LAIFC OC Rising Stars Epee #1

Y-14 Mixed Épée

Sunday, February 11, 2024 at 12:00 PM

LAIFC - OC - Anaheim, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 AUSTIN Atlas 1620 1632 12 2001 2060 59
2 FU Nolan 1431 1430 1 1860 1886 26
3 WANG Lucas 1480 1479 1 1746 1766 20
3 DU evan 1520 1535 16 2125 2111 14
5 HOCHSTEIN Tristan 1338 1426 88 1905 1776 129
6 XUE Michael 1492 1491 1 2035 2021 14
7 PORIKLI Sedat 1302 1206 97 1446 1361 85
8 KIM Vivian 1450 1460 11 1488 1575 87
9 LI Chloe 2222 2053 168 1380 1302 78
10 UEMURA Lyllia 859 852 7 2079 1832 247
11 AUYEUNG Aedan Ho lam 1310 1268 42 1820 1781 39


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.