TFC June 2019 Epee/Saber-A-Thon

Senior Mixed Épée

Sunday, June 16, 2019 at 2:00 PM

The Fencing Center - San Jose, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 JOHNSON Lucas W. 3066 3079 13 3293 3545 252
2 TEPEDELENLIOGLU Andres E. 2550 2980 430 2192 3131 939
3 TEPEDELENLIOGLU Mehmet 3135 3163 28 3927 3815 111
3 SHARMA Sanil 2853 2848 5 3084 3138 55
5 DYER C.J. 2391 2469 78 2200 2193 7
6 PETERSON Elliot F. 2500 2598 98 2500 2679 179
7 YU Howard 2500 2651 151 2500 2889 389
8 AU Marcus J. 2696 2626 69 3291 3285 6
9 GRAY Alex 2038 2630 592 2313 2232 80
10 KOERBER Christopher 2354 2414 60 2324 2267 56
11 MING Nathan 1899 1962 63 1849 1792 57
12 ATHAVALE Pranav 2176 2305 129 1466 1365 102
13 LOGUE Ethan D. 3151 3064 88 2787 2755 32
14 KIM Benjamin 2447 2421 26 2724 2694 30
15 LOUIE Jason 2223 2224 1 2533 2546 13
16 DYER Carson C. 2304 2187 117 2553 2627 73
17 JOSEPH Abey 2361 2330 31 2615 2549 66
18 TARBUSKOVICH III John 2521 2497 24 3183 3125 57
19 LIPTON Michael 2027 2026 1 1764 1748 16
20 HEPLER Sarah 2062 1976 86 1664 1539 125
21 WANG Xu-Chen 2233 2219 13 2363 2265 98
22 STENNIS Brendan 1972 1963 9 2107 2077 29


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.