UC Berkeley NCIFL Tournament 2024

Mixed Foil

Saturday, November 2, 2024 at 9:00 AM

UC Berkeley - Berkeley, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
2 MEINHOLD Li - - - 2374 2506 132
3 SUN Chienyu 2423 2433 10 - - -
5 UZGIRIS Kovas 2233 2241 8 2973 3165 192
6 GOLDADE Luke 3193 3247 54 2641 2625 15
7 MIETTINEN Pyry 1724 1751 27 1735 1781 46
10 WANG Kyra 2379 2330 48 1977 1915 61
11 NGUYEN Eric 2175 2277 101 2308 2201 107
13 YANKOPOULOS Elise 1610 1726 116 1780 2159 380
16 JIANG Runfeng 1871 1241 630 2921 2959 38
17 WESLING Nathan 1991 1925 66 1014 999 16
18 LAU Ivan 2500 1902 598 - - -
19 MAXON Blake 957 906 51 - - -
20 LUO Kylie 2500 2332 168 2500 1787 713
21 BENAVIDEZ Victor 287 519 231 - - -
22 SPEER Mila 2586 1741 845 2500 2079 421
26 REKSOSAMUDRA Ashley 982 1369 387 - - -
27 JAIN Advik 1753 1703 50 1480 1453 26
31 JEON Emily 1442 1453 11 2500 2253 247
33 LASCH Victoria 1339 1304 35 - - -
38 JAGGAR Rylyn 1761 1152 610 1978 1765 213
40 NGUYEN Angelina 2500 1030 1470 2500 1963 537


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.