Brentwood Holiday Tournament - Foil & Sabre

Men's Saber

Saturday, December 14, 2024 at 9:00 AM

Brentwood HIgh School - Brentwood, NY, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 SHAH Sohan 1681 1710 28 1794 1891 98
3 BERKOWITZ Gavin 1743 1752 8 2027 2002 25
3 DREYER William 1486 1452 35 1268 1386 118
5 DICARLO Vincent 1142 1147 5 1004 1292 288
7 LIM Brandon - - - 2052 2043 9
9 COYNE Ciaran 2500 2582 82 - - -
11 KAUFFMAN James 1401 1430 30 1622 1558 64
13 LOSQUADRO Joseph 1455 1465 10 1665 1658 7
18 SCHETTINO Matteo 2500 1929 571 - - -
19 VELASQUEZ Noel 1462 1696 234 - - -
25 AMISANO Alexander 2500 1067 1433 - - -
26 KIM Austin 965 1062 97 - - -
27 PATEL Kiran 250 238 13 1012 966 46
28 MUKHERJEE Aryan 1166 1279 114 1520 1413 107
34 DAVIS Carew 815 798 18 - - -
37 GARGANO Anthony 2500 1569 931 2500 1680 820
48 GUNDA Rishabh 2500 1030 1470 2500 1568 932
54 TSOPANARIAS Joshua 2500 1485 1015 - - -


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.