March Fenceathon

Y-10 Mixed Saber

Saturday, March 16, 2024 at 1:15 PM

The Fencing Center of San Jose - san jose, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 WANG James 921 942 21 1556 1589 33
2 TAN Daniel 788 796 8 1423 1438 15
3 LUO Gavin 636 659 22 1070 1105 35
3 HAGENBUCH Isabella 921 1170 249 1681 1744 64
5 IRVINE Cooper 895 887 8 1076 1405 329
6 LIN Rongxuan 872 1083 211 2705 2555 150
7 CHOI Siwon Eva 2706 2057 649 3168 3292 124
8 MENDOZA YSABELLA LOUISE 692 705 13 1048 1261 213
9 SINGHAL Tanishka 1513 1765 252 2500 1340 1160
10 CHOI Siah Ella 944 1265 321 2168 2015 154
11 SETH Suraj 397 392 5 1832 1679 153
12 HA Emmalene 776 752 24 1223 1123 100
13 ZHANG Hanzhi 184 242 58 2238 1501 738
14 KIM Connor 278 223 55 763 696 67
15 LI Sky 328 289 39 971 930 42
16 LEE Caleb 374 358 16 1167 1038 128
17 LAU Ailey 2500 1488 1012 2500 2061 439
18 CISLER Lemon 2547 1657 891 2500 2079 421
19 CHAN Ella 2500 673 1827 2500 1931 569
20 FANG Kaitlyn 807 664 142 2079 1823 257


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.