Tanner Chong


Win/Loss Statistics

2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Victories 57 11 - - - 68
Losses 53 25 - - - 78
Win Ratio 51.8% 30.6% - - - 46.6%
Pool Victories 45 7 - - - 52
Pool Losses 38 20 - - - 58
Pool Win Ratio 54.2% 25.9% - - - 47.3%
DE Victories 12 4 - - - 16
DE Losses 15 5 - - - 20
DE Win Ratio 44.4% 44.4% - - - 44.4%

Note: Seasons start on August 1st and end on July 31st.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Easy wins 21 3 - - - 24
Easy wins as % of wins 36.8% 27.3% - - - 35.3%
Close wins 4 4 - - - 8
Close wins as % of all wins 7.0% 36.4% - - - 11.8%
Close losses 9 8 - - - 17
Close losses as % of all losses 17.0% 32.0% - - - 21.8%
Big losses 25 14 - - - 39
Big losses as % of all losses 47.2% 56.0% - - - 50.0%

Easy victories or big losses are those with the score difference of 4 or more touches in a pool, 7 or more touches in direct elimination, and 5 or more in veteran and youth direct elimination.
Close bouts are those with the score difference of 1 or fewer touches in a pool, 3 or fewer touches in direct elimination, or 2 or fewer touches in veteran or youth direct elimination.

Bouts with Time Expired

2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Victories 3 2 - - - 5
Victories as % of all victories 5.3% 18.2% - - - 7.4%
Losses 6 5 - - - 11
Losses as % of all losses 11.3% 20.0% - - - 14.1%
Total 9 7 - - - 16
Total as % of all bouts 8.2% 19.4% - - - 11.0%


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Events 15 5 - - - 20
Tournaments 11 4 - - - 15

Competition History

Rain City Spring RJCC+RYC

Y-12 Men's Foil (U, Y12), March 2, 2025
Place 23 of 32, Seed 27, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 3:5 LIN Conrad 17 U 17 Rain City Fencing Center 1114 864 9.5 34%
Pool D 1:5 ZHENG Jonathan 25 U 11 Rain City Fencing Center 1217 854 7.8 27%
Pool V 5:2 SERBAN Aaron 14 U 29 Northwest Fencing Center 298 846 5.4 82%
Pool D 0:5 KUANG Vincent 4 112 U 5 Northwest Fencing Center 1277 852 6.9 24%
Pool D 4:5 SAVAGE Angus 7 U 16 Northwest Fencing Center 1068 845 9.6 36%
T32 D 5:15 ZHENG Jonathan 25 U 11 Rain City Fencing Center 1655 1514 29.4 41%

Rain City Spring RJCC+RYC

Y-10 Men's Foil (U, Y10), March 1, 2025
Place 8 of 14, Seed 3, Rank 53, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 3:5 LI Evan 10 U 3 1321 880 7.2 24%
Pool D 0:5 LIGERET Leo 12 U 3 Rain City Fencing Center 996 873 12.1 42%
Pool V 5:2 RYU Griffin 14 U 9 Rain City Fencing Center 937 861 15.6 45%
Pool D 4:5 CHEN Kyle 2 44 U 2 1563 876 4.2 13%
Pool D 4:5 MCBRIDE Sam 6 U 12 Northwest Fencing Center 664 872 17.9 63%
Pool V 5:1 OH Timothy 7 U 13 Rain City Fencing Center 600 854 9.5 66%
T16 V 10:5 RYU Griffin 14 U 9 Rain City Fencing Center 1190 1508 23.8 69%
T8 D 7:10 PESKIN Kepler 1 11 U 1 Northwest Fencing Center 1993 1532 18.1 23%

