Freehold Fencing - April Youth Foil

Y-10 Mixed Foil

Sunday, April 28, 2024 at 10:30 AM

Freehold Fencing Academy - Freehold, NJ, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 HONG Thomas 921 936 15 1565 1654 89
2 SPEZAKIS Achilles 1077 1205 128 1603 1746 143
3 LEE Ryan 263 332 69 1308 1235 73
3 CAI Mark 2500 3061 561 2500 2140 360
5 JU Victoria 2842 2809 32 2529 2452 77
7 MACKENZIE Dylan 2587 1662 925 2921 2496 424
8 WRIGHT Brody 1346 1082 264 2079 1636 444
9 LEVKOVICH Milan 1096 685 411 1320 1200 120
10 MIRCHANDANI Riya 873 1375 502 2500 1865 635
11 RUPARELIYA Alisha 2511 1750 761 - - -
12 FRANKEL Matthew 853 677 176 1319 1192 126


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.