Win/Loss Statistics

2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Victories - 14 - - - 14
Losses - 32 - - - 32
Win Ratio - 30.4% - - - 30.4%
Pool Victories - 12 - - - 12
Pool Losses - 25 - - - 25
Pool Win Ratio - 32.4% - - - 32.4%
DE Victories - 2 - - - 2
DE Losses - 7 - - - 7
DE Win Ratio - 22.2% - - - 22.2%

Note: Seasons start on August 1st and end on July 31st.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Easy wins - 4 - - - 4
Easy wins as % of wins - 28.6% - - - 28.6%
Close wins - 3 - - - 3
Close wins as % of all wins - 21.4% - - - 21.4%
Close losses - 4 - - - 4
Close losses as % of all losses - 12.5% - - - 12.5%
Big losses - 11 - - - 11
Big losses as % of all losses - 34.4% - - - 34.4%

Easy victories or big losses are those with the score difference of 4 or more touches in a pool, 7 or more touches in direct elimination, and 5 or more in veteran and youth direct elimination.
Close bouts are those with the score difference of 1 or fewer touches in a pool, 3 or fewer touches in direct elimination, or 2 or fewer touches in veteran or youth direct elimination.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Events - 8 - - - 8
Tournaments - 6 - - - 6

Competition History

MI Division Epee 2024 Championships

Y-14 Mixed Épée (U, Y14), June 15, 2024
Place 11 of 12, Seed 9, Not ranked, Rating U, Traverse City Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 2:5 NEVEAU Alex 1 D24 3 Traverse City Fencing Club
Pool L 2:5 KANNER Cedric 8 U 6 Traverse City Fencing Club
Pool L 2:5 BROUGHAM Brice 5 U 3 Grand Rapids Fencing Academy
Pool L 4:5 CHAVEZ Beatrix 12 U 10 Plymouth/Ann Arbor Fencing Academy 613 955 52.3 71%
Pool L 1:5 STREETER Oliver 4 U 5 Grand Rapids Fencing Academy
T16 L 9:15 KANNER Cedric 8 U 6 Traverse City Fencing Club

MI Division Epee 2024 Championships

Y-12 Mixed Épée (U, Y12), June 15, 2024
Place 1 of 4, Seed 1, Not ranked, Rating U, Traverse City Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:3 NORTH Ella 4 U 3 Traverse City Fencing Club 609 906 24.3 67%
Pool W 5:3 CHAVEZ Beatrix 2 U 2 Plymouth/Ann Arbor Fencing Academy 650 930 24.7 67%
Pool W 5:3 MEISER Charlie 3 U 3 Grand Rapids Fencing Academy
T4 W 15:6 MEISER Charlie 3 U 3 Grand Rapids Fencing Academy
T2 W 15:12 CHAVEZ Beatrix 2 U 2 Plymouth/Ann Arbor Fencing Academy 1658 904 327.4 16%

Motor City SYC

Y-14 Women's Épée (C2, Y14), April 6, 2024
Place 35 of 38, Seed 30, Not ranked, Rating U, Traverse City Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 1:5 TAM Connie 5 83 D24 15 1780 906 8.8 8%
Pool L 2:5 ANEZIOKORO Zahra 8 89 D24 9 Windy City Fencing-Chicago 1514 897 15.5 16%
Pool L 2:5 ECONOMAKIS Anthea 35 U 23 Escrime Du Lac 1727 881 10.9 15%
Pool W 5:3 YANG Angela 20 U 30 832 871 38.6 52%
Pool L 2:5 CAI Yiyi (Phoebe) 17 D23 8 2092 909 3.3 3%
T64 L 9:15 YANG Angela 20 U 30 1472 1021 116.8 27%

