DFA May 2024 Senior Foil/Epee Open

Senior Mixed Foil

Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 12:00 PM

Davis Fencing Academy - Davis, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 CORTRIGHT Skipper (Matthew) 2534 2543 10 2762 2779 17
2 DAVIS Christopher 2699 2704 4 2923 2913 10
3 YEE michael 1979 1979 0 2075 2115 40
3 RUBIN Max 2057 2039 17 1949 1974 25
5 PEGRAM Rafferty 2489 2502 13 2452 2384 67
6 SCHEUERMANN Andrew 2461 2469 8 2238 2215 23
7 TOYOFUKU Ethan 1704 1720 17 1739 1759 20
8 SPADA James 1371 1513 141 1654 1705 51
9 PEZESHKI Oliver 1108 1163 55 1236 1224 11
10 MACRAE Calvin 1928 1905 23 1508 1470 37
11 BANDEGAN Audreen 1849 1774 75 1987 1805 183
12 NGUYEN Eric 2066 1936 131 2258 2248 10
13 TON Kalista 3053 3014 39 1894 1888 6
14 MENDOZA Ethanial 1403 1298 106 1132 1296 164
15 OH Jun 1399 843 556 1537 1395 142
16 CRIDLAND Trent 528 500 29 769 952 183
17 SANDOVAL Cedric 714 807 93 1356 963 393
18 ZANDER Maxx 1451 1470 20 2077 2010 67
19 JAIN Akshat 572 728 156 1069 905 164
20 HORBALY Jonathon 763 793 30 1531 1305 226
21 MAZZA Daniel 1502 1319 183 1291 1250 41
22 REKSOSAMUDRA Ashley 1096 982 115 1528 1469 60
23 HAMEL Gillian 1012 866 146 1049 913 137


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.