Strength Ranking

Men's Sabre, Birth Year 2003

Rank Name Strength Conservative
Cons. Est.*
1 BenAvram, Lev 3811 3554 3 A24
2 Anglade, Ronald 3811 3527 5 A23
3 Williams, Nolan 3722 3448 6 A22
4 Kushkov, Simon 3727 3442 8 A23
5 Harvey, Nicholas 3688 3393 9 A22
6 Marouf, Eyad 3862 3335 - B23
7 Zhou, Matthew 3447 3167 12 A21
8 Lo, Joshua 3370 3072 - A22
9 Hussain, Faaris 3336 3034 - A21
10 Rai, Avin 3295 3015 - B22
11 Gefell, Andrew 3287 3013 39 B24
12 Morreale, John 3258 2968 - B21
13 Luebbe, Macklan C 3196 2884 12 B24
14 Czaha, Balint 3173 2860 - C21
15 Erachshaw, Taras 3191 2842 1 C24
16 Mahoney, Colin 3150 2835 - B21
17 Smith, Mitchell 3167 2808 - B21
18 Brar, Sanjeet 3065 2786 - B21
19 Auray, Phileas 3186 2744 38 B23
20 Liu, Jonathan 3026 2706 - C22
21 Harris, Alex 3030 2703 - C22
22 Ni Amen, Zahir 3056 2677 - B21
23 Ho, Ian 3786 2672 - A23
24 Yen, Preston 2911 2647 - B23
25 Owens, William 3027 2629 - E23
26 Maguire, Matthew 2914 2605 - C22
27 Lasorsa, Matthew 2889 2594 - D23
28 Dillree, Spencer 2924 2576 11 C24
29 Hong, Rubin 2909 2553 232 A24
30 Flores, Peter 2894 2530 - C23
31 Miller, Levi 2949 2511 - B22
32 Pedersen, Leif 2899 2502 - D23
33 Murzyn, CJ 2789 2468 2 C22
34 Gilmore, Thomas 2838 2428 - E23
35 Blinkov, Andrey 2815 2355 - D23
36 Covington, Max 2632 2329 - C21
37 Gaffney, John 2656 2314 - C23
38 Guay-Tardif, Xavier 2874 2307 - B24
39 Tang, Albert 2673 2293 - U
40 Bauer, Hank 2441 2145 83 C24
41 York, Andrew 2609 2135 - C23
42 Lyon, Drew 2553 2062 44 D24
43 Tsodikov, Matthew 2426 2056 9 E24
44 Ballou, Johnathan 2364 2029 50 D24
45 Norris, Roman 3055 2018 416 B24
46 Calkins, William 2647 2009 - E23
47 Jackson, Evan 2440 2002 192 D24

* The ranking is determined by the conservative estimate of the strength, which reduces uncertainty about the ratings to about 1%. Only athletes with estimates over 2000 and whose ratings are reasonably certain are included on this list.