Queen City Cup

Y-14 Women's Épée (U, Y14), March 10, 2024
Place 6 of 7, Seed 6, Not ranked, Rating U, Traverse City Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 3:5 WORTHINGTON Isabella 7 U 2 Traverse City Fencing Club 830 909 61.2 55%
Pool L 1:5 SCHMITT Harper 1 30 B23 1 Escrime Du Lac 2014 848 4.9 3%
Pool L 2:5 AHMAD Sophia 4 U 3 Hooked On Fencing 1137 843 34.2 32%
Pool W 5:3 CHAVEZ Beatrix 2 U 7 Plymouth/Ann Arbor Fencing Academy 722 808 44.0 55%
Pool L 3:5 KANE Alexa 5 U 3 Ataba Fencing Club 1613 852 12.7 11%
Pool W 5:4 WELLS Aenea 3 U 5 Indianapolis Fencing Club 1201 840 66.1 29%
T8 L 7:15 WORTHINGTON Isabella 7 U 2 Traverse City Fencing Club 1191 1287 266.1 55%

Queen City Cup

Y-12 Women's Épée (U, Y12), March 9, 2024
Place 5 of 6, Seed 5, Not ranked, Rating U, Traverse City Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 3:5 JEANBAPTISTE Lauren 6 U 1 Bronzeville Fencing Academy 1319 1047 48.8 35%
Pool L 4:5 AHMAD Sophia 1 U 3 Hooked On Fencing 1192 998 52.1 38%
Pool W 5:1 BANNISTER Reilly 2 U 6 Peoria Fencing Academy 125 946 16.0 89%
Pool L 1:5 HUFF Elizabeth 4 U 3 Escrime Du Lac 1353 962 34.6 28%
Pool L 1:5 KANE Alexa 3 U 2 Ataba Fencing Club 1632 927 18.4 13%
T8 L 11:15 AHMAD Sophia 1 U 3 Hooked On Fencing 1679 1560 272.5 45%

GRAFA Winter Cup, D & Under\Youth Epee and Foil

Unrated Y-14 Mixed Épée (U, Y14), December 16, 2023
Place 5 of 9, Seed 1, Not ranked, Rating U, Traverse City Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:4 CHAVEZ Beatrix 6 U 8 Plymouth/Ann Arbor Fencing Academy 810 907 83.7 56%
Pool L 0:5 TRUSEVICH Kate 8 U 3 Grand Rapids Fencing Academy 1486 990 41.8 23%
Pool W 5:3 ZENO Vivian 5 U 7 Grand Rapids Fencing Academy 1157 949 97.9 38%
Pool L 1:5 STREETER Oliver 9 U 2 Grand Rapids Fencing Academy
T8 L 4:15 JERDEE Colton 4 U 3 Traverse City Fencing Club

GRAFA RYC & Y8\RJCC\ROC\Vet - Third Coast Cup

Y-12 Women's Épée (U, Y12), September 23, 2023
Place 5 of 10, Seed 9, Not ranked, Rating U, Traverse City Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:3 CAI Melody 8 U 3 Fencing Center Of Chicago 2500 971 228.2 8%
Pool W 5:1 BROSKY Marie 1 U 9 Cyranos Place 413 1199 43.5 85%
Pool L 3:5 KRAVCHENKO Tatyana 5 U 2 Windy City Fencing-Chicago 876 1243 186.1 70%
Pool L 4:5 CHAVEZ Beatrix 4 U 7 Plymouth/Ann Arbor Fencing Academy 745 1057 149.9 68%
T8 L 7:15 CAI Melody 8 U 3 Fencing Center Of Chicago 2500 1699 138.8 25%

Motor City RYC / RJCC

Y-12 Women's Épée (U, Y12), September 10, 2023
Place 9 of 11, Seed 10, Not ranked, Rating U, Traverse City Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 2:5 YANG Eleanor 8 U 6 1438 2500 1038.1 85%
Pool L 3:5 FRANGER Macy 1 3 C23 1 Escrime Du Lac 2038 1462 166.1 24%
Pool L 0:5 TISMENSKY Avital 3 34 U 5 Windy City Fencing-Chicago 1568 1296 194.9 36%
Pool W 5:1 BROSKY Marie 9 U 11 Cyranos Place 642 1101 114.9 71%
Pool L 2:5 KRAVCHENKO Tatyana 5 U 7 Windy City Fencing-Chicago 919 1216 244.7 66%
T16 L 14:15 YIN Melody 6 U 8 1774 2500 801.3 75%