South Coast Mary Rafanelli RYC/RJC

Y-10 Men's Foil (U, Y10), January 19, 2025
Place 12 of 42, Seed 9, Rank 49, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:3 ANDERSON Stellan 29 U 35 United Fencing Academy -137 879 2.0 95%
Pool D 3:5 MENG Andy 16 U 9 Golubitsky Fencing Center 776 881 17.2 57%
Pool V 5:1 THIMIRI Trishaan 21 U 30 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 365 864 6.7 79%
Pool D 1:3 TSUI Kaylan Ho Sen 4 28 U 7 SoCAL Fencing Center 1226 870 8.6 28%
Pool V 5:0 WU William 38 U 40 SoCAL Fencing Center -29 862 2.8 92%
Pool V 5:0 XU Daniel 28 U 21 LA International Fencing / Orange County Fencing Center 917 864 15.6 47%
T32 V 6:5 XU Daniel 28 U 21 LA International Fencing / Orange County Fencing Center 1619 1501 48.0 43%
T16 D 7:10 LIN Sampson 19 U 3 LA International Fencing 1512 1549 41.4 52%

South Coast Mary Rafanelli RYC/RJC

Y-12 Men's Foil (U, Y12), January 18, 2025
Place 41 of 64, Seed 31, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:2 NGUYEN Remy 48 U 52 Precision Athletics Fencing Club 438 910 7.6 78%
Pool V 5:0 XU Jiachen 66 U 64 SoCAL Fencing Center 1003 918 15.9 45%
Pool D 3:5 BHANGOO Arman 36 U 38 Golubitsky Fencing Center 437 933 27.2 79%
Pool D 4:5 TROYANKER Makar 25 U 24 LA International Fencing 883 906 16.0 52%
Pool D 4:5 XU Ethan 16 93 U 9 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 1395 890 6.8 20%
Pool D 1:5 YE Jerry 5 27 E24 6 Orange County International Fencers Club 1552 884 4.8 13%
T64 D 8:15 LEE Joshua 22 128 U 25 Elite International Fencers Club 1633 1540 39.3 44%

RCFC Youth #3

Y-10 Mixed Foil (U, Y10), January 12, 2025
Place 2 of 26, Seed 1, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:2 ZHANG Selene 8 U 7 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc.
Pool V 5:3 PHAN Annabelle 22 U 17 Camas Fencing Academy
Pool V 5:2 SU Jet 17 U 15 Rain City Fencing Center 397 890 7.4 78%
Pool V 5:2 LIU David 24 U 26 Rain City Fencing Center 230 898 5.3 84%
Pool V 5:2 CHEN Aaron 9 U 18 Rain City Fencing Center 393 903 7.1 79%
Pool V 5:2 YIN Ellie 16 U 19 Rain City Fencing Center
T16 V 10:6 MCBRIDE Sam 7 U 12 Northwest Fencing Center 1190 1459 36.1 66%
T8 V 10:7 RYU Griffin 4 U 8 Rain City Fencing Center 1278 1495 37.7 63%
T4 V 10:5 YU Ethan 2 U 3 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 1399 1532 40.8 58%
T2 D 4:6 LIGERET Leo 3 U 1 Rain City Fencing Center 1819 1573 32.8 35%

1st Annual Battle Born RYC and RJC

Y-10 Men's Foil (U, Y10), December 14, 2024
Place 25 of 39, Seed 9, Rank 44, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:0 LI Ethan 33 U 39 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 195 915 5.0 88%
Pool D 1:5 NGUYEN Norris 10 49 U 17 Maximum Fencing Club 918 920 17.7 50%
Pool V 5:3 LOZANO Koen Alexander 12 59 U 31 LA International Fencing 927 902 17.9 48%
Pool D 2:5 ZHANG William 15 63 U 10 Team Touche Fencing Center 1233 920 10.7 30%
Pool D 3:5 LU Brandon 3 12 U 1 Golubitsky Fencing Center 1499 909 6.3 17%
Pool D 2:5 HUANG Owen 22 U 3 SoCAL Fencing Center 1080 903 13.0 39%
T64 V 10:2 LI Ethan 33 U 39 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 933 1463 26.3 79%
T32 D 0:10 WU Gengze (Daniel) 1 6 U 3 Orange County International Fencers Club 1912 1489 30.5 25%

