June Fenceathon

Y-10 Mixed Saber

Saturday, June 8, 2024 at 1:15 PM

The Fencing Center of San Jose - San Jose, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 CAO Chong 757 829 72 2058 2130 72
2 TAN Daniel 851 838 13 1494 1527 33
3 WANG James 932 934 2 1584 1583 1
3 IRVINE Cooper 693 726 33 1142 1180 38
5 LUO Gavin 769 782 13 916 887 29
6 MENDOZA YSABELLA LOUISE 620 745 125 1169 1262 93
7 ZHANG Hanzhi -81 -3 78 637 741 104
8 HAGENBUCH Isabella 1258 1206 51 1975 2068 93
9 CHEN Chelsea 657 802 146 2000 1827 173
10 LEE Caleb 245 231 14 881 807 74
11 CISLER Lemon 1657 998 659 1739 1197 542
12 VAN ROY Petra 1742 1717 24 2500 2028 472
13 XU Chenxi 2500 531 1969 2500 2137 363
14 ROGERS Dashiell 2500 12 2488 2500 1528 972


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.