 2921 1212.8 97%
Pool L 0:5 HEILMANN Christian 11 U 3 Fencing Club Of Mercer County 1895 1708 222.1 41%
Pool L 2:5 LI Jayden 4 U 7 Platinum Fencing Academy 858 1486 388.4 80%
Pool L 0:5 LIN Lindsay 10 U 3 Platinum Fencing Academy
T32 L 3:10 ROBLES Rafael 3 U 16 Advance Fencing And Fitness Academy 2500 2500 420.5 50%