AIC Senior Open Tournament

Senior Mixed Épée

Sunday, March 8, 2020 at 2:00 PM

AIC Fencing Club - Herndon, VA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 LEE Timothy S. 2714 2733 19 3189 3214 25
2 PARK Faith K. 3608 3608 0 3434 3223 212
3 O'HARA Keegan J. 2997 3014 16 3155 3150 5
3 SERAJIAN Abdollah 2500 3501 1001 2500 3105 605
5 WOZNIAK Ignacy 2790 2815 25 2969 2981 12
6 EVANS Allen L. 2430 2433 3 2161 2333 172
7 BAGHA Armin 2448 2460 12 2045 2198 153
8 STUBBLEFIELD Alexander 2456 2457 2 2566 2592 26
9 POWERS Bill 2046 2182 136 2221 2096 125
10 DOAN Joseph M. 2936 2933 3 2959 2883 76
11 RHYU Kozmo 2835 2808 27 3211 3184 27
12 STUBBLEFIELD Evan 2067 2102 35 2164 2133 31
13 SKEATE Jonathan F. 2811 2492 319 2317 2430 113
14 WOZNIAK Fryderyk 2074 2078 4 2513 2511 3
15 PANTEL Richard 2570 2395 175 2227 2129 98
16 SMITH IV Edward (Ted) A. 2500 1790 710 2500 2958 458
17 USDIN Anton 2177 2138 39 2328 2279 48
18 HU Chelsea 2127 2127 0 2496 2233 263
19 LAM Bill 1645 1574 71 1678 1585 93
20 SIMS Martin L. 2500 2114 386 2500 1963 537
21 BUCKLES Alexis A. 1553 1518 35 2500 2079 421
22 STADNYK Katherine E. 1251 1209 43 2079 1832 247
23 GOLDMAN Isaac 1002 919 83 1628 1531 96


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.