Win/Loss Statistics

2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Victories - 23 - - - 23
Losses - 48 - - - 48
Win Ratio - 32.4% - - - 32.4%
Pool Victories - 19 - - - 19
Pool Losses - 38 - - - 38
Pool Win Ratio - 33.3% - - - 33.3%
DE Victories - 4 - - - 4
DE Losses - 10 - - - 10
DE Win Ratio - 28.6% - - - 28.6%

Note: Seasons start on August 1st and end on July 31st.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Easy wins - 8 - - - 8
Easy wins as % of wins - 34.8% - - - 34.8%
Close wins - 7 - - - 7
Close wins as % of all wins - 30.4% - - - 30.4%
Close losses - 9 - - - 9
Close losses as % of all losses - 18.8% - - - 18.8%
Big losses - 22 - - - 22
Big losses as % of all losses - 45.8% - - - 45.8%

Easy victories or big losses are those with the score difference of 4 or more touches in a pool, 7 or more touches in direct elimination, and 5 or more in veteran and youth direct elimination.
Close bouts are those with the score difference of 1 or fewer touches in a pool, 3 or fewer touches in direct elimination, or 2 or fewer touches in veteran or youth direct elimination.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Events - 10 - - - 10
Tournaments - 10 - - - 10

Competition History

CFC Foil

E & Under Mixed Foil (D1, E), June 8, 2024
Place 15 of 16, Seed 14, Not ranked, Rating U, Chesapeake Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 0:5 STANSBURY Desmond 16 U 6 OnTarget Fencing Club
Pool L 2:5 SHICK Veronika 5 E23 5 Bucks County Academy Of Fencing - West 1528 1037 15.6 22%
Pool L 4:5 MARTINEZ Saul 11 U 13 Rockville Fencing Academy
Pool L 4:5 DESHIELDS Benjamin 9 U 9 Chesapeake Fencing Club
Pool L 0:5 METZ Mason 2 E24 2
Pool W 5:4 CROWE Talia 4 E23 12 Rockville Fencing Academy 1359 1021 47.2 30%
Pool L 0:5 HOFF Brian 10 U 11 Rockville Fencing Academy
T16 L 5:15 METZ Mason 2 E24 2

CFC Foil

Unrated Mixed Foil (E1, U), May 11, 2024
Place 11 of 11, Seed 6, Not ranked, Rating U, Chesapeake Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 2:5 SIGLER-MCCANN Finian 5 U 3 Chesapeake Fencing Club
Pool L 3:5 LEE Hans 2 U 5 OnTarget Fencing Club
Pool L 1:5 CHEN Christopher 10 U 8 Tri-Weapon Fencing Club
Pool L 2:5 SAE-TUNG Kevin 8 U 2 College of William & Mary Fencing Club
T16 L 12:15 RITTERHOFF Kara 4 U 6 Chesapeake Fencing Club 1714 1594 93.3 43%

CFC Foil

E & Under Mixed Foil (D1, E), April 27, 2024
Place 12 of 18, Seed 13, Not ranked, Rating U, Chesapeake Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:2 KEVREKIDIS Domnike 15 U 18 Homewood Fencing Club 2500 966 52.6 7%
Pool L 1:5 THAN Duc 12 U 5 Fencing Sports Academy, Inc. / Bay Area Fencing Club
Pool W 5:1 ARANGO PINEDO Catalina 7 U 14 Fencing Academy of Philadelphia / Fencing Academy Of Philadelphia North 1442 1018 38.0 31%
Pool L 1:5 MOORE Addisyn 2 E24 9 OnTarget Fencing Club 1448 1056 19.3 26%
Pool L 2:5 LEE Hans 6 U 6 OnTarget Fencing Club
T16 L 0:15 LEE Hans 6 U 6 OnTarget Fencing Club

CFC Youth Foil

Y-14 Mixed Foil (U, Y14), March 23, 2024
Place 13 of 17, Seed 9, Not ranked, Rating U, Chesapeake Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:1 BACON Thomas 16 U 17 Chesapeake Fencing Club
Pool W 5:2 PERRY Evan 12 U 10 Chesapeake Fencing Club
Pool W 5:2 PANTZER Daniel 17 U 15 Chesapeake Fencing Club
Pool L 2:5 BLANKS Campbell 1 E23 3 Chesapeake Fencing Club 1163 1078 36.7 45%
Pool L 2:5 WEBER Andrew 5 U 5 Chesapeake Fencing Club
Pool L 4:5 DEBERNARDO Christopher 13 U 3 Chesapeake Fencing Club
Pool L 3:5 XU Hanna 8 U 9 Chesapeake Fencing Club 881 1042 37.2 58%
Pool L 3:5 DZIWULSKI Elisabeth Claire 4 U 2 Chesapeake Fencing Club 989 1004 38.7 51%
T16 L 3:15 BRINEGAR Brett 3 U 1 Chesapeake Fencing Club

CFC Foil

Senior Mixed Foil (C2, SNR), March 9, 2024
Place 22 of 25, Seed 17, Not ranked, Rating U, Chesapeake Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 1:5 LIAO Olivia 9 E23 2 Chesapeake Fencing Club 2044 1047 7.0 6%
Pool L 1:5 GORDON Jacob 1 B23 8 Chesapeake Fencing Club
Pool L 3:5 YELOVICH Alan 16 U 18 Homewood Fencing Club
Pool W 5:4 WESTGATE Rebecca 24 U 17 Savage Fencing Club 1024 1040 38.5 51%
Pool L 1:5 COSSROW Alex 6 E24 9 Fencing Academy Of Philadelphia North
Pool L 0:5 KING Joshua 25 U 14 OnTarget Fencing Club
T32 L 0:15 SHEA William 5 D21 13 Savage Fencing Club

