Leap Year Open-Colorado Cup #3

Senior Mixed Épée

Sunday, March 1, 2020 at 3:00 PM

Fencing Academy of Denver - Littleton, CO, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 BLYTH Jourdain 2927 2901 27 3752 3788 36
2 SHUGART Henry 3116 3128 12 3452 3454 1
3 SMITH Jackson 2762 2771 9 2793 2807 14
3 WALSH Kevin 2674 2686 12 2864 2905 42
5 BRANDRETH Garret 2839 2862 23 3060 3057 3
6 MILLETT Seamus 2738 2776 38 2305 2397 92
7 KAJI Ty 2558 2576 19 2589 2596 8
8 LI Patrick 2292 2335 44 2434 2479 45
9 ALTMAN Jeff 2953 2901 52 2977 2966 11
10 STRAUSS Luke 2367 2377 10 2688 2671 18
11 ALAIMO Charles 2832 2811 21 3089 3068 20
12 HOLDERNESS Landon 2663 2636 27 2592 2576 16
13 COLE Matthew 2281 2303 22 1875 1859 16
14 SOLTER Kai 2396 2383 13 2301 2292 10
15 ERKENBECK Nathan 2103 2127 24 1931 2037 106
16 EYMAN Hans 2229 2218 11 2424 2411 14
18 BURCH Tristan 1941 1987 45 1848 1774 74
19 SATTERFIELD Donald 1917 1959 42 1946 1914 32
20 BARON Sabina 2365 2343 22 2626 2574 51
21 LESSARD Luc 1591 1577 14 1533 1513 20
22 EBELL Ivan 2058 2038 20 2144 2135 9
23 COFFEY Jacob 2212 2188 24 2101 2087 14
24 DAVIS Emma 1841 1839 2 1988 1934 54
25 DAVIS Greg 1441 1361 80 1509 1505 3
26 GIOVAGNOLI Nolan 2155 1827 327 2262 2000 261


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.