Rain City Fall RYC

Y-10 Men's Foil (U, Y10), November 24, 2024
Place 9 of 16, Seed 3, Rank 41, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 3:5 MA Madrid 9 U 7 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. 511 947 30.4 76%
Pool D 3:5 YU Ethan 4 51 U 5 911 917 18.5 50%
Pool V 5:3 CHEN Aaron 16 U 11 Rain City Fencing Center 520 898 9.8 71%
Pool V 5:2 SU Jet 15 U 15 Rain City Fencing Center 320 908 6.8 82%
T16 D 5:10 LIGERET Leo 11 U 8 Rain City Fencing Center 1870 1500 36.9 28%

SAS Youth Foil and Epee #2

Y-12 Mixed Foil (U, Y12), November 10, 2024
Place 17 of 25, Seed 14, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 3:5 ZHENG Michael 6 U 7 2500 944 1.9 7%
Pool V 5:3 JIMENEZ Luke 21 U 20 Amity Fencing Club 1287 942 19.5 34%
Pool D 3:5 CHEN Kurtis 3 U 5 1158 962 14.5 37%
Pool D 1:5 NAKAZATO Olivia 22 U 11 Rain City Fencing Center
Pool V 5:3 TOYOFUKU Evelyn 11 U 23 Rain City Fencing Center / West Berkeley Fencing Club
T32 D 7:15 KIM Olivia 10 U 16 Rain City Fencing Center

SAS Youth Foil and Epee #2

Y-10 Mixed Foil (U, Y10), November 10, 2024
Place 5 of 21, Seed 9, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:4 MCBRIDE Sam 3 U 10 Northwest Fencing Center 719 857 17.1 59%
Pool V 5:2 NAQVI Arshad 4 U 18 Salle Auriol Seattle 890 874 17.3 49%
Pool V 5:2 RYU Griffin 20 U 7 Rain City Fencing Center 1033 892 23.9 41%
Pool V 5:2 LIN Calvin 14 U 13 Rain City Fencing Center 1394 916 28.5 24%
Pool V 5:1 BEASLEY Chloe 19 U 21 Rain City Fencing Center
Pool D 3:5 CHEN Bridgette 10 U 3
T16 V 10:5 PENG Yuerui 13 U 16 Rain City Fencing Center
T8 D 1:9 NAKAZATO Isabella 21 U 3 Rain City Fencing Center

AFM Super Regional SYC/RJCC/ROC Div1A/Vet

Y-10 Men's Foil (U, Y10), October 26, 2024
Place 27 of 96, Seed 22, Rank 40, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:3 LEUNG Joon 35 U 44 Maximum Fencing Club 1122 814 32.7 31%
Pool D 4:5 LI Yunze 77 U 19 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 1090 847 15.9 35%
Pool D 2:4 YANG Steve 7 11 U 6 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 1523 831 6.6 13%
Pool V 5:0 GADDY Lachlan 50 U 84 Salle De Long Fencers 679 824 17.5 59%
Pool V 5:0 XIAO Albert 63 U 86 Bay Area Fencing Club -48 842 4.6 90%
Pool V 5:3 JI Dylan 82 U 79 Elite Fencing Club 417 846 10.9 76%
T64 V 10:8 YAN Aaron 51 U 38 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 1026 1532 33.7 78%
T32 D 3:10 FOO Kingston 23 46 U 10 Socal Fencing Center 1586 1566 66.5 49%

September Portland RYC

Y-10 Men's Foil (U, Y10), September 28, 2024
Place 7 of 18, Seed 3, Rank 37, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:0 CHEN Alwyn 15 U 17 198 784 9.9 82%
Pool D 1:5 RYU Griffin 9 U 8 Rain City Fencing Center 916 794 21.4 42%
Pool V 5:2 BIGELOW Francis 4 U 12 Orion Fencing 632 773 17.3 57%
Pool D 3:5 LIGERET Leo 10 U 5 Rain City Fencing Center 1122 790 14.9 29%
Pool V 5:1 DENG Augustine 18 U 9 Northwest Fencing Center 1222 775 38.9 23%
T16 V 10:7 ROSOWSKY Phoenix 13 U 10 Space City Fencing Academy 1414 1518 66.1 56%
T8 D 4:10 CHEN Kyle 2 31 U 2 1869 1584 51.5 33%

