NYFA Youth Cup #5

Y-12 Mixed Épée

Sunday, February 25, 2024 at 1:30 PM

NYFA Brooklyn - Brooklyn, NY, USA

Probability density of pool victories


Explore the pool victory probability density for each fencer, with their actual victories highlighted in a box. Learn more.

# Name Number of victories
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 KIM Henry - - 1% 9% 36% 53%
2 VOSKOV Olivia - 3% 18% 39% 33% 7%
3 MIDYANY Ryan - - 7% 36% 57%
3 KHERSONSKYI Robert - 7% 35% 47% 10%
5 WU Michelle - 1% 10% 38% 43% 9%
6 LAI Jayden 1% 11% 38% 41% 9%
8 NG Nico 1% 10% 32% 38% 17% 2%
9 WU Matthew - 7% 47% 38% 8%
10 DODIN Daniel M. - - 1% 10% 38% 51%
11 TSIEN Richard 2% 14% 32% 34% 15% 2%
12 MOKRETSOV Leah 2% 12% 34% 38% 14%
13 ZHAI Junqi (Allen) 2% 15% 35% 35% 12% 1%
14 MASKIN Mikhail - 3% 18% 40% 31% 8%
15 JU Jennifer 1% 12% 33% 38% 14% 2%
16 NOOL Alexander 8% 37% 38% 14% 2%
17 NING Miranda 25% 44% 26% 6% -
18 VILLER Alice 5% 26% 42% 23% 4%
19 TANG Colin 37% 43% 17% 3% - -
21 CHIANG William - 7% 29% 40% 20% 3%
22 GIORDANO Zach - 7% 37% 45% 10%
23 NOOL Aaron 9% 34% 39% 17% 2%
24 KOUAME Candice 12% 43% 34% 9% 1%
24 CHEN Jayden 35% 44% 18% 3% -
27 LI Tyrese 5% 23% 38% 26% 7% -
29 CHO Adrian 18% 40% 30% 10% 1% -
30 KIM Abigail 13% 40% 35% 11% 1% -
31 SAJJA Anwita 15% 47% 36% 2% -
32 HAN Emma 1% 12% 34% 38% 14%
33 GAO Ryan 7% 34% 40% 16% 2% -
34 ZHANG Audrey 1% 16% 44% 32% 7% -
35 MEIER Jack 1% 20% 42% 30% 8% -
36 SCHNEIDERMAN Fiona 12% 44% 41% 3% -
38 ZHENG Haily 21% 45% 29% 5% - -


The heatmap in this table provides a visual representation of the victory probability distribution for each fencer in their respective pools:

This heatmap visualization offers an immediate understanding of each fencer's expected performance compared to their actual results.