TMFC - Open & Cadet Foil

Senior Mixed Foil

Saturday, March 27, 2021 at 4:00 PM

Tim Morehouse Fencing Club - Port Chester, NY, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 ZHANG Henry C. 3052 3063 11 3374 3402 28
2 LI Richard 3076 3085 9 3406 3407 1
3 YEROKHIN Michael N. 2923 2912 11 3049 3062 13
3 BAE Kevin 2961 2961 0 3058 3055 4
5 GRIGORIEV Eduard 3319 3382 63 3036 3050 14
6 WANG Gerald Y. 2442 2468 25 2239 2234 5
7 LEE Jacob J 2542 2551 9 2792 2792 0
8 LINALDI Alberto 2500 2771 271 2500 3083 583
9 RUSADZE Nickolas 2854 2852 2 3012 3004 8
10 FLANAGAN Catherine H. 3296 3300 5 2832 2425 407
11 FANG Sabrina 2519 2710 191 2921 2496 424
12 BOODELL Ella 2743 2739 4 2576 2411 165
13 DOCTOR Aidan L. 2685 2706 22 3104 3093 11
13 ACHILOVA Feyza 2239 2609 369 2794 2797 3
15 ACHILOV Sayid 2475 2471 4 2564 2567 3
16 BREIER Matthew F. 2972 2942 30 2868 2857 11
17 MCGILLION-MOORE Katie 2811 2643 168 2500 2079 421
18 BROWN Alexander R. 2229 2228 1 2001 1984 17
19 MCKEE Alexandra K. 2276 2145 131 2006 2000 6
20 REZA Farazi 1807 1825 18 1729 1725 4
21 JIN Dennis H. 2076 2075 1 2547 2161 386
22 ROLANDO Doc 2500 1596 904 2500 2079 421
23 GRANADOS Luis 1697 1556 141 2157 1948 209
23 CRUZ ZURITA Leonardo 2500 1700 800 2500 2079 421
25 PETERSON Dale 2279 1785 494 2079 1832 247


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.