2024 TCFC June Challenges

Mixed Épée

Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 2:00 PM

Twin Cities Fencing Club - St. Paul, MN, USA



# Name Pool Strength DE Strength
Before After Change Before After Change
1 XIONG Angelica 2515 2518 3 3213 3399 186
2 ROWLAND Marsden 1960 1973 14 1917 1995 78
3 SIEDOW William 1967 1993 26 2059 2079 20
3 TOLLEFSON Zachary 2256 2264 8 2476 2502 26
5 VEZMAR Evan 2560 2543 16 2758 2733 25
6 OZANNE Jeffrey 2089 2082 6 2085 2124 39
7 BISSEN Quinn 2010 1990 20 2307 2338 30
8 SHOEMAKER Oliver 1449 1449 0 1608 1721 112
9 ROBBINS Christopher 2216 2268 52 2629 2524 105
10 LIMER Avi 2244 2258 15 2614 2537 77
11 JORGENSEN Kjirsten 1697 1701 4 1827 1850 23
12 BUKOWSKI Lillian 1860 1881 21 1947 1971 24
13 SIEDOW Jeffrey 1775 1769 6 1590 1693 102
14 HALULA Frank 1222 1313 91 1201 1537 337
15 PEICHEL Timothy (Tim) T. 2500 1474 1026 2500 1761 739
16 FRALEY Orion 1114 1106 8 1595 1708 113
17 SMITH Bram 1198 1263 65 1337 1285 52
18 NWOKOCHA Chizoro 1856 1872 17 1832 1664 168
19 HONEK Kyle 1540 1551 11 1763 1627 136
20 BUKOWSKI Bryan 2500 1649 851 2500 1552 948
21 TOEWS Jackson 1551 1418 133 1796 1667 129
22 RUBIN Josh 2500 1015 1485 2500 1578 922
23 MOHAMED Siham 1727 1662 65 1292 1197 95
24 MOHAMED Sara 1268 1246 22 1480 1399 81
25 MATCHINSKI Alex 2500 1257 1243 2500 1786 714
26 JORGENSEN Rebekah 2500 1669 831 2500 2277 223


If DE strength numbers aren't shown, this means that the person didn't fence in direct elimination.