The Southern RYC/RJCC/ROC (VET/D1A/DV2/) & TEAM

Y-14 Men's Épée

Monday, December 16, 2024 at 12:30 PM

John T Rhodes Sport Center - Myrtle Beach, SC, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 PENG Yue 1885 1885 1 2134 2156 23
2 ROBERTS Phoenix 1591 1591 1 1826 1871 45
3 KIM Gene 1981 1975 6 2517 2498 18
3 KONG Brandon 1681 1711 30 2022 2035 13
5 CHAN Ian 779 884 104 1029 1129 100
6 DELONG Joshua 1510 1516 6 1858 1857 1
7 BATISTA Julian 1398 1382 16 1829 1844 15
8 BANG Dylan 1183 1175 8 1533 1583 50
9 WANG Marcus 1574 1593 19 1869 1854 15
10 JONES Gideon 1087 1131 44 1365 1351 14
11 DILDA Griffin 1412 1403 9 1639 1623 17
12 GATEWOOD Michael 1292 1290 3 1665 1652 13
13 SHIM Jae 1519 1497 22 1974 1943 30
14 BOHLER-PARK Henry 1204 1187 17 1462 1487 25
15 MCCABE Kian 1172 1164 8 1314 1374 60
16 MIKHAIL Lucas 1737 1673 64 2092 2082 10
17 STRAFFORD Andrew 863 874 11 1358 1353 6
18 KONG Ethan 1299 1274 25 1713 1691 22
19 STEPANIAN George 1067 1036 32 1709 1654 56
20 BURT Jonathan Parker 602 576 25 1316 1279 37


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.