F.A.P. North Youth 10,12,14 Foils

Unrated Y-14 Mixed Foil (U, Y14), March 3, 2024
Place 16 of 18, Seed 13, Not ranked, Rating U, Chesapeake Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 3:5 ZHANG Ethan 6 U 3 Medeo Fencing Club
Pool W 5:4 GIBSON Leia 16 U 17 Fencing Academy Of Philadelphia North / Fencing Academy Of Philadelphia 355 1034 15.0 84%
Pool L 2:5 MOGCK Evan 1 U 5 Fencing Academy Of Philadelphia
Pool L 0:5 SHAW Eric 7 U 1 V Fencing Club
Pool L 2:5 JOHNSON Julia 12 U 11 Fencing Academy Of Philadelphia 2948 1049 1.9 2%
T32 W 15:3 GIBSON Leia 16 U 17 Fencing Academy Of Philadelphia North / Fencing Academy Of Philadelphia 1339 1515 78.8 58%
T16 L 3:15 MOGCK Evan 1 U 5 Fencing Academy Of Philadelphia

CFC Foil Women's U

Unrated Women's Foil (U, U), February 25, 2024
Place 2 of 4, Seed 3, Not ranked, Rating U, Chesapeake Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:1 ROSS Talia 1 U 3 Chesapeake Fencing Club 862 999 48.1 58%
Pool W 5:3 BENNER Noah 4 U 4 Chesapeake Fencing Club 445 1047 21.7 80%
Pool L 1:5 RITTERHOFF Kara 2 U 1 Chesapeake Fencing Club 1165 1069 47.0 44%
Pool W 5:0 ROSS Talia 1 U 3 Chesapeake Fencing Club 817 1021 37.6 62%
Pool W 5:0 BENNER Noah 4 U 4 Chesapeake Fencing Club 291 1059 13.6 87%
Pool L 4:5 RITTERHOFF Kara 2 U 1 Chesapeake Fencing Club 1207 1073 39.1 42%
T4 W 15:12 BENNER Noah 4 U 4 Chesapeake Fencing Club 1927 1495 155.3 33%
T2 L 14:15 RITTERHOFF Kara 2 U 1 Chesapeake Fencing Club 1618 1651 135.3 52%

CFC Foil Women's U

Unrated Women's Foil (U, U), January 28, 2024
Place 2 of 4, Seed 3, Not ranked, Rating U, Chesapeake Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:2 ROSS Talia 2 U 3 Chesapeake Fencing Club 938 981 64.4 53%
Pool W 5:0 ADEKEYE Anjolaoluwa 4 U 4 Chesapeake Fencing Club 96 1045 12.2 92%
Pool L 3:5 RITTERHOFF Kara 1 U 1 Chesapeake Fencing Club 1113 1057 58.5 47%
T4 W 15:6 ROSS Talia 2 U 3 Chesapeake Fencing Club 1449 1572 151.9 55%
T2 L 12:15 RITTERHOFF Kara 1 U 1 Chesapeake Fencing Club 1409 1724 228.8 65%

CFC Foil Women's U

Unrated Women's Foil (E1, U), December 17, 2023
Place 4 of 6, Seed 5, Not ranked, Rating U, Chesapeake Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:4 SHAPIRO Lila 2 U 2 Chesapeake Fencing Club 1223 1086 112.0 43%
Pool L 4:5 ROSS Talia 4 U 5 Chesapeake Fencing Club 907 1198 127.6 66%
Pool L 3:5 RITTERHOFF Kara 1 U 3 Chesapeake Fencing Club 1053 1070 88.6 51%
Pool L 4:5 MOORE Addisyn 6 U 1 OnTarget Fencing Club 1387 981 44.8 27%
Pool W 5:4 BENNER Noah 3 U 6 Chesapeake Fencing Club 615 937 44.0 67%
T8 W 15:10 ROSS Talia 4 U 5 Chesapeake Fencing Club 1832 1572 320.2 40%
T4 L 1:15 MOORE Addisyn 6 U 1 OnTarget Fencing Club 1733 1892 319.9 58%

CFC Foil Women's U

Unrated Women's Foil (E1, U), November 12, 2023
Place 7 of 9, Seed 1, Not ranked, Rating U, Chesapeake Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 2:5 WESTGATE Rebecca 9 U 5 Savage Fencing Club 2500 2500 420.5 50%
Pool L 1:5 BLANKS Campbell 8 U 1 Chesapeake Fencing Club 1101 2079 857.3 85%
Pool W 5:4 RITTERHOFF Kara 3 U 6 Chesapeake Fencing Club 979 1222 208.9 62%
Pool L 0:5 BERGMANN Beatrix 2 U 3 Savage Fencing Club 1165 1431 276.5 63%
Pool W 5:2 NESTERUK Hope 5 U 8 Savage Fencing Club 818 1155 110.7 67%
Pool W 5:2 WILDER Katina 7 U 9 Savage Fencing Club 668 1265 66.3 77%
Pool L 3:5 STENSON Alyssa 6 U 3 Savage Fencing Club 1161 1332 151.2 59%
Pool L 1:5 MOORE Addisyn 4 U 2 OnTarget Fencing Club 1396 1180 94.8 38%
T8 L 4:15 BLANKS Campbell 8 U 1 Chesapeake Fencing Club 1608 2500 928.2 80%