W&M Halloween Open 2022

Div III Mixed Foil

Sunday, October 23, 2022 at 12:30 PM

William & Mary Bee McLeod Recreation Center - Williamsburg, VA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 YAP Nathan 2149 2173 24 2132 2222 90
2 HSIEH Rebecca 2193 2196 2 2200 2227 28
3 SEMP Iain 1897 1936 39 1936 2076 139
3 HSIEH Sabrina 1782 1799 17 1822 1811 11
5 PRICE Owen 1981 2024 44 2203 2185 17
6 CARTER Austin L. 2637 2800 163 2784 2571 213
7 MOREY Zachary D. 2072 2102 30 2486 2635 149
8 EDRALIN Alexander Jordan Q. 2228 2226 3 1696 1986 289
9 HAYES Nathan P. 2413 2399 13 2304 2155 149
10 LE Tan 1640 1770 130 2510 2526 16
11 SEMP Brannon A. 2030 2099 69 2589 2517 73
12 REEDER Nicholas W. 1660 1834 174 2074 2226 152
13 MAHNKEN Thomas G. 1995 2015 20 1796 1812 17
14 ABDELGAWAD Abdelrahman 2461 2431 31 2441 2426 16
14 SHANKS Aidan T. 1840 1846 6 2027 1970 56
16 EDRALIN II Chadwick Q. 1570 1625 55 1891 1968 77
17 MAHNKEN Thomas P. 1813 1795 18 1804 1747 57
18 FORMY DUVAL Christopher 2045 2037 8 2367 2333 34
19 MAGGY Melanie D. 2500 2639 139 2500 2174 326
20 NSUBUGA Jeffrey 1881 1793 88 1715 1516 198
21 KOKE Matthew 2500 1959 541 2500 1883 617
22 DELANNES-MOLKA Daniel 1389 1405 16 1944 1810 135
23 PRATHER Frank 2500 2064 436 2500 2209 291
24 HARPER Wesley 1703 1643 60 2202 2152 50
25 HERRIES Elsa 1434 1602 169 2174 2325 151
26 ROUNTREE Andrew 1429 1330 99 1602 1773 170
27 TOLENTINO SR. Francis 1474 1296 177 1484 1365 119
28 CHERRY Samuel 1134 1160 26 1129 1098 31
29 PAQUETTE Emily 2320 2010 310 2135 2299 164
30 KASPER Lucia 1690 1547 143 1967 2089 122
31 PISTONE Leah 1715 1458 257 2921 2256 665
32 BARBER Christopher 2500 906 1594 2500 1974 526
33 HOCHSTETTER Robert 974 1262 288 1729 1588 141
34 SHANKS Jennifer 1860 1852 8 1314 1303 11
35 KOKE Kristen 914 948 34 1385 1341 45
36 ALLEN Lily 1381 1360 21 1589 1500 89
37 KANE Rachel 1167 1118 49 2500 2079 421
38 GIBSON Karino 962 1100 139 1866 1737 130
39 BRUFFEY Thomas 933 830 103 2042 1554 487
40 CASTILLO Natalie 2500 1373 1127 2079 1710 370
41 POOLE Katherine 1006 927 79 1905 1788 117
42 MALIK Zeerick 2500 964 1536 2500 2079 421


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.