2024 BFC Youth Series 2

Unrated Y-10 Mixed Épée

Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Boston Fencing Club - Boston, MA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 YOON Jonathan 851 877 26 1428 1508 80
2 DIMOV Daniel 2847 2995 148 2921 2404 517
3 LI Jayden 761 782 21 1427 1431 5
3 HOREMIOTIS Bennett 1922 2037 116 2711 2617 94
5 LI Kayla 940 980 39 1673 1755 83
6 PINCIROLI Tommaso 940 995 56 1336 1616 280
7 XI Emily 970 1027 58 2340 2130 210
8 WANG Lucas 2500 2255 245 2500 2190 310
9 MALTAIS Hunter 1797 1267 530 2079 1407 672
10 KANDHI Aryaa 1771 1331 440 2496 2233 263
11 LEE Iona 979 968 11 2458 2353 105
12 YU MAXIMILIAN 2500 2574 74 2500 1872 628
13 SU David 2500 1409 1091 2500 1445 1055
14 MILLER Brodrick 1178 1397 219 1369 1474 104
15 SCHELTZ Owen 829 940 111 1295 1607 313
16 YOON Michelle 381 362 19 1708 1668 40
17 SHI Emma 1322 1284 38 1033 988 45
18 XI Eric 2500 1259 1241 2500 1544 956
19 CHEN Boru 968 471 496 2500 1608 892


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.