Sanctioned - MFA Y8, Y10, Y12, Senior (unrated only) - All foil event

Y-10 Mixed Foil

Sunday, July 21, 2024 at 9:00 AM

Marin Fencing Academy - San Rafael, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 LI Lief 890 902 12 1452 1492 41
2 PAN Samantha 1120 1108 12 3029 2906 123
3 SUN Lucas 717 738 21 1111 1089 22
5 VAIL Maisie 1051 1168 117 2777 2852 74
6 CHUNG Charlotte 1015 1024 9 1626 1655 29
7 XIE Yuxia Steve 306 466 160 2899 2535 364
8 LIU Anya 1176 1191 15 2719 2664 55
9 THIMIRI Trishaan 2463 2590 128 2500 2043 457
10 KHANAL Sarah -106 -56 50 1381 1339 42
11 ZHANG Annabelle 699 569 130 1199 989 210
12 LIN Tiffany 168 408 240 1801 1709 92
13 LAI Olivia 185 100 85 925 1238 312
14 LEE Clara 621 509 112 2500 2921 421
15 FUNG Caleb 365 302 63 1432 1234 198
16 XIE Garrett 128 48 80 1365 1477 112
17 FUNG Lucas 586 583 3 1317 1145 172
18 JUSON Julianne Lauren -279 -203 76 1435 1298 136
19 MOK Jason 324 139 184 2500 2079 421
20 MANUBOLU Maanvi 2500 30 2470 2500 1339 1161


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.