RCFC Youth #5

Y-14 Mixed Épée

Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 1:00 PM

Rain City Fencing Center - None



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 LEWIS Michael 3409 2715 693 2099 2135 35
2 WANG Jiacheng 1405 1419 14 1751 1757 5
3 GORDILLO Roberto Santiago 1476 1531 55 1564 1502 62
3 WANG Kunqi 1768 1781 13 1936 1938 2
5 MOHAN Riya 1662 1673 11 2986 2831 155
6 KUTSY Olga 1843 1854 11 2065 2071 5
7 NIMOH Vasil 2500 1217 1283 2500 1706 794
8 REED Katya 1475 1472 3 1561 1649 88
9 BEAVER Ava 2352 2355 3 2644 2617 27
10 FU Ella 1619 1615 3 1902 1912 10
11 WANG Ailly 691 821 129 1012 1148 136
12 CHEN Christopher 990 987 4 2686 2563 123
13 HAN Sydney 806 907 102 2978 2500 478
14 MIXON Ivory 960 959 1 1245 1298 53
15 LEE Kaitlyn 1458 1463 5 1831 1838 7
16 CHOI Jeongmin 2500 1430 1070 2500 1782 718
17 BENCH Melody 1260 1199 61 1689 1567 122
18 YOUN Kylie 848 854 6 1177 1163 14
19 WANG Chantal 1145 1145 0 1528 1484 44
20 WANG Juehan (Jeremy) 994 989 5 2398 2324 75
21 STEIN-HULTMAN Sophia 2500 1003 1497 2500 2022 478
22 NEVRTALOVA Julie 2500 1068 1432 2500 1291 1209
23 HAGEN William 2647 1790 856 1901 1677 224
24 WANG Olivia 1250 1184 66 1303 1177 126
25 SRIVASTAVA Aria 432 401 31 2500 2079 421


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.