RCFC Youth #1

Y-10 Mixed Foil (U, Y10), September 15, 2024
Place 9 of 28, Seed 13, Not ranked, Rating U, S-class Fencing
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:0 PENG Yuerui 20 U 18 Rain City Fencing Center
Pool V 5:2 LIN Ione 27 U 19 Rain City Fencing Center
Pool V 2:0 LIGERET Leo 4 U 5 Rain City Fencing Center 1125 755 41.4 27%
Pool D 1:5 LI Evan 5 U 7 S-class Fencing 1268 796 11.5 28%
Pool V 5:1 SCHULTZ Emmi 12 U 21 Rain City Fencing Center
Pool V 5:0 LIU Catherine 26 U 28 Rain City Fencing Center
T32 V 10:0 SU Jet 19 U 25 Rain City Fencing Center 1767 1423 95.0 34%
T16 D 4:5 LIU Anya 1 U 8 Rain City Fencing Center


Y-10 Men's Foil (U, Y10), September 2, 2024
Place 19 of 51, Seed 8, Rank 31, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:3 FOO Kingston 9 38 U 9 Socal Fencing Center 992 687 44.9 31%
Pool V 4:2 FUNG Caleb 23 U 36 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 361 732 17.1 72%
Pool V 5:4 NGO Lincoln 25 U 49 Swordplay LA 300 749 14.6 77%
Pool V 5:0 WANG Ian 41 U 37 Maximum Fencing Club 414 764 16.7 71%
Pool D 3:5 XU Daniel 38 U 14 LA International Fencing / Orange County Fencing Center 835 781 26.0 47%
T64 V 10:5 LEE Roland 22 U 51 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 963 1458 51.8 75%
T32 D 3:9 XU Daniel 38 U 14 LA International Fencing / Orange County Fencing Center 1597 1510 87.0 45%

Cascade Clash SYC

Y-10 Men's Foil (U, Y10), August 26, 2024
Place 13 of 32, Seed 16, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 1:5 EVANS Desmond 5 19 U 3 Marin Fencing Academy LLC 1623 592 4.9 5%
Pool V 5:2 MENG Andy 27 U 26 Golubitsky Fencing Center 770 587 45.7 38%
Pool V 5:3 GU Evan 15 U 25 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 413 633 25.6 64%
Pool V 5:3 RYU Griffin 24 U 20 Rain City Fencing Center 858 658 42.1 37%
Pool D 1:5 PARK Avan 6 21 U 11 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 1248 701 13.4 19%
T32 V 10:7 LIN Dylan 31 U 21 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 1091 1434 82.3 69%
T16 D 1:10 PESKIN Kepler 3 13 U 6 Northwest Fencing Center 2011 1516 58.1 23%

Cascade Clash SYC

Y-12 Men's Foil (U, Y12), August 25, 2024
Place 60 of 63, Seed 35, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 0:5 LEE Conrad 39 U 24 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 1281 668 15.7 16%
Pool D 4:5 RYU GREYSON 54 U 46 Rain City Fencing Center 1092 652 21.2 24%
Pool D 2:5 BEDWORTH Alistair 48 U 30 Northwest Fencing Center 1174 631 16.9 19%
Pool D 0:5 ALVAREZ Francisco Janusz 21 79 U 43 Maximum Fencing Club 1264 614 13.2 15%
Pool D 0:5 LEUNG Tsun Yin (TY) 16 57 U 9 1567 601 6.1 6%
Pool D 0:5 FUKUDA Brando 3 8 E24 18 Massialas Foundation (m Team) 1788 595 3.0 3%
T64 D 3:15 LEUNG Tsun Yin (TY) 16 57 U 9 1852 1528 93.7 33%

SAS Youth Foil and Epee #4

Y-10 Mixed Foil (U, Y10), May 5, 2024
Place 7 of 24, Seed 20, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 4:5 CHON SUBIN 12 U 5 Metro Tacoma Fencing Club
Pool V 5:1 ESAKI Yuki 15 U 19
Pool D 3:5 NAKAZATO Isabella 3 U 16 Rain City Fencing Center
Pool V 5:1 SUN Oliver 22 U 12 Salle Auriol Seattle 966 602 65.6 29%
Pool V 5:3 YOUN Davina 6 U 13 Rain City Fencing Center
T32 V 10:0 WU Penelope 8 U 24 Salle Auriol Seattle
T16 V 10:9 MERRIMAN Evalyn 14 U 10 Rain City Fencing Center
T8 D 3:10 ESAKI Kei 17 U 1

