Duel D'Abdul

Senior Mixed Épée

Sunday, May 19, 2019 at 11:00 AM

East Bay Fencers Gym - Oakland, CA, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 BREWER Andrew 3077 3109 32 4074 4266 192
2 PHILIPPINE Thibault 2848 3098 250 3872 3881 9
3 TEPEDELENLIOGLU Mehmet 3066 3135 69 3993 3927 66
4 MELCHER Jack 3356 3459 102 2293 2905 612
5 MENEGOLI Lorenzo 3112 3140 28 3352 3349 4
6 PHILIPPINE Matthias 2359 2868 509 2079 2774 694
7 KORNGUTH Lindsay 3004 2804 199 3272 2861 411
8 NICHOLSON Dimitri 2500 2768 268 2500 2645 145
9 HAJIR Alexander 2500 2952 452 2500 2417 83
10 WHEELER Mark C. 2548 2555 8 2513 2523 10
11 ROOD Alex 2624 2607 17 3405 3409 4
12 KAUFMAN Joel H. 2267 2321 54 2605 2609 4
13 BECK Brian C. 2368 2336 32 2527 2616 89
14 DOWNEY Jerry C. 2651 2593 57 2814 2919 105
15 BRUCE Ommer 2425 2383 42 2519 2540 21
16 BARAFF David 1981 1956 25 2144 2223 79
17 DAVIS Andrew 2369 2522 152 2067 1861 206
18 WEINGARTEN Solomon (Sol) 2423 2455 32 2098 2029 69
19 BERTHOUD Josef C. 3104 2803 301 3532 3239 293
20 MAYCHROWITZ Matthew 2540 2540 0 2612 2474 138
21 THORNE Casey 2745 2655 90 2743 2577 167
22 JEFFERIES Jonathan 2364 2345 19 1936 1931 6
23 SHELBY Robert 1952 1972 20 2566 2339 226
24 LEONARDINI Barry M 1664 1698 33 1380 1329 51
25 ZIEBART Jeremy (JJ) 2567 2515 53 2500 2079 421
26 LIPTON Michael 2011 1982 30 1764 1743 21
27 CHEN Steve 1917 1710 207 2051 1865 186


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.