CFC Epee

Senior Mixed Épée

Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 11:30 AM

Chesapeake Fencing Club - Towson, MD, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 ROBITZSKI David R. 2237 2222 15 2365 2532 167
2 LIAO Anthony J. 2500 3238 738 2500 2617 117
3 SUICO Louie 2679 2325 354 2924 2710 213
3 ORTIZ Benjamin 1960 2048 87 2391 2295 96
5 GORDON Rachel A. 2439 2505 66 1830 1741 89
6 SUICO Kyubi Emmanuelle 2804 2828 25 2815 2715 100
7 DA GRACA Aidan 1525 1527 3 1438 1637 200
8 SEIKEL Spencer 2152 2110 42 2338 2325 13
9 ARMSTRONG TyLee 1762 1794 32 2009 2003 6
10 KARASICK Andrew 1382 1357 25 1532 1453 78


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.