Forge Fencing Priority on NC:D3 Foil/Epee/Saber

Div III Mixed Épée

Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 10:00 AM

Forge Fencing Academy & Club - Durham, NC, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 STEPHENS Corbin 2244 2244 0 2400 2493 93
2 HENDERSON Matthew 2196 2261 65 2093 2249 156
3 AHERON Christopher M. 2377 2186 191 1773 2175 402
3 BLONDEL Leo O. 2461 2322 138 2108 2274 166
5 NANCE Jonathan W. 1936 2099 163 2107 2058 49
6 BUCCELLATO Joel S. 2295 2302 7 2079 2016 63
7 KARNAVAS William 1946 1984 38 1434 1591 158
8 JONES Jackson 1592 1646 55 1697 1741 44
9 SMALLWOOD Jaylon 2062 2066 4 1841 1606 236
10 RUSSELL Tallis 1751 1761 10 1756 1699 57
11 HARRIS Lynn B. 1868 1940 73 1451 1418 32
11 CARO Seph 1520 1463 57 1531 1370 161
13 EDMONDS Robinson 2500 1846 654 2500 1886 614
14 TATSAPAUGH Jonah 1359 1380 21 2046 1758 288
15 RUSSELL James 1694 1662 32 1597 1554 43
16 KENT James (Jim) R. 1470 1167 304 1925 1624 300


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.