Savage Fencing Club Oktoberfecht Open

Senior Mixed Foil

Sunday, October 27, 2024 at 10:00 AM

Savage Fencing Club - Savage, MD, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 XU Dinghui Ryan 1788 1794 6 1842 1945 103
2 WITTIG Jonathon T. 2078 2114 36 2040 2034 6
3 METZ Mason 1739 1740 1 1992 1997 5
3 SHICK Veronika 1549 1552 3 2550 2523 27
5 CHENH Justin 1672 2014 342 1719 1487 232
6 SHEA William 1569 1601 32 1719 1795 76
7 SNYDER IV William B. 2486 2333 153 2454 2208 247
8 EVANS Grant 2099 1971 128 1603 1914 311
9 BLAM Aaron 1493 1585 92 1687 1628 59
10 ROJAS Elijah 1115 1162 47 1240 1295 55
11 MILLIGAN Lauren M. 2983 2984 1 2761 2335 426
12 RUSANOV Oleg 1854 1845 9 1984 1983 0
13 DAVIS Connor 1236 1285 49 1839 1561 277
14 BERGMANN Beatrix 926 978 53 1373 1424 51
15 CANDELARIA Armando 1368 1369 1 1288 1321 33
16 BEREKNYEI Lukas 867 1212 344 1561 2012 451
17 SOPHRONIUS Jeddie 2004 2008 3 2022 1925 98
18 MARTINEZ Rodrigo 826 1068 242 1315 1001 314
19 SHARAIEVSKA Mariia 602 624 22 891 859 33
20 STENSON Alyssa 766 751 15 1723 1592 131
21 NOVOTNY Felicia A. 1558 1518 40 1933 1802 130
22 WESTGATE Rebecca 1855 1840 15 1704 1590 114
23 MCINTYRE Christopher 2500 1527 973 2500 1732 768
24 RAMBHARAT Kheamraj 3199 1874 1325 2921 2078 843
25 GALVAN Omar 1267 1216 51 1280 1188 92
26 HONG Nathan 2500 1089 1411 2500 2037 463
27 TYLER Gideon 2500 1151 1349 2500 1364 1136
28 COLEMAN Samantha 1279 1182 96 2079 1722 357
29 BROWN Jerome 869 740 129 2500 1905 595
30 MCHALE Brendan 2500 800 1700 2500 1659 841


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.