Rating History

Weapon Rating Date
Epee E24 May 8, 2024
Foil U Dec 31, 2023
Epee U Dec 31, 2023
Saber U Dec 31, 2023

Podium Finishes

2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
🥇 Gold - - - - - -
🥈 Silver - 2 - - - 2
🥉 Bronze - 2 - - - 2
5th-8th - - - - - -
Total - 4 - - - 4


Date Tournament Event Place Rating Earned Event Class
Aug 18 Trick or Retreat ROC/RJCC/RYC Div II Men's Épée 29 / 42 C2
Aug 4 7th Annual Dr. Gene Packer Open Epee @ Freehold Fencing Senior Mixed Épée 52 / 53 A2
Jul 7 National Championships and July Challenge (Summer Nationals) Div III Men's Épée 164 / 202 C3
May 19 BCAF-W Senior "U" Mixed Foil and Senior Mixed Open Foil Unrated Mixed Foil 3 / 9 E1
May 19 BCAF-W Senior "U" Mixed Foil and Senior Mixed Open Foil Senior Mixed Foil 12 / 17 C1
May 5 PhilDiv 2024 Nationals Qualifier: Division 2/3 Div II Men's Foil 20 / 24 C1
May 5 PhilDiv 2024 Nationals Qualifier: Division 2/3 Div II Men's Épée 3 / 16 E24 D1
Apr 21 BCAF Mixed Combined Vet Epee Veteran Mixed Épée 14 / 17 B1
Apr 7 F.A.P. North D2, Unclassifed Foils Unrated Mixed Foil 2 / 10 E1
Jan 21 F.A.P. North D2, Unclassifed Epees Unrated Mixed Épée 2 / 9 E1