Win/Loss Statistics

2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Victories - - - - 6 6
Losses - - - - 21 21
Win Ratio - - - - 22.2% 22.2%
Pool Victories - - - - 6 6
Pool Losses - - - - 17 17
Pool Win Ratio - - - - 26.1% 26.1%
DE Victories - - - - - -
DE Losses - - - - 4 4
DE Win Ratio - - - - 0.0% 0.0%

Note: Seasons start on August 1st and end on July 31st.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Easy wins - - - - 1 1
Easy wins as % of wins - - - - 16.7% 16.7%
Close wins - - - - 1 1
Close wins as % of all wins - - - - 16.7% 16.7%
Close losses - - - - 4 4
Close losses as % of all losses - - - - 19.0% 19.0%
Big losses - - - - 9 9
Big losses as % of all losses - - - - 42.9% 42.9%

Easy victories or big losses are those with the score difference of 4 or more touches in a pool, 7 or more touches in direct elimination, and 5 or more in veteran and youth direct elimination.
Close bouts are those with the score difference of 1 or fewer touches in a pool, 3 or fewer touches in direct elimination, or 2 or fewer touches in veteran or youth direct elimination.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Events - - - - 4 4
Tournaments - - - - 4 4

Competition History

The Fencing Center RYC

Y-10 Men's Foil (U, Y10), September 13, 2019
Place 28 of 28, Seed 23, Not ranked, Rating U, Le Club Touche
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 0:5 PORPORA Oliver 8 U 18 San Francisco Fencers Club 2500 1626 15.6 20%
Pool D 1:5 CHOI Ethan 1 4 U 1 Golubitsky Fencing Center 2642 1610 8.2 5%
Pool D 1:5 MORROW Brenden 14 U 12 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 2017 1602 30.3 26%
Pool D 0:5 MANIKTALA Suvir 9 U 15 Academy Of Fencing Masters (afm) 1640 1572 48.7 46%
Pool D 2:5 DERRICK Blake 17 U 8 Academy Of Fencing Masters (afm) 2284 1523 13.8 12%
Pool D 3:5 CHUN Dashel 16 U 20 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 1425 1509 50.8 55%
T32 D 4:10 UHLIG Cole 27 U 6 Academy Of Fencing Masters (afm) 1868 1492 168.8 32%

Back to School RYC

Y-10 Men's Foil (U, Y10), August 31, 2019
Place 18 of 43, Seed 17, Not ranked, Rating U, Le Club Touche
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:2 KIM Benjamin 26 U 34 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 1725 1485 98.7 37%
Pool V 5:2 RAUTUREAU Arthur 43 U 32 North Bay Fencing Academy 1620 1583 74.3 48%
Pool V 5:1 ZHANG Jayden 32 U 28 Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) 1938 1658 95.9 34%
Pool D 3:5 TULYAG Azim 12 U 5 Fresno Fencing Academy 2139 1753 38.1 28%
Pool D 4:5 GORDON William L. 3 U 17 Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) 1374 1715 89.7 70%
T32 D 9:10 YUE Jackson 37 U 15 Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) 1850 1774 282.0 47%

Silicon Valley RYC

Y-10 Men's Foil (U, Y10), March 29, 2019
Place 36 of 41, Seed 16, Not ranked, Rating U, LE CLUB TOUCHE
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool D 4:5 WU Alber Y. 31 U 24 Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) 1846 1777 135.7 46%
Pool V 5:2 TSAGAAN Arthur 38 U 38 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 1658 1642 98.7 49%
Pool D 2:5 SONG Beckett 9 U 26 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 1824 1740 99.5 46%
Pool D 1:5 KANG Anthony Jaegu 4 23 U 5 Massialas Foundation (m Team) 2625 1641 19.8 7%
Pool D 3:5 RASMUSSEN Sage 34 U 9 En Garde Fencing - California 2086 1621 53.3 25%
Pool D 4:5 TALWALKAR Vedant 32 U 16 California Fencing Academy 1658 1568 83.0 45%
T64 D 5:10 SISINNI Riccardo 35 U 29 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 2500 1955 181.1 33%

TFC Downtown RYC

Y-10 Men's Foil (U, Y10), March 8, 2019
Place 25 of 32, Seed 9, Not ranked, Rating U, Le Club Touche
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool V 5:2 CHUNG Chanwon 22 U 32 Golden Gate Fencing Center 975 2500 102.9 92%
Pool D 3:5 SHEN Oliver 18 U 12 Massialas Foundation (m Team) 2718 2603 431.1 45%
Pool D 1:5 NGAI Julian 29 U 9 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 2286 2172 298.9 45%
Pool D 0:5 ZHANG Jiening G. 2 18 U 1 California Fencing Academy 2571 1873 113.8 19%
Pool D 3:5 LAM Nicolas 32 U 24 Academy Of Fencing Masters (afm) 1658 1759 247.7 55%
Pool V 5:4 WU Alber Y. 12 U 23 Academy Of Fencing Masters (afm) 1910 1511 266.1 30%
T32 D 7:10 CORTRIGHT Skipper (Matthew) 25 U 6 Le Club Touche / V Fencing Club 2468 2500 545.1 51%