Windy City Fencing Y 14 Mixed Epee

Y-14 Mixed Épée

Sunday, February 4, 2024 at 9:30 AM

Menomonee club - Chicago, IL, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 MITEV Alexander 2206 2209 4 2489 2508 19
2 BORISENKO Samuel 2000 2005 5 2290 2297 7
3 GINZBURG Adam 2091 2099 8 2243 2243 0
3 COLIN Nathan 2500 3031 531 2500 2029 471
5 TISMENSKY Abigail 1609 1619 11 2010 2022 12
6 ROSADO Balthazar Francisco 1629 1627 2 2004 2001 3
7 STERN Savannah 1914 1917 3 2504 2300 204
8 TALANDZEVICIUS Sophia 1636 1625 10 2035 2045 10
9 TISMENSKY Avital 1616 1626 10 1703 1691 12
10 BAGDONAS Olivier 1096 1116 20 2500 1931 569
11 SHAFFER Tyler 1443 1434 9 1532 1522 10
12 ANEZIOKORO Zahra 1433 1430 4 1841 1821 19
12 CORDERO Donovan 2500 1891 609 2500 1846 654
14 KRAVCHENKO Philip 572 549 23 1208 1190 17
15 KRAVCHENKO Tatyana 927 907 20 1384 1477 92
16 HURLEY Michael 1229 1102 127 1559 1739 180
17 SLAVIN Tamir 697 693 4 1466 1423 43
18 MARKS Madeline 1146 1086 59 1734 1302 433


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.