The Achiko Sabre Cup New Years Day '20

Senior Mixed Saber

Wednesday, January 1, 2020 at 3:30 PM

Tim Morehouse Fencing Club - Westchester - Port Chester, NY, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 GURAM Lortkipanidze 3401 3420 19 3680 3818 139
2 SHAINBERG Jonah 4062 4019 44 4379 4331 48
3 BRAJDIC Joseph 2500 3129 629 2500 3182 682
3 DENNER Lysander 3181 3184 3 3597 3601 4
5 CAMPBELL Colin 3185 3270 85 2265 2663 398
5 DE ROBBIO Francesco 2500 3879 1379 2500 3189 689
7 DE ROBBIO Frederico 2500 3171 671 2500 2920 420
8 CHENEY Christopher 3074 3153 79 3381 3409 28
9 MORRILL William 2865 2863 2 3121 3113 9
10 YUAN Kevin 2651 2659 8 2768 2763 5
11 MORRILL Justin 2747 2746 1 3101 3104 4
12 PARKHURST Michael 2555 2567 12 2499 2478 21
13 KAHN Justin 2751 2764 12 2951 2933 18
14 DENNER Maximilian 2773 2751 21 3003 2994 8
15 LU Timothy 2741 2697 44 2824 2831 7
16 CHAN Alexander 2394 2405 11 2696 2691 6
17 RODGERS Sally 2210 2213 3 2054 1957 97
18 GANTA Vijay 2799 2764 35 3062 3039 22
19 RUIZ Eric 2500 1969 531 2500 2152 348
20 FRERE-CAROSSIO Quentin 2261 2180 81 1838 1768 70
21 MARSH Lisa 1446 1438 9 2500 2079 421
22 GULLO Ethan 2262 2080 182 2408 2277 130
23 GORDON Sharon 1652 1591 61 2079 1832 247
24 MILLER Ronald 1480 1459 21 1577 1571 5
25 CONTE Fode 1262 1191 71 1838 1780 58


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.