Winter Open

Mixed Épée

Sunday, February 11, 2024 at 2:00 PM

Memphis University School - Memphis, TN, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 KRAFFT Douglas 2533 2524 9 2344 2519 176
2 WILLIAMS Eli 2091 2106 14 2309 2342 32
3 PATEL Kushal 2001 2026 25 2489 2496 6
3 RAY William 2079 2098 19 2242 2248 6
5 JOHNSON Soren 1589 1616 27 1852 1873 22
6 LIU oscar 1750 1802 52 1800 1809 9
7 PHILLIPS Nate 2500 1908 592 2500 2406 94
8 MASSIE Jay Thomas 961 1042 81 1460 1527 67
9 DING Bryan 2271 2336 64 1739 1358 381
10 DONG Joshua 1819 1752 67 2398 2321 77
11 HAYNES Ally 2000 2230 230 2500 2205 295
12 PAUL Joey 1306 1282 24 1708 1566 142
13 MAI Hung 1635 1403 231 1491 1299 192
14 DING Albert 2500 1487 1013 2500 1676 824
15 DAS Kushal 2500 866 1634 2500 1851 649
16 SPROLES Henry 2500 988 1512 2500 1956 544


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.