September Skirmish

Senior Mixed Épée

Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 1:00 PM

Vergennes Union High School - Middlebury, VT, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 WEI Zikun 3068 3072 4 3467 3482 14
2 DJONOUMA Toyohm 2083 2127 44 2541 2588 47
3 SMUDA Alexander 1746 2237 491 1648 2201 553
3 CHEN Allen 2013 2028 15 2082 2148 66
5 MAY Ciaran 2441 2466 25 2783 2424 358
6 SZULZYCKI Alexander 2500 2021 479 2500 2755 255
7 COFFIN Carleton 2500 1954 546 2500 2226 274
8 RICCOBONO Matthew 1759 1790 31 2039 2037 2
9 RUGGLES William R. 1739 1776 37 1469 1416 54
10 WALTING Paul J. 1839 1843 4 1892 1907 15
11 LUSSIER Jesse B. 1811 1970 159 2324 2377 53
12 HAN Keyi 1240 1293 52 1753 1789 35
12 PASCUCCI Gavin 2500 2056 444 2500 1966 534
14 BIANCOSINO Kirin 2078 1941 137 2507 2531 24
15 SCHUPPE Ray W. 2273 1812 461 2079 2390 311
16 MARCOUX Alexander 2500 1663 837 2500 1730 770
17 CROCKET Anne R. 2919 2929 9 2500 2079 421
18 KIM Joshua 2500 1838 662 2500 1931 569
19 HENTY Colton 2137 1914 223 2815 2593 222
20 OSHIMA Robert 1281 1294 14 1330 1320 10
21 KERINS Taber 2500 1580 920 2500 1626 874
22 PEDEN Emily 2031 1997 35 1901 1720 182
23 COLLIER Samara 2056 2000 56 1711 1571 141
24 CROTHER-COLLADO Gabriela 1622 1574 48 2500 2079 421
25 BALTAZAR Sean 2500 1196 1304 2500 1976 524
26 POWERFREEMAN Mark 2500 949 1551 2500 1687 813


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.