Manchen Friday Night Mixed Open Foil

Senior Mixed Foil

Friday, December 22, 2023 at 6:15 PM

Manchen Academy of Fencing - Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 AKYAMAC Bora 2496 2517 21 2432 2468 36
2 ARCE Andrew W. 2023 2031 8 1967 2008 41
3 OLSON Stephen 2908 2823 84 2835 2759 76
3 DAUM Charlie 2551 2559 8 2661 2639 22
5 LUM-DEBONO Alex 2291 2317 25 2427 2419 8
6 MURPHY Damian 1743 1767 24 1929 1927 2
7 SHANNON Jack 1913 1906 7 1830 1833 3
8 NIECHWADOWICZ Michael 1830 1830 0 1751 1776 25
9 MAYER Richard 2177 2171 7 2210 2173 37
10 DIPAOLO Julia 2583 2610 27 1830 1839 9
11 LENZ Zoe 2015 2024 9 2103 2113 10
12 ZHANG GAVIN J 1734 1725 9 1072 1255 183
13 ROLANDO Doc 2463 2368 95 2626 2575 51
14 HECHT Joel 1688 1695 7 1939 1962 24
14 PEREZ Logan 1398 1419 21 1497 1531 34
16 O'LEARY Colin 1631 1610 21 1718 1705 12
17 NADOL Sam 1307 1305 2 1089 1049 41
18 FALCONE Jack 1566 1511 55 1525 1464 61
19 ANGELOS Nico 1401 1392 10 1665 1570 94
20 ALLEN DJ 2500 1499 1001 2500 2021 479
21 SLOAN Xander 954 985 32 1150 1121 29
22 POLEBOYINA Amrit 1420 1416 4 1422 1398 24
23 ZGOMBIC Emily 2014 2002 12 2059 2024 35
24 ZHANG Jason 994 933 61 1296 1174 122
25 COMO Gabriella 1170 1188 18 1194 1180 15
26 KIM Eunice 2500 1303 1197 2500 2201 299


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.