Rain City Super Youth Circuit (SYC)

Y-10 Men's Foil (U, Y10), April 22, 2024
Place 33 of 35, Seed 25, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 4:5 ALVAREZ Francisco Janusz 6 26 U 12 Maximum Fencing Club 1273 733 24.5 20%
Pool D 0:5 PESKIN Kepler 16 67 U 8 Northwest Fencing Center 1406 709 17.0 13%
Pool D 0:5 RAU Shogun 5 22 U 9 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 1557 692 11.2 8%
Pool D 2:5 LEE Joshua 15 64 U 23 Elite International Fencers Club 1249 681 20.8 18%
Pool D 0:5 TAN benjamin 35 U 26 LA International Fencing 911 660 34.7 34%
Pool D 3:4 LEE Joshua 26 U 14 Kaizen Academy LLC 1098 625 22.5 24%
T64 D 7:8 LIGERET Leo 22 U 32 Rain City Fencing Center 1786 1677 149.2 44%

Fortune Fencing SYC /RJCC & Y8

Y-12 Men's Foil (C2, Y12), March 24, 2024
Place 109 of 118, Seed 95, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 1:5 SUN Roy 76 U 70 Socal Fencing Center 1396 961 41.9 25%
Pool D 1:5 TURBAT Travis 116 U 66 Precision Athletics Fencing Club 1253 919 46.0 30%
Pool D 1:5 SLAIN Owen 38 106 U 58 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 1409 873 30.3 20%
Pool D 1:5 DESERANNO Leander 7 12 E24 13 Renaissance Fencing Club 2112 843 4.6 2%
Pool D 4:5 KUBBA Krish 62 U 100 Fencing Sports Academy, Inc. 606 838 83.1 64%
Pool D 1:5 WEI Winston 27 81 U 19 Massialas Foundation (M Team) 1383 755 21.5 16%
T128 D 3:15 DESERANNO Leander 7 12 E24 13 Renaissance Fencing Club 2495 1743 66.5 15%

Fortune Fencing SYC /RJCC & Y8

Y-10 Men's Foil (U, Y10), March 22, 2024
Place 52 of 86, Seed 46, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 0:5 PARK Avan 21 48 U 21 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 1157 929 111.0 37%
Pool D 3:4 WANG Eason 31 77 U 55 Socal Fencing Center 1139 818 84.0 32%
Pool V 5:3 ZHU Yiming 39 U 58 LA International Fencing 826 734 125.1 45%
Pool V 4:3 KORKUNOV Alexander 60 U 81 United Fencing Academy 444 859 55.2 73%
Pool V 5:3 MENG Andy 75 U 48 Golubitsky Fencing Center 795 914 79.1 57%
Pool D 0:5 KUANG Cyrus 6 12 U 17 Pegasus Sword Academy Inc. 1604 993 32.5 17%
T128 V 9:8 YU Ethan 61 U 78 1249 1951 123.3 80%
T64 D 5:10 KIM Liam 32 78 U 22 Socal Fencing Center / Orange County Fencing Center 1730 2074 331.2 67%

Rain City Fall RYC

Y-10 Men's Foil (U, Y10), November 18, 2023
Place 8 of 11, Seed 2, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 3:4 ZHANG Derek 3 U 5 Northwest Fencing Center 1107 2500 1210.4 91%
Pool D 1:5 LAM Lazarus 10 U 3 1173 1290 344.9 56%
Pool V 5:3 RYU Griffin 6 U 9 Rain City Fencing Center 1037 945 245.1 45%
Pool D 4:5 LI Jonathan 7 U 6 Rain City Fencing Center 839 1190 261.0 69%
T16 V 10:8 RYU Griffin 6 U 9 Rain City Fencing Center 1481 2500 199.4 82%
T8 D 5:9 PESKIN Kepler 1 73 U 1 Northwest Fencing Center 1984 2699 